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."Pier- Pier-" she starts to stutter but can't make out a word as I don't slow down.I can feel my balls slapping against her clit and I know she is going to come any moment.I'm going to make her come harder than she ever has before."Fuck!" She screams."This feels good, doesn't it, Cassie?""Yes!" she screams."God, yes!"I rub circles with my thumb and I can feel as Cassie starts going faster with me, wanting it hard and rough.She is being stimulated in three spots at once, and I know she feels the difference.Fuck, even I feel the difference.Her pussy starts to tighten around me just as it loosens up, it grabs at my cock once more and I release everything I have inside of her the same time her screams reverberate through the room.She falls into the couch and pump the last of what I have inside her and remove my thumb.Once we've both come down from our ecstasy-filled high, I slide myself out of Cassie and give her ass a slap.She yelps and turns her face over her shoulder to look at me.Sweat is dripping from all around her hair line and nose, and the smile she has on her face says it all."Go get dressed," I tell her with another small slap to the ass.She straightens herself so she is standing up and squints her eyes in a glare in my direction as she walks towards her room.Her skirt is still up around her waist and I get a helluva show watching her walk away from me.A mighty fine show at that."What’s with you?"Cassie looks up at me from the floor, cell phone in hand, and a few tears welling in her eyes."I'm so stressed out!"I take a few steps into her bedroom and kneel down in front of her.I haven't been by in two days because I was so pissed at her the other day.Well, at first I was pissed at her, then I was pissed at myself, then I felt like shit but knew it was best I stayed away.Now here I am, not able to any longer, because fuck this shit.I'm here for a week, and I need to spend as much time with her as I possibly can."What happened?" Fear hits me all of a sudden when I see the fact her hands are shaking almost uncontrollably."He didn't hurt you did he?""What? No.God no.My OB can only get me in this afternoon because she is going on vacation for three weeks.Its my first appointment so I want my regular doctor, she is the only one I feel comfortable with.Pierce had to head to Seattle for a job until Thursday, which means I have to go alone.I would ask Aubrey or my mom but I haven't even told them yet! I would have asked you, but." she looks down at her phone, like she is ashamed."That would just be weird.""I told you I'd go with you.I want to be your friend, Cassie.Call your doctors and set the appointment up."She looks up at me again, her eyes welling up with tears once more and she shamelessly lets a few fall down."Avery, that is a lot to ask of you, considering everything."I grab the phone out of her hand and swipe my finger across the screen.She doesn't use a password on her phone, and the screen is left at her recent call list, so it’s not hard finding her doctors number.I press the dial button and start to put the phone to my ear when she grabs it and puts it to her own.As she speaks with I assume to be the nurse, she stares me in the eye and has a small smile on her face the whole time.A grateful smile.She is grateful to me and that means something to me.She hangs up and stands up, clearing her throat and whipping at her nose with the back of her hand."Okay, we need to leave in an hour.I would like to shower first, just in case they need to do anything down there." She doesn't look at me as she rummages through her drawers, but when she walks towards the door she pauses."Thank you," she says so softly I almost don't hear, then she walks out of the room.I stand in her room a moment and just think over the last two days.First I'm licking Cassie's pussy clean, kissing her belly, being her friend, then I'm out the door headed to Austin's.We hit up a few bars and I let some random chick suck my dick in the bathroom.She kept trying to get Austin and I to both go home with her, but neither of us did.Madison was spending time with Katie, so I ended up going to my dad's to pass out, that way there would be no interference.As I lay in bed that night, all I could think about is Cassie and the fact she is pregnant.I slept like shit that night so the next day I was in a full out beast mode, and ended up attending the underground fighting.I didn't fight in it but once we got outside there was a brawl between Scott and I, then one of his buddies got involved and pulled a knife.Luckily the fucker didn't actually stab anyone.Today I thought about wasting my day away with some amber liquid and my dad, but when he told me he had a fucking date, I got on my bike and drove.I ended up here.Of course I did, where the fuck else would I end up?Cassie interrupts my thoughts when she walks back in the room, her hair hanging wet, resting on her shoulders.She brushes it out in the mirror and I watch as she throws it up into a messy bun.She spritzes some fruity perfume and turns to face me for the first time, a small smile on her face."I'm ready when you are.I'd like to stop and get a milkshake on the way if we could."I smile, unable to stop myself, and I follow her out the room.Her doctor’s office smells of sterile and musty at the same time.Its decorated in pastel colors and the waiting room is filled with girls who look like their bellies are going to rip in half.I wonder to myself if Cassie will ever get that big.I can't imagine, she is so small as is and she said she fucking lost a lot of weight already.I don't understand if she is over a month or two how she has lost, what did she say, fifteen pounds? Ridiculous.I know Pierce didn't know about the baby, but I still put him at blame.He should have figured it out by now.We sit down in the waiting room once she is done filling out papers, and we watch as different people get called one by one.The clock ticks slowly but eventually her name is called and I look to her.I can see she is anxious, so I stand with her and walk a distance behind her throw the door and into the room.I ignore the first half of the appointment because its shit I couldn't answer even if I wanted to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]