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.“Please tell me she’s pretty.” Bryce begged.“And dark hair.”“Why dark hair?” It was an odd request that I’ve never really heard from him before.“I don’t want to be with anyone that reminds me of my mother, no offense.”“None taken.” She said.“Well—” My mother began.“I suppose some would call it Fate that she does have dark hair.Black even.”“Yes! The darkest!”“Adele! Don’t help push it!”“I’m not but look how excited he is.Don’t you like to see him happy?”“Yeah, mother.Don’t you want to see me happy?”“Of course, I do sweetheart but these reasons still make me uncomfortable.”Troy leaned in and rubbed her back.“You know you can’t stop him from growing up.He’s going to be one in just over a year.”“I know and I still can’t believe it.”“I won’t be going away or anything, mother.We’ll still see each other.”“Except I leave in the morning and when I come back my little baby will be a man.”She started to cry and I couldn’t explain it but it always affected everyone in the room.“Oh, mother, please don’t.” Bryce got up from his chair to go around the table and hug her.“Growing up won’t affect us.I would never let it.”“Really?”“Really.You’ll always be my mother and you can see me however you want.”She hugged him for the longest time and I noticed my mother was looking across the table at me the whole time.“What?”“Don’t talk.” My father said.“Just do.”I guess I should have known and I got up to give my mother a hug too.I knew she was going to miss me.She just wasn’t really one for the mushy kind of emotions to ask for a hug but she needed one.When morning came, our mother’s left and we sat at a very quiet table for breakfast before school.“Is it going to be like this every day?” Bryce asked.“I imagine it will start out easy.” Troy said.“Like when they leave for missions for a few weeks.”“Until those weeks turn into months.” I said.“And those into a year.” Dirk added.“But it’ll all be worth it, won’t it?” Darius asked.Dirk sighed and rolled out of his chair.“I’m going to ready my horse.”I wasn’t sure if he was showing signs that he’d miss Ruby or if Darius told him about the Lana girl he said was for him but Dirk was in a mood and that was never really a good thing for anyone.“Why don’t you boys go do the same?” My father suggested.“We’ll get used to it a day at a time.”I hated that phrase but we obeyed and followed Dirk out.“Don’t say a thing to me.” Dirk said.“We weren’t going to.At least about this.”“We going to the spring today?” Bryce asked.Of course Dirk replied with an encouraging yes.“Fuck yeah.I need it after this.It’s going to be a long year and I for one intend to enjoy it.”“Then count us in.” I said.“We could use it too.”“All right then.” He finally smiled again.“We’ll inform the girls Seni’s finest are ready for love.”Bryce laughed.“How about we just keep it to the physical kind.”“That’s the best kind.”I laughed with them just so I didn’t mention anything I shouldn’t and put the mood down.This was a better one for now.None of us really wanted to think about our mothers being gone for a year but I couldn’t seem to help it.It would be the longest year of waiting for me but Darius was right.It would all be worth it because Cadence was at the end of this road I was travelling on and I would go however far just to have her.Coming soon—The Eleventh InstallmentOf The Fate’s Intent SeriesAutumn Dawn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]