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.But I slid it back into the leather holster anyway."What do you want?" I asked warily without turning or slowing."The wallet," he said simply.He was closer now, two feet to my right.It was a moment before I worked out that he wanted me to give him the wallet I'd found on the guy with the knife."Why?""I have contacts in law enforcement.I'll find out everything I can about your would-be assassin.""I thought you couldn't get."Aiden interrupted me."He was human.He shouldn't have been here in the first place."He was right about that.So I fished the wallet out of my pocket, turned and gave it to him.The less work I had to do, the better.I could tell by the question in his eyes that he wanted to say something.Thankfully the priestesses' noisy exit from the club saved me from having to hear it.A silver BMW sedan pulled up in front of them.I murmured a parting word to Aiden then ran forward in my squeaky shoes.The women were still fighting when I appeared on the opposite side of the car.".too good.But you're not," Talise was saying in an irritated tone."You're no greater than any of the rest of us."Morrígan's gaze slowly switched from the Water witch to where I stood quietly waiting to be noticed."I would prefer you not get in the car," she said calmly, I assumed, for my benefit.It confused the Water witch until she'd glanced around and caught sight of me."Oh! I thought the bitch had chased you off.Go ahead, get in."I did, knowing Morrígan was going to be upset.But I needed information now that she'd killed the guy that had it.I didn't owe her anything.Talise said something else to the Fire priestess that I couldn't hear before opening her door and ducking her head beneath the roof to join me.Her lover dropped into the passenger seat with a score of jerky movements.Before their driver had a chance to put the vehicle in drive the Water witch pulled me against her chest for another showy kiss, no doubt for Morrígan's benefit.I was let go once we'd reached a block away.That was when I clearly stated, "Just so we're clear, the kissing was only for show."She nodded her head of white hair."She's right.I'm not into women.Though I might change my mind." The witch gave me a playful wink."So you want to know about who was pulling Escobar's strings."My relief was a little too evident on my face.I hoped she didn't get insulted by it.Maybe if I stuck to business she wouldn't have a chance."Yes, anything you can tell me will help.""Whoever it is has to be powerful because Escobar never would have willingly betrayed me." Her head turned away from me to hide the glittering moisture that was building in the edges of her pale eyes."I'm sorry for your loss," I told her truthfully.If this man had been manipulated somehow then it made his death far more upsetting."Thank you.And thank you for healing me.All of me." She was crying fully now."Can I.do you think I can have children now?"I couldn't simply say yes because I knew how these things worked."You'll have a far better chance.But you'll need to do it quickly and you'll need to be very, very cautious once you've conceived.Fate has a way of making things go her way even if I intervene."I really hoped the child Talise conceived didn't turn out to be the Anti-Christ.It would be just my luck.The priestess wiped the moisture from her eyes, weathered a few sniffles and then thankfully got down to business."Escobar began pulling away from us a month ago.He stopped calling at court." She made mention of the "court" witches held.Like Morrígan's inner sanctum at her stronghold, every coven had their own meeting place where they gathered, as royalty would have with their subjects."He didn't return our phone calls," Talise continued."We thought maybe he was having problems at home.I didn't think it was anything like this until I stopped by his place last week.He didn't answer so I checked the windows in the bedroom in case he was sleeping.The place was trashed."That ain't normal.Escobar is meticulously neat," she paused to tell me.I bit my tongue at the present tense she'd used."So I called him into court.All he could say was that he was working toward a better world.And that I needed to give him space.No one tells me they need space and gets away with it," she said fiercely."I had him tailed.He was going in and out of the Dungeon at all hours.We tried to make him tell us who he was visiting but he insisted we had the wrong person and that he hadn't actually been there at all.The only thing we got was the tail caught him going to a warehouse down off the harbor twice just before.well," her voice trailed off without finishing the statement."Did anyone try going into it?""Yes," she nodded.Her eyes were thankfully completely dry now."They got shot at.I didn't think it was important enough to risk sending anyone else in."I would risk it.Eager for a new lead I asked, "Can you give me the address?""Sure." She gestured to Gerard to do the honors.Her lover seemed to be irritated with me but he tried to find paper and a pen anyway.I hoped he didn't try to sabotage this by giving me the wrong address.Something Morrígan had said made me think to ask another question."So even though you hang out at the Dungeon a bit, you don't know who owns it?"Talise held my eyes as she replied, "The ownership is very hush hush [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]