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.He'd never missed the old Stalker targeting system before."Are all these hills DropShips?"There was another pause as Don took his time, checking each hill in turn with his sophisticated sensor array."Wrong kind of sensors to tell for sure," he reported at last."But from its shape and apparent metal content, I'd say that ridge is a Monarch.There's a good chance at least two others are cargo spheroids, but I'd hate to guess their class from these readings."Jerry nodded.Matching naturally occurring formations made sense.The shells were evidently concrete loaded with metal filings.It had to have taken years—after years of gutting the ships with whatever tools they'd brought with them.He figured whoever had landed here had to have lived at least five and maybe ten years to finish the job right.And done it a long time ago, judging from the weathering of the ersatz hills.We're going to start weathering if we stand here much longer."Lingstrom.Moran.Waltra, Babcock," Jerry ordered, "pull up your topos."He waited a moment, giving the MechWarriors a chance to activate their situational maps.Another one of Tal's suggestions, and one Jerry had liked from the beginning.Instead of lances or Stars, each 'Mech was an individual unit equally familiar with working with all other individuals.Specialized teams could be constructed on the fly as tactical situations demanded."Round valley central, objective entrance at six o'clock," he said."Note high ground above tree level near center, spring lake and river exiting at eleven o'clock.I'll go through first, heading right up the middle for twelve o'clock.Basic sniper bait."With eighteen tons of armor, his modified Sagittaire could take hits better than anything else the Juggernauts had.He was the logical choice to draw fire while the others spotted gun emplacements."Babcock, you're in number two," Jerry said."Step right when the valley opens up and hold.Cover me."Babcock's Shugenja may have been stripped of its sophisticated C3 computer tech—it seemed everything these days had been stripped of something—but the 75- ton 'Mech's extended-range PPC and thirty-tube rack of medium-range missiles would be a deadly combination in the confines of the valley."Molly, you come through third and head for the high ground," Jerry said."This will, a, make you target of choice for anyone not shooting at me and, b, give you clear field of fire on the whole valley."Molly Lingstrom chuckled over the comm.Down the line Jerry could see her Ultra autocannon turrets independently elevate and depress rapidly.The Sirocco equivalent to waggling her eyebrows, he guessed."Moran, Waltra, hold by Babcock until I make the number twelve spot and Lingstrom's in position," Jerry told the two former Steel Wolves."It's pretty tight in there, Moran.Once you're in the big valley, hot-load your LRMs."Moran grunted, not exactly an acknowledgment of the order.Half a second later Jerry realized his mistake.With its Clan tech, the Orion lie's long-range missiles didn't need hot-loading; they were always primed.Just when I think I'm sounding professional."When we're set, you two go around the edges kicking rocks," he went on without acknowledging the slip."Moran left and Waltra right.We'll stand ready to take down anything you flush.""Your plan assumes the enemy is concealed in the rocks around the valley," Waltra said from the Predator, her voice thoughtful, devoid of challenge."Could they not be in the center as well?""Unarmed and unarmored, yes," Jerry conceded."But I'm more concerned about whatever 'Mech assets they brought with them.To hide those, or battlesuits, or tanks, they'll need the sensor fuzz of the rocks."The lack of answer indicated Waltra had conceded the point."Tal Sender, organize as you see fit," Jerry said."Bring the infantry through so they can do a thorough search of the caves and burrows.Might look to take any trap they spring on us from behind while you're at it.""I suggest Trainne and Gale take the high ground," Tal said."They can shadow from above."Jerry considered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]