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.Your ass looks nice in that skirt.” I sit down at the long table, attach my iPod to my laptop and select the Discovery Playlist.Fiona spins around to face me and flirtatiously smiles.“My ass always looks nice.Adam, you have me until seven.”“What happens at seven?” I ask, putting on my glasses.“I’m meeting my girlfriends at a new restaurant in SoHo.Asian Fusion.We’ve had reservations for weeks.” Fiona’s smile is very straight, never turning up at the corners, but I’ve learned to decipher her levels of enthusiasm.“Then let’s get started.I printed out everything I could find on Google about Delgado, and the guy’s a real dick.”“I figured.You’re unbelievably sexy in those glasses – a nerdy girl’s fantasy.Are we using the checklist?”“Checklist.Fantasy? Tell me more.” I lean back in my chair to watch her move around the conference room.Fiona’s a cute girl accessorized by physical enhancements.She’s told me on many occasions that she was a geeky tomboy in high school, so after college she opted to improve her outward appearance.She’s smart and funny, but there’s no doubt men can’t get past her Baywatch boobs and blond hair.But I can – and her consistent, non-attached personality is exactly why we have great sex.Our casual relationship is built on trust and sexual need.Technically, we’re fuck buddies, and although I know she’s used this term on several occasions, I’m very respectful of our arrangement.I took her out for pizza a few months ago to thank her for her hard work on a particular case, but my innocent gesture quickly turned into weekly sleepovers at my place.The firm has a strict no dating policy, but we don’t date and our private time has remained completely undetected.We even developed a code phrase for our meetings, something specific, but nothing that would seem out of place in public conversation.Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Fiona’s my fuck-a-friend.I approach the whiteboard to examine the photos of Delgado’s black Ferrari.“Can you believe this guy? Why in the hell would you destroy a Ferrari on the FDR Drive?”“Because he can.Are you jealous, Adam?” Fiona laughs as she moves next to me.Even with her heels she’s like ten inches shorter than I am.“Why would I be jealous? It’s pretentious and unnecessary.” I stare at the license plate, thinking how awesome it would be to have a car like that.Actually no, I’d rather have a McLaren, extremely fast yet graceful with the charm of a British spy.Cruising along the LIE to the Hamptons.Huh.Delgado’s license plate is distracting me from my sports car daydream – holy shit, I know why.“Fiona, get me the search warrant for the Ferrari.”She scurries to the table and fishes through the first stack of papers.“Here.” Fiona shoves it at my chest and bites the corner of her lip.I place the warrant next to the enlarged photo of Delgado’s license plate and wait for her response.Her eyes move from the photo to the sheet of paper and back to the photo.“Jesus, Adam.The warrant has the wrong plate number.Do you have photographic memory or something?”“Something like that.”“Weird.” Fiona shakes her head in disbelief as she writes the plate number on the whiteboard.“Well, I’d hate to be the poor asshole who filed the paperwork.”“Everyone makes mistakes.Okay, we need to move quickly.Call Bryant at the DA’s office and alert him of our finding – the drug charges will most definitely be thrown out before we start trial.”I sit down at the table and thumb through my iTunes playlist, stopping at the Beastie Boys.Even though this warrant fuckup is great news, there’s still the undeniable fact that Delgado’s case is impossible to win.“This is good, Adam.That only leaves the hookers and the missing money.” Fiona grabs her bag and heads out the glass door to her desk.I raise the volume on my iPod and look over the files of the accused escorts.Hookers and drugs.the legal career of my dreams.Adam Ford7/22/03Re: 10:2I LIE ON the bed admiring Fiona’s perfectly purchased tits.“That bra is hot.”Fiona clasps her lacy bra and smiles.“Thanks – you bought it.”I’m puzzled.Does she have so many fuck buddies that she can’t keep us straight? “I’ve never bought you anything – aside from coffee and pizza.” Worry sets in as I anticipate an uncomfortable discussion about the future of our friendly arrangement.“Oh my god, Adam! Relax.” She rolls her eyes and continues dressing.“Technically, you didn’t buy it, but you gave me fifty dollars for gas money to drive to the Bronx for a case.I submitted the receipts for reimbursement with the firm, and I spent your money on some other things.” She smiles and playfully pinches my waist, but I’m completely annoyed – I also submitted expense receipts last week.Irritated, I stand and put on my boxers.She frowns as I cross my arms.however she brings up an interesting point.I drop my arms and say, “What if I give you fifty bucks to come over here and have sex?”Fiona’s mouth drops in horror – but now that I have her full attention I can continue.“Or how about we have consensual sex and I give you fifty bucks for gas money.Let’s call it an arrangement.One in which I offer to pay for your expenses.Besides a bra, what would you spend the money on?”Angry, Fiona takes a step back and put her hands on her hips.“I’m not sure what you’re getting at Adam, but you’re violently pissing me off.”I laugh and pull her down to the bed with me.“Hear me out.Delgado’s hookers are part of a high-end escort service, but there’s no evidence that he paid for sex.Now, I don’t need to prove whether or not he had sex with these women, he’s single and the sex was consensual – details are irrelevant.But I need to show that the money exchanged was used for things – expenses and gifts or whatever.”At this very moment, she thinks I’m a sexist asshole, but I really need her support in attempting this idea in court [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]