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.Kari was unaware of the sounds of crickets, owls hooting around her- all that matted was Hank.He rested his forehead against her, gently touching her cheek with the back of his hand.There weren’t dancing anymore, only holding each other in the middle of the gazebo.Their lips touched in a slow, soft and sensual kiss.“We should get back to the house,” he said when the temperature started to drop.“Okay.”The ride back to the stables was quiet, Hank looked over at Kari.“You’re very quiet.” His deep voice brought Kari out of her thoughts.“What are you thinking about?”She was so entranced with looking up at the stars.Completely enchanted by how bright the moon and stars shined on a night she would never forget.“Their beautiful.”“Just like you,” Hanks said, smiling up at the dark sky.“Thanks, but seriously you see how dark it is out here, you know this path like the back of your hand.”Hank nodded his head in agreement.“I should.”“I wish I could put a few stars in a mason jar so it could light your way to me in the darkness when you’re lost.”“I can never get lost,” he replied.“If I ever got lost Kari, I will always find my way back to you.”“Okay.” she said,Once back at the stables, she got off Princess.She followed Hank’s lead with putting the saddle away and brushing the horses before leading them to the stable for the evening treat of a shiny red apple.“Are you ready for dessert darling?” Hank leaned down, kissing her lips slowly.“What do you think?” she said, answering his question with a question.“I think you’re starving,” he said.“I wouldn’t say-” died on Kari’s lips as Hank threw her over his shoulders.“I hope it’s chocolate.”“I don’t know what you’re having, but I’m definitely having chocolate.” He howled with laughter as he laid her on a bale of hale.Kari squealed.“Hey, I really wanted dessert,” she laughed.Hank’s delicious mouth descended on hers causing Kari to moan.She slid her hands down to his crotch, sliding her fingers to his package.He groaned and his body tensed from her touch.“I think I wanted this dessert more,” she seductively smiled up at him, catching him off guard she pushed him on the bale beside her and stood up.Kari unzipped Hank’s jeans and slid them down as far as she could and moved on to his briefs.She licked her lips, when she saw his thick cock standing at attention.She traced her finger across his long and thick flesh and along the mushroom shaped head.She wrapped her hands around him.Kari started stroking his shaft as it continued to grow in her hands.Hank groaned when she did that and his body stiffened even more.Stepping back, she undressed herself quickly.Hoisting herself up on him and slowly lowering herself on his member, holding eye-contact with each other the entire time, until Hank was buried deeply inside of her, moving slowly up and down.Hank leaned forward, capturing her breast, he sucked on her nipple eagerly.“Yes,” she moaned, rolling her hips against his cock.“Kari,” he groaned and bit his bottom lip, just touching her made him want to cum.Kari rocked her hips and began to ride him slow; both hands firmly on either side of the bales of hale, she moved faster throwing her head back and letting out a moan.Hank swiftly rolled over and placed her back on the hay, he moved faster pulling her hands over her head, lacing her fingers with his and thrust as hard as he could.“You feel so good,” he panted.Kari wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him in deeper, her eyes closed as his thrusts became fervently.“Kari,” he groaned, biting down on her shoulder.She moved her hips, matching his movement causing Hank to move faster than before, Kari cried out his name as her body shook with pleasure.Hank shouted, emptied his load inside her, he rested his head in the crook of her neck, panting.***The sun creeping through the curtains pulled Kari from out of her slumber.She yawned and looked over the empty space where Hank was supposed to be sleeping at.She smiled and picked up the white paper on the bed.“Good morning my beautiful filly! Every day I’m around you I fall deeper in love with you.I wish I could have laid in bed next to your warm body to see you open those beautiful eyes to gift me with tender loving gaze.”The smell of bacon and coffee brewing made her stomach growl.Jumping up quickly, she went to the bathroom, showered and changed into a pair of jeans, tank top and riding boots.“Why didn’t you wake me?” Kari said, as she rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks.Standing at the stove was the red haired beauty from the pictures she’d seen around the house back in Nashville and at the cabin.“Natalie,” Kari said like a whisper.“Who are you?” she snapped, looking at Kari like she was intruder.Not giving Kari time to explain Natalie reached over for the cordless phone.“I will call the police right now and tell them there is a burglar in my house.”“I’m Kari Hayes-Hank’s girlfriend,” Kari walked further into the kitchen, going to the cabinet she took out a coffee mug and poured herself some coffee.“You’re the ex-wife.”“No, honey I’m the wife,” Natalie said in a sweet southern voice that was laced with venom.“Hank and I are very much still married.” She held her hand and showcased the sparkling diamond ring on her finger.Kari sipped her coffee.“Divorce has already been filed,” she said smugly.“You think so? I never filed for divorce and I’m sure as hell Hank hasn’t either.” Natalie stepped closer to Kari, invading her personal space.“I’ll let you in on a little secret, you’re the mistress.”“And you’re the whore,” she spat.Kari wasn’t one to back down to anyone including the cheater who rode into town thinking she could easily push Kari to the side.Natalie stepped back and started clapping her hands.“Just because he brings you to the home we shared and introduced you to my family and friends, don’t mean anything.You should always know a husband doesn’t leave his wife, especially an old-fashion man like Hank.”Kari had to save face.She couldn’t allow Natalie to know that she was rattled from the news that no divorce paper work was ever filed.Every night they were together, she was lead to believe that they had a future.“You abandoned him emotionally and physically, what makes you think he is going to be with you again?”Natalie smiled never failed.“It’s called love and three years of marriage.If you think your month of some puppy love is going to defeat a bond between man and wife, you have another thing coming.”Kari shook her head; this woman in front of her was delusional.“You’re right you had three years of marriage with Hank, yeah you’re legally his wife for now and I’m not going to argue that.Natalie, you claim that you love this man, but you soiled your marriage and love for him when you walked away from him for another man.If that’s your way of showing someone you love them, then maybe you need to rethink what love is about.”“Get out of my house!” Natalie screamed, pointing her finger at Kari.“I’ll have you know, we are a perfect couple.Hank and I adored, supported, and loved one another.If you think I’m going to allow a two bit whore to come between me and my husband you have another thing coming.”“I’m not going to argue with you,” she said, sitting the cup down on the counter.“Because you know everything that I say is true.” Natalie raised her voice and took a menacing step towards Kari [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]