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.What was with him forcing out all the weak spots in her? So, can you get the ground to swallow you up when you want it the most??“How can I be so stupid?”“Hey! Take it easy.Here!”She quietly gulped down the glass and put it on the table.Her eyes didn’t leave the blanket all the while, as she busied herself with a lint on the sheets.Richard sat down opposite to her.He wanted to make sure he wasn’t continuing his dream, and that he was truly awake and Brooke was in his bed.That came out all wrong, even in his mind.He was dreaming of her, in his room, and something familiar to the situation that was unfurling right about now.Except the fainting part of course.He wanted to know what she was thinking, well apart from not liking that she just had to accept help from someone else.She wouldn’t even look up and he didn’t know how to start a conversation with her.“So, I guess, my presence is really repulsive or something.!”Brooke looked up.“Well, you choose to rather pass out on me, than having a conversation!”Brooke stared him, through those icy blue eyes that contained no emotions, almost.And then she smiled.A small one.And that dimple flashed and it was suddenly hard for him to breath.Great! He mentally punched himself.It was becoming increasingly difficult to be around her without feeling weird.Brooke was thankful that he didn’t ask anything about the panic attack.That hadn’t occurred for quite some years until today.She was curious as to why he had that article, but it would lead to a very disturbing conversation, and she hated that.He had been uncannily understanding of what she didn’t want to talk about, and how she didn’t want to be treated.God knew how!“Err.I wanted to apologise for, you know, sleeping off like that!”Richard laughed.It was so clear, a resonating laughter that broke through all those walls and fences and pierced through the cold heart whose beats she was wont to ignoring.She was touched.Almost literally.Unnerved and stunned, all she could do was go back to staring at the bed sheet.“Ok then! It’s almost noon.I’d drive you home.Then again, even though three’s a charm, I don’t want to find out, and have you sleeping on me again and crushing my hopes!”Brooke didn’t think.She didn’t pause to register her actions.She walked to the couch and kissed him – maybe it was the adrenaline after the hard running, or that she was still shaking after the panic attack.Or just the heady effect that his laughter had on her mind.Or the need that shot painfully through every cell in her, screaming for the world to stop for a while.She didn’t dwell on it much.Not when the warmth from his lips spread throughout her body like brandy, and sparks of electricity breathed life into her skin wherever his hands touched her.It had been so long since she felt anything at all, leave alone feeling wanted.The void that stretched inside her was swallowing her up from the inside, like a black hole as she was slowly losing the meaning of existence.She was becoming a spectator to her own life passing by, meaninglessly, each day, hiding and running around pointlessly.She wanted it to stop.She wanted a strong pillar to hold onto and stop.And that was what she felt exactly as Richard lifted her and carried her back to the bed.The world stopped its noisy interference in her mind, as she lost herself in the moment of urgent need to fill in the void.In that suspended time frame, she ceased to be the runaway twisted daughter of a murderer, the reason that so many people had suffered.She was just a girl.A woman.She tasted her salty tears on his lips, and the brush of his unshaven cheeks on her face.She ran her fingers through his tousled hair, grasping at all she could to hold on to feeling so human.In all the past flings that she had subjected herself to, in search of that elusive high of being alive, never had she experienced the depths of her depravity, the needs of her desolation in another.She felt it in his touch, in his need.It welled up inside her, and poured forth freely.Rick didn’t stop her from crying, he didn’t attempt at reassuring her.He let his warmth envelope her and lock her in a chamber with no doors to the outside world.She closed her eyes, contrary to what she did usually, and let him take over and fill in every recess, every corner of darkness within her.His clean air, and untainted essence flowed in through her and temporarily broke her ice cold slumber.Richard sat up breathing heavily.He had drifted off for a few minutes or so, but the gravity of what had just happened slapped across him even in his little nap.He stared at the sleeping form beside him.She looked so serene – sans the crude language, the anger, and the solitude.Tangled in sweat, blankets and her long mane of hair, she looked heartbreakingly vulnerable.It wasn’t like he didn’t realise what was happening between them, but, now, it was crashing down on him gradually, with a deafening noise that cut out other senses.He jogged into his bathroom and sat down to smoke.What the fuck was he thinking? Of everything he could possibly have done, he just slept with her.No hesitance, no qualms, he just gave in – as, frankly, he had wanted her that badly to give in too.She looked so irresistible in his bed, that he had been praying for her to leave before he lost his senses and did something stupid.He hadn’t expected this! Not that she would taste so undeniably sweet, that she would mould in against him so easily, with so much passion.And that it would feel so devastatingly right to hold her.He needed help.He definitely needed psychiatric help.He hoped it was the hero complex that prompted him to not hold back and kiss her back – even if that in itself was a twisted explanation.But he knew, he knew that he succumbed to what he felt for her, he wanted to know how she would taste, he wanted to stoke that fire in her and burn in it willingly.He was dying to feel her touch him, get any part of her that would come his way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]