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.” He wasn’t impressing me with his wealth.In fact, I couldn’t wait to leave this damn job.I just needed a good excuse first.“Oh, I don’t know about that.These colors would be too bright for Europe,” one of the designers countered.She’d been giving me the bitch brow all morning.“I’d take out the orange, too.”“I disagree,” the tanned man, whose name I kept forgetting, replied.“You need the warmth.It’s a gallery, remember.I think it works.”“The design itself is a piece of art,” Brian grinned, nudging me with his shoulder.“Well done, Jade.” Wow! All this praise and I was only pretending to be an interior designer.“Okay, I think it’s time to break for lunch.”I looked down at my phone to check the time, noticing I had a message from Oliver.What time are you taking lunch today?I’m not sure I can wait until tomorrow night to see you.My heart inflated when I read his words.A lunch date, too.I really was starting to crack his defenses.I typed a quick response while the others in the room were chatting with each other.Actually, I’m taking lunch right now.Where did you want to meet?Shall I come to your office? J xxHis reply was instant.No, I’ll meet you outside my building.In…10 minutes.Is that okay with you?That’s fine.See you soon.:) xI figured his response was because he didn’t want any of his employees to see us together.I tried to rise above it, but it still hurt a little.“Jade, did you want to join me for lunch?” Brian called as I looked up from my phone.“Oh, I’m sorry.I have plans to meet someone.”“Oliver?” he glared, raising an eyebrow.“Yes,” I smiled, picking my bag up.“I’ll see you in an hour.”Oliver was already waiting for me outside his building.How a guy could look so delectable just standing there in a dark suit was beyond me, but I had the familiar ache in between my legs as I approached him.“Hey,” I called from behind him.Once again, he struck me down with those deadly dark eyes of his as he turned around to face me.“Hi,” he sighed, taking a deep breath in.He looked really stressed.“Are you okay?” I asked, touching his shoulder.“It’s been a long morning.I just needed to get out of the office for an hour.”“Trouble running your empire?” I smirked.“Something like that.” He ran his hands through his hair, watching me.“So where are we having lunch?”“You asked me on this lunch date.Shouldn’t you already have an idea?”Oliver’s face softened before he spoke.“Lunch date? That’s what you think this is?”“Yes, and don’t even try to deny it,” I countered, putting my hands on my hips.I’d worn a dark blue suit today in an attempt to stop Brian’s delusional advances toward me, but Oliver still gazed over my body, almost trying to unwrap me with his eyes.“How long do you have for lunch?” he asked, clearing his throat as he showed me to his car.It was a black Audi.“An hour.Where’s the limo?” I gasped.“I do drive myself places, Jade,” he chuckled, opening the door for me.“This is a nice car,” I purred, stroking the leather seats.“What model is it?”“An Audi R8 Knight,” he muttered, starting the engine.“Was it named after Knight Rider with David Hasselhoff?”“No, Jade,” he snorted, shaking his head as he pulled out into traffic.“What music are you listening to at the moment?” I questioned, reaching forward to check his playlist on the built-in stereo.The Killers came up first.“The Killers, huh?”“They’re a talented band.” I nodded in agreement, pressing random play.“Is this playlist about me?” I asked as Bad Romance by Lady Gaga began to play.How varied was Oliver’s taste?“Mostly, yes.I kept finding songs that reminded me of you and the playlist grew.”“Mm…what else is on here? You should have songs like Toxic and Tainted Love.”“You think I’ve hated you these last six months?”“I would,” I admitted, looking out the window.“I don’t hate you, Jade.I may have been disappointed, but I could never hate you.”“So, you created a Jade playlist instead.Oliver, that’s the kind of thing a teenage boy would do.You’re not thinking about giving me a mixed tape, are you?” I teased, trying to lighten the conversation.“God, I’ve missed this,” he laughed, darting his eyes toward me.“My random conversations?” I asked with a giggle.“That, and having an escape from work.”“Has it been that stressful today?”“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you about the level of stress I have on my shoulders right now.”“You can always talk to me, you know.Okay, I might not understand a word you’re saying, but if it helps relieve the stress, I’ll gladly pretend to be interested.”“I wouldn’t even know where to start.Plus, some of the information I deal with could put you in danger.My line of work isn’t easy, Jade.Sometimes I feel as if I’m helping the devil himself.” His voice sounded strained, and I knew I should have pushed him for more information.My mission depended on it.In this instance, however, my heart was overruling my head.I was worried for the man I loved.The mission could wait.“I want you to trust me again, Oliver.If that means helping you with your burdens, I’ll do it.I need you to understand what you mean to me.”“You’re so confusing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]