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.”“How the fuck do these thoughts even enter your thick skull?” I shake my head and change the subject, making sure he gets the image of Soph and I boning off his mind.“Do you know the best way to get rid of a gun, two guns actually? I don’t want those things in my office or at home anymore.I’m not as prepared as I thought for gun ownership.It’s too easy to make a mistake, or for an accident to take place.”“With you, I don’t disagree.Something you wanna tell me?”I shake my head and wait.“Alcoholics shouldn’t own guns, buddy.I told you that when you were buying them.Can I say I told you so, and that you have shit for brains?” he sighs and sets a hand on my shoulder.“You can sell it, but my advice is to hand it over to the police.They’ll destroy them so no one can ever use them for any crime.It’s safer that way, and you don’t need the money, so there’s no reason to get rid of them any other way.”“So, another trip to the police station?”“Yeah, but make sure you call for details, and don’t be stupid and bring the guns in loaded.No bullets in the same trip.Got it?”I nod.“Alright then, go home and get yourself some lovin’ from that gorgeous wifey of yours.Make her scream and moan, and I’ll do the same for Alyssa, then we can meet back here tomorrow and compare notes.”“You’re such a dildo.”“Yeah, but I made you smile, and thanks, you just gave me an idea.haven’t had fun with a toy for a while.She’s due for a double whammy penetration surprise.”I close my eyes and exhale with a grin, and almost make it to the point of laughter.Haven’t had a good laugh in days.Prudence and Max get a well-deserving pet before I shake Haverty’s hand, pleased to see an astonished look on his face that I touched his dogs.I step backward along the sidewalk while asking him one last question.“So tomorrow? You think I can take the guns there in the morning?”He squints with a wrinkled nose in confusion.“Are things that bad, Cove?”I stop and look into his eyes.My head nods slowly without my brain telling it to do so.I’m on autopilot at the moment, allowing something, or someone else to be in control.He takes a step forward and raises his hand, as if he’s reaching out for more answers.“No,” he responds firmly.“It looks suspicious to get rid of your guns the day after all this shit went down.You want me to take them from you for a while?”I turn away, repulsed that I’m so weak, and in front of him no less.“Cove.Do I need to take you somewhere?” he asks in a softer voice.“‘Cause if what I’m thinking is right, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”I shake my head and head for my car.“Cove!”“If I wanted to kill myself, I’d already be dead,” I call back.“And thanks for saving me in there.I love you, Hav.”“You’ll never set eyes on those guns again.I’ll take care of them,” he yells, as I round the corner of the Scarlett and get into my car.My cell’s been quiet and I set it in my cup holder as I pull away; still no return text from Soph.I wonder if a person can feel free and yet confined in one’s life at the same time? I’m permitted to leave, my mind and body released into the city, headed home, hopefully to fuck, relax, and yet in the morning I’ll be restricted once again with a boa twisted around my body.squeezing tighter and tighter.sucking the air from my lungs.It’s in the darkness of night that I have this freedom; a time when most are vulnerable, unable to see what could be hiding in the shadows, but that’s not my life.The daylight.that’s when my horror story starts each day.Why even wake up? Who will get fucked over tomorrow? Who will die? Get raped?I’m starting to believe I live in a Twilight Zone episode.The plot is just that, I can’t escape the show.and every fucking day.every fucking goddamn day.Shit!Some asshole stands in the middle of the street.I hit my brakes and come to a sudden stop, only about a yard from knocking him off his feet.He’s wearing a hoodie that conceals his face.See, creepy-ass-Twilight-Zone-fucking-shit.After a few seconds watching him rock on his heels with his hands in his pockets, he steps aside and lets me drive by; my stomach in a knot as my car inches past him.He never looks up.Never lifts his head for me to see his face.Eerie.I get chills as I watch him in my rear view mirror walking toward my car, instead of away.Golf ball size drops of rain hit my windshield.A few at first, and then a heavy downpour pelts the car.I’m only a block from our building and enough of a pussy to hit the gas and disappear into our parking garage before the guy from the street catches up.Lightning flashes then a loud blast rattles my bones.Sounds just like the gunshot from earlier, only louder, as if it struck our building.I rush out of my car and head for the elevator, almost jogging to get there and away from the crazy shit that might be coming after me.I’m probably just paranoid, but better safe than sorry.This isn’t one of the safest cities to live in, and although our building’s one of the elegant and classy renovations in the area, with high-class tenants, there are still crimes that occur on a daily basis; robbery and theft being the top two.The lights in our building flicker as I step off the elevator and into our hallway.It’s good to be home.I always feel safe on our top floor, a place where I can view the city from above without having to be in the middle of the chaos.I know it’s probably stupid, but the higher we are and the further away from other people, the more protected I feel.If only that were true.I set my keys on our kitchen counter and slip out of my shoes, then turn on the surround sound and listen as it plays softly throughout the house.Slow instrumental music, nothing heavy.Soph must be upstairs, either reading or asleep.She’s all I can think about as I walk up the two iron staircases to our third floor.When I reach the top I lean against the doorframe and admire my sleeping beauty; wearing a lace trimmed red tank and black leggings.She looks so peaceful and happy, with a pile of books next to her on the bed, and her hand resting on one that’s open.I’m surprised to see she’s surrounded by the old school paperbacks tonight, and not hugging her Kindle.I also can’t believe she’s sleeping through this magnificent thunderstorm that’s assaulting the city.Continuous flashes of light and piercing claps of thunder.She must be exhausted not to be awakened by such a storm.The see-thru fireplace that’s between the bedroom and the bathroom gives me comfort when I see she has it lit, and as the overhead lights flicker once again, and then go out, it’s the only glow left in the room.An illumination of red and orange glimmers across her body and produces dancing silhouette flames across our walls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]