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.We admire a younger man who is sitting backwards in a chair giving the camera a sultry smile.Emily clicks on galleries and then on boudoir photos.A pop up opens and we must choose one of two boxes.The first one reads, I’m eighteen and down to enter.The other says, Nope, I’m not eighteen, so I am out.We select the first and bingo we are in.I’m fascinated by what I see.These women are stunning with their hair and makeup done to perfection.Now, I understand what Emily was saying.Ty is talented and artistic.Anyone can pick up a camera and press the shutter button.These are so much more.I think the editing is what makes them so amazing, and that is done by the photographer…done by Ty.The angles and poses are perfect.I turn my head to look at him, our eyes meet and I make sure he sees the amazement in my eyes.He almost looks embarrassed.“These are incredible, Ty,” I say, making sure he hears the sincerity in my voice.“They really are, Ty.Geesh, you make these women look sick hot! You have some serious talent,” Zoey slurs to Ty.“Thank you, ladies.I’m no paramedic like these two life savers, nor can I construct a building from the ground up like Jaxon can in his spare time, but you guys can enjoy the male section as well,” Ty stands and gives Jaxon a hand shake.I think he’s leaving.“I know you both save lives, but Jaxon, you build things?” I ask looking between both of them.“I have a contractor’s license and I got the need to build from my dad.”Zoey’s still mesmerized by Ty’s website.She slurs, “No males for a bit, Mr.Caulder.We aren’t about to take our eyes off the hot chicks.Especially, the ones without tops,” Zoey says and I shake my head in agreement.Ty leans down and gives Emily a kiss on the cheek.She grabs his neck and returns the affection.Eff that! They are so damn chaste.I don’t get it.Scent–O–Ty would set me off, accompanied by the feel of his lips on my skin.I really am going to have to stop thinking dirty thoughts of him if we are going to work together.“So, Em, I’ll see you tomorrow, and Stella, I’m taking this as a yes for the job?”“Definite yes.” Intoxicated Stella is bold.“Have a good night all.” He leaves and I try to limit the sexual thoughts.Emily and I talk about what I should wear tomorrow and about the location.I learn that Ty is in a warehouse flat right in downtown.He works and lives there.She tells me to wear ballet type flats if I have them, since we will be moving all day.I’m nervous and excited.She will be there before me, and she is going to give the boss a guideline on what she thinks I can and cannot handle with limited experience.Lying down to sleep is not successful.My mind will not turn off.So many questions and worries about tomorrow, but I relax knowing Emily will be there to guide me.I will have only one day with Emily.Will that be enough?THE DRIVE TO TY’S STUDIO is only about ten minutes.As I come straight through downtown, my phone GPS instructs me to make a left into a decent sized parking lot.To the right, is an old style, brick, two story warehouse, with huge windows spanning the length of the building.It looks historical.A large retention pond with a small fountain is behind the warehouse.We call them small lakes here in Florida, it sounds better.I open a beautifully detailed glass door to enter the building.The elevator is to my right and the stairs to my left.Straightening my clothes, I check my reflection in the mirror and press the call button.The black ballet flats and my hair down are a definite yes.I’m hoping the white linen Capri pants, with the black sleeveless wrap front blouse, is appropriate for today.Stepping out of the elevator to the right is an elaborately engraved wooden door.Ty’s logo is in the center and it reads Ty Caulder Photography.On both sides of me, there are two large landscape canvas photos of an old park in Orlando.It smells really good in here, almost like a spa.God, I feel nervous.I pull open the door and step onto wooden floors.The scent that I favored in the foyer area is more pungent and pleasing in here.My eyes open like saucers.Floor length windows are to my left and right, and span as far as I can see.I’ve entered at the back of the building.I can see the errr…lake.About twenty five feet in front of me is a massive wall of curtains that hang from the ceiling.Two coffee colored curtain panels are tied together about every six feet, with beige sheer curtains behind.I say they are sheer, but you can barely make out what is beyond them.The curtain display starts at the windows to the left and ends at a wall to the right.I’m in love with the sitting area.There are several different types of chairs, a chaise and some small antique couches sitting against the walls.They are all different shapes, sizes, colors, and all are unique.I realize they are props for the photo shoots, yet when not in use, a waiting and sitting area.I turn my head to the right and Ty is sitting facing me at a huge L-shaped mahogany desk.He’s working on an Apple computer that looks like it cost more than I make in three months.There is a laptop on the desk to his right.It’s not elaborate, but a nice workstation, nonetheless.He is gauging my reaction and he pulls his eyes up and down my body.Shit, did I get the clothes right? Would he say anything if not? Now, I’m totally uncomfortable.I pick up my shoulders and chin, and walk toward him with a smile.Professional Stella, in full effect.The warm smile he gives me starts in his eyes as he stands.“Hey, you, did you find it okay?”“I did.Ty, this place is amazing,” I reply looking toward the actual studio part of the warehouse.He comes around the desk and is magnificent to look at.“We don’t have a client until noon.I was just editing some photos.Come, let me show you around.” He walks in front of me into a wide-open studio.Soft music is playing and I stop in my tracks about five steps in.There are canvas photos displayed on every wall.They are all just as breathtaking as the photos we saw on his website, but not as racy.To my immediate right, is an elaborate set up with all his photography equipment.I don’t know much, but it looks like a dream set up.Maybe a photographer’s heaven with four lights, the umbrella looking thing, and backdrops that hangs from the ceiling to the floor.My eyes scan over to the left…to a bed.Holy shit! An elaborate black headboard is against the wall with a matching nightstand to the left.The bed is made with a white down comforter and large fluffy pillows.Now I’m in the front of the building.Windows, windows, and more windows end at a wall and door.“Emily and I will be explaining the equipment to you today,” Ty’s voice pulls me back to our conversation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]