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.Overall he looks pretty scary.Then again, Chase would only hire someone who was well trained with the proper credentials.Probably makes double my salary, too.As I lead the way to my office I decide to test him.“So, what’s my middle name?”“Grace,” he answers.“And the middle names of my best friends?” I toy with him.“Bree Elizabeth, Kathleen Michelle, and Ms.De La Torre doesn’t have one,” he rattles off without spending a moment to think about it.“Damn, you’re good,” I say, shocked.The guy has done his homework.“Thank you, Ma’am,” he says shyly, a bit of pink dotting his cheeks.A Rambo look-a-like that blushes.This is my life.“So one more thing.” He nods as we continue walking toward my office.“Would you take a bullet for me?” I ask.“Yes.No questions asked,” he says flatly.“Seriously? Why?” I’m flabbergasted by his answer.“My job is to protect you and if that means taking a bullet, I will.I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.” We reach the door to my office.I’m genuinely surprised by his admission.I wonder who he took a bullet for.Was it during his time as a soldier? Was it while serving as a bodyguard for someone else? Where did he get shot? A million questions run through my mind as I open the door and stop dead in my tracks.Two dozen red roses sit dead center in the middle of my desk like a homing beacon to Hell.Austin senses my unease and pulls me behind him, his right hand going to the gun holster at his hip.I had no idea the man was even carrying a weapon.He looks around the room.“Those shouldn’t be here.” I point to the roses.He nods and pulls his phone out and presses one button and brings it to his ear.“Mr.Porter, we have a problem,” he says.“She received more flowers, this time at work.” His lips are drawn tight and he pulls at the card.He opens it without asking.I could complain but I’m too scared and choose to let him handle it and stand utterly silent.“She’s right here.I’d rather not read this in her presence,” he says into the phone.I pull the card from his fingers lightning fast.He scowls.“It was addressed to me; I have every right to know what it says, Austin,” I snap at him.He has the good manners to look apologetic.Gillian,You can’t hide from me.I know where you work.I know where you live.If I don’t have you soon, I’ll make sure no one does.You’re mine…Bitch!I fall into my office chair and put my face into my hands.Austin reads the card to Jack over the phone.“I understand.I’ll bring her to him now.” He hangs up the phone.“We have to leave, now.” Jack will handle the situation but Mr.Davis wants to see you at Davis Industries now.”I nod, feeling completely numb.“Do you want to grab anything, Ms.Callahan? You won’t be coming back to work for a while.” I close my eyes and take a calming breath.I gather up my laptop and grab the ten donor prospects files I was working on and a few project briefs.Everything else I can have messengered later.I’m sure Chase will call Mr.Hawthorne and explain the situation and my need to work remotely for the time being.Austin ushers me quickly to the car and settles me in.The ride to Chase’s office goes by in a blur.It’s as if I’m stuck in a walking coma.Before I can grasp where I am the elevator dings and Austin leads me down the hallway to Chase’s office.I walk alongside him blindly, not saying anything.His hand is firm on my bicep as he leads me to an office I’ve been to a million times already.Not like I need to be escorted, but if I’m being honest, the hand holding onto me keeps me up and moving forward.I just need to see Chase.My rock.I see Dana jump up from her desk and run to the door and open it for us.“She’s here, Chase,” she says as I’m guided through the doorway.“Thank you, Dana, Mr.Campbell.That will be all,” he says as he walks over to me.I saw him this morning but he’s never looked so good.My face crumbles the closer he gets and I lose it.The door behind me clicks and I flinch.His arms are around me, holding me, instilling light, warmth and the much needed safe feeling I have only in this man’s embrace.“Oh, Baby, you’re okay.I’m here.” I cry into his chest, the situation finally taking its toll.Someone wants to hurt me.Again.“I don’t know what to do?” I sniff and he hands me his handkerchief.“I have no idea who this guy is or why he wants to hurt me.” The tears stream down my face and Chase wipes them with both thumbs on each side of my cheek.“You didn’t do anything, Baby.Don’t worry, my people will handle this.You just need to lay low for a while.In the meantime, you can work in an empty office here with Mr.Campbell and Jack on point to ensure you’re safe.” I nod into his chest and hug him tightly.I scrape my nails along his sides and he reacts to my touch, his cock hardening.Something in me snaps.I want control.I need control of something.I tip my head up and cover his lips with mine, kissing him deeply.I start to walk backwards towards the long couches as the kiss becomes heated.Once I feel the soft leather bump against my calf I turn around and push him into a seated position.He falls into a heap, a concerned but still sexy grin plastered across his face.I shimmy his knees apart with my hands and kneel between his spread legs.Even as his eyes assess my mood, he lets me take the lead, instinctively knowing what I need without me having to ask for it.“Sexy, what are you doing?” He grins.He usually only uses that particular pet name for me when we’re being intimate.“I’m taking what’s mine,” I say and pull his belt open, unbutton his pants and pull down the zipper.I rub my palm against the large cotton covered bulge and watch him close his eyes and tip his head back, groaning.“What do you want?” he asks coyly, knowing exactly what I’m going to do.He’s playing along and I love him for it.I slip my hands to the sides of his slacks and pull them down his hips, dragging his boxer briefs up and over his straining erection.Once I have his pants down to his ankles I admire his cock.It’s large, long, and thick enough to fill me to the brim.But not now.I have other things in mind.A pearl of liquid builds at the pretty pink crown of his cock and I lean forward, my hands on his hips.I inhale his musky male scent and my mouth salivates.His eyes watch me as I flick just the tip of my tongue out and capture that bead of his essence, then lick my lips on a moan.“Jesus, all I can think about is stuffing my cock in that pretty little mouth of yours.” His words are strained and laced with sex.They rocket my desire to a boiling point.I bring my head down and lap the entire length of his cock enjoying the answering moan I receive for my efforts.I nibble and drag my lips across every speck of his manhood leaving no space untouched, un-licked by my tongue.His hips move toward my face but he doesn’t pull my head down.His hands lightly entangle in my hair and caress my scalp lovingly.It’s not what I want or what I need right now.I pull his cock into my mouth as far as it will go in this position and hollow my cheeks as I suck him hard on the way back up.His ass almost comes off the chair to keep my lips from leaving his shaft.“Fuck, Gillian,” he says.“I don’t want nice, Chase.I want you to fuck my mouth, hard.I need it.” I don’t recognize my own voice.He doesn’t need to be told twice.When I bring my lips around his cock, his hand comes around the base of my neck and he pulls me against his body, his cock sliding all the way down my throat and back again.I swirl my tongue around the tip and groan as he rocks up into my throat repeatedly, just barely allowing me the time to breathe before my throat is filled with his cock again.Before I can finish him off he pulls my head back, fingers tightly pulling my hair at the root, keeping my wet lips just off the tip of his cock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]