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.”“What the fuck do you know?” Shadow turned on Law.He was angry.Lawless made him feel stupid and it pissed him off.He wanted to fight.He wanted to beat someone until they felt as shitty as he did and Law was the only one around.“I remember Moose and Ink bitching over that shit.Even painted that fucking room for Katie.You did too, but here you are not giving two shits about your own goddamned kid.You are one sorry piece of shit Shad.What the fuck happened to you? That is a good fucking woman you got and what do you do? Leave her on her own.Fucking pussy.”“Fuck you Law.What the hell do you know? You talk a good game.Always ready to fuck someone up, but who gets called when people need to die? ME! I’m a fucking killer and it’s all I know how to do so don’t tell me what a piece of shit I am, I know what I am.What the hell kind of father could I be?”“A damned good one if you want to be, but you gotta want it.”Lawless leaned against the bar as if he hadn’t a care in the world.He pointed his beer at Shadow.“You sell yourself short.You are a mean fucker and you do some weird shit, but you aren’t as cold as you want everybody to think.” He took a long pull off his beer.“If you were, you wouldn’t give a shit what kind of father you’d make.You’d just fuck that woman and not give a damn.” He let that sink in for a minute before he spoke again.“Go the fuck home and take care of your woman the way she took care of you when you went ape shit.Bring her back and she will show you how to be a father.”He took a long drink of his beer.“And don’t fucking call me to put shit together.”Shadow felt his anger drain away.Lawless was a sadistic bastard.Shadow had watched him carve people up and laugh like a demon while he did it, but damned if he didn’t make sense sometimes and the man cared for Lacey.Shadow nodded and stood just as the door banged open.29Lacey was pissed.Something wasn’t right today.She had woken up all alone and for some reason that had just pissed her off.Then there was nothing to eat that appealed to her so she had snapped at Mike and when she had turned to stomp out of the room she had stumped her toe on the corner of the cabinet.To say she was more than grouchy was and understatement.Trader tried to entertain her, but she bit his head off and when she found Shadow’s shirt lying on the floor she started bawling like a baby.Why had her life been so shitty? It had started out so well.Seemed like every time good things happened, bad things overtook them like a flood.She was tired of it.She was tired of living like a piece of furniture.She wanted a real life and she wanted to be loved.She pulled off her clothes and stepped into the shower.She was done.She couldn’t live like this another minute.She had to get the hell out of this house and she had to do it that day.She scrubbed her hair and shaved her legs.She was leaving, but she would see Shadow first.She would tell him that she loved him and that she would always.She would tell him that if he ever thought he could love her that he could find her, but she would not spend one more day in his house like a prisoner.She finished her shower and dried her hair.She dressed carefully in a feminine maternity dress that she felt pretty in.She applied her makeup and nodded to her reflection.Now she just had to get past Mark and Trader.Lacey walked into the living room to find Trader lounging on her couch.He looked up and his face showed his surprise before it changed to disapproval.“Where the fuck do you think you’re goin’?”“Where ever the fuck I want to.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.“Mike? We may have a problem here.” He yelled and Mike stepped into the room.His frown was lightning quick and he shook his head.“No.You can’t leave this house and you know it.”Lacey narrowed her eyes and glared at him.“I can and I will.I could call the sheriff.”Mike raised his brows.“I want to go to the club house and if that doesn’t go well, I may want to go somewhere else, but I am leaving this house.”Mike pulled out his phone and dialed.He narrowed his eyes when he got no answer.“This isn’t a good idea Lacey.Shadow will kick my ass.You want me hurt over this shit Lacey, ‘cause he will hurt me?”Lacey didn’t want anyone hurt.Her face fell and she felt tears fill her eyes.“I just want to get out of here.Please, just take me to the clubhouse.”Mike closed his eyes.“Alright Lacey.I’ll drive you.”Lacey felt a sense of excitement for the first time in weeks.She smiled and hugged Mike and then Trader so he didn’t feel left out.She grabbed her purse and a coat and walked to her car.Mike tried his phone three more times with no luck.Lacey assumed he was trying to call Shadow, but got no answer.That was strange.They arrived at the clubhouse and found it quiet which was not unusual for the afternoon in the middle of the week.She climbed from the car and started toward the door.“Lacey hang on.Something’s not right.I can’t get anybody on the phone.” Mike said and Lacey felt her blood run cold.Something was not right.She ran for the door with Mike right behind her and that’s when the first shots rang out.30Shadow felt fear run through him as he saw Lacey fall to the floor as bullets ripped into the clubhouse.The thick concreate walls protected the room, but the door stood open and Lacey lay on the floor.He scrambled across the floor only to find Lawless at his side.They shoved the heavy door closed and tugged Mike off Lacey [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]