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.Cops must have gun-calluses on their backsides.We darted down the hall and into the yawning snake’s mouth of a hanger.I peeked round the doorframe in time to see Mace headed toward the jet’s stairs, wheeling a catering cart with the Miami mummy strapped in the clear plastic bags.Mace was wearing the same Chanel pink mini-skirted suit she’d worn when we stashed the mummy in my garage.The handle of the hammer had worked its way between my butt cheeks and the metal head was eating at my waist.I thought my back hurt before but this was pure hell.Roger was nowhere in sight.I took an uneasy breath.I needed a plan to outwit Mace Kelly, I mean Kyzer Saucy.Kit tapped me on the shoulder.“You keep her busy.I’ll come up behind her.” He slipped off his platform heels and barefooted into the interior office.I could see him through the glass partition and then through the office window as he galloped out a side door headed to his Escalade parked sideways at the nose of the plane blocking its takeoff.“Yoo-hoo Mace or should I say Kyzer Saucy!” I waved walking slowly toward her hoping to draw her attention.Stepping like a baby with a full diaper to keep the hammer from slipping any lower and totally eliminating my sex life, I minced closer.Mace looked up at me with an evil grin.“I was worried you wouldn’t show up for the grand finale.I almost squished you and your lover boy in the veggie fields but a Lear is a classier way to go than that old crop duster, don’t you think?”“Where’s Roger?” I said, taking subtle little steps that would put me in lunging range.Kit finished the fifty-yard dash in his tight sequined gown and giantess bare feet.He threw himself down on the far side of his Escalade out of Mace-Saucy’s view.Once he was hidden I openly advanced on the bitch.Saucy pulled a gun from the catering cart and pointed it at me.“Do back off Wendy, I am so bored with your antics.” She waved the gun in the air.“I got what I came for, the Miami Mummy.I bet two mummies in order to steal the third.God, I’m brilliant!”She twirled the gun in an Annie Oakley spin.I took advantage of her showing off and ran two steps.She pointed the gun at my chest and I backed off.“It’s been a good week.Time to enjoy the fruits of my labor.Maybe spend some time at a spa.But first I have a little personal task to tend to.I’ve grown tired of looking over my shoulder.Your archaeologist is a pain in the neck.How do you tolerate him? I’m going to do away with Roger Jolley.”“No!” I came at her.She fired her gun chipping the tarmac at my feet.“That was a warning shot.”Aiming her gun at me with one hand, she banged the cart up the stairs with the other, the mummy bouncing and jiving.She braced the catering cart at the top and disappeared into the cabin.She sure wasn’t careful with antiquities.Some freakin’ expert.Bet she sells only dented inventory.Kit slipped under the belly of the plane on the left side of the door.Saucy couldn’t see him but with the element of surprise on his side, he might be able to yank her out the door the next time she appeared… if she appeared.He gave me a thumbs-up and a big grin.I took a few more steps toward the plane before Saucy returned holding a gun in her left hand.She leveled it at my heart.I tried not to telegraph Kit’s movements by following him with my eyes.The sun reflected off Kit’s sequins into Saucy’s eyes.She reached behind her then lashed out with a bullwhip in her right hand.The whip coiled around Kit’s neck and snapped into a noose.She yanked pulling Kit onto his tiptoes.He clutched at the whip and his face turned an alarming shade of red.I threw myself into a mad dash at his body.“Let him go!” I grabbed the hammer from the back of my pants and flung it at her head but banged it off her right shoulder.She dropped the whip.I pulled Kit away from the plane loosening the leather from his neck.His knees buckled and he fell, gasping and rubbing his skin.“You get to keep the drag queen and I get to send Doctor Jolley skydiving without a chute.”She reached into the cabin and dragged Roger to the doorway with her gun to his head.He was wrapped in mummy rags from head to toe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]