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.Brent found himself thinking what a shame it was she choose to hide herself in the armor – she was quite lovely.When Cassandra reached the end of the path, she ran back to the starting point, not waiting on him.He realized he had let himself get distracted and quickly focused himself on the task at hand.When he could see her again, the aura stayed in its new shape.“Well?” Cassandra demanded as she got closer.“You’ll be happy to know you are not glowing anymore.It’s more of an outline now,” Brent stated.“There is a narrow band of light around you now.I can even see your fingers when you flex them.” He smiled as she glanced down at the armored glove.“An outline?” Davis seemed disturbed.“This can still be normal though, right?” Cassandra asked hopefully.“Certainly.” Davis comforted Cassandra.“Every Weaver senses the emotions of others differently.No two sense them in the same way.Sounds are the most common, so it is where most training starts.Each emotion is said to be represented by a tone, although which tone varies among Weavers.Sometimes a Weaver senses through smell, taste, and even vision.Seeing colored auras as Brent described is rare but not unheard of.”“How do you sense them?” Cassandra asked.“You can’t know this, Miss, but that question is the most personal question you could ever ask a Weaver.” Davis seemed to shift uncomfortably, an odd sight for such a strong personality.“I don’t think there is any equivalent question you could ask a normal person that would be as private.”“I didn’t know; forgive me for asking.” Cassandra seemed to plead with the Weaver.“It’s all right.Although, I want you to remember how important that is to us.It’s very important you never forget.” Davis had turned serious.“Why is it so important?” Cassandra sounded worried.“Because the two of us know something no one should ever know.We are the keepers of Brent’s most precious secret.” Davis studied Brent carefully.The outline around Cassandra grew a small amount and turned a deep dark red.Brent wondered if he would ever get used to seeing it or decipher its meanings.“Miss, I mean Cassandra.Would you mind if I asked one more favor of you?” Davis asked apprehensively.“It’s a big one so feel free to say no.”“What is the favor?” Cassandra’s helmet locked on Davis.“Would you let Brent attempt to alter your emotions? I’d monitor his progress closely and step in if necessary of course.” Davis sounded desperate.“Normally I’d do it myself, but for some reason he can’t sense my emotions at all.”The outline flashed yellow.Cassandra’s suit remained still, but Brent could tell she was deep in thought.It was hard to tell with the outline, but he could almost tell her head was tilted in thought.After a few tense moments the outline shrank but remained a bright yellow.“All right.I’ll do it,” Cassandra accepted.Davis almost jumped for joy and watched Brent intently.It was an odd sensation.He didn’t feel like he was being manipulated, but there was an overwhelming sense of being spied on.Brent turned his chair to face Cassandra.The yellow outline was growing again.It didn’t reach the huge sizes it had before, but it was definitely getting bigger.He had no idea how to alter what he saw.He tried blinking, tapping his boot, and even unsuccessfully to wiggle his ear.None of it worked.Frustrated, he reached out and tried to grab the light with his hand.As his hand pointlessly waved before his eyes, a memory sparked in his mind.Brent had had to think to get the Shards to respond.Focusing on the glow, he thought of it shrinking.As he imagined it, it complied.The glow stopped growing and eventually started to shrink gradually.It slowly matched the image he had conjured in his mind.Out of the corner of his eye he could make out Davis’ jaw dropping.Brent wondered what else he could do.Cassandra had seemed disturbed whenever the blue and yellow colors dominated.The orange had flared when Davis had asked the embarrassing question.The blood red pulsed when she realized she knew something about him she shouldn’t.He wasn’t sure he wanted to reproduce that emotion.All that left was the faint red hue he had seen earlier.However, there wasn’t even a hint of it.No traces of any shade of red in the entire outline.Davis’ lecture popped to mind; Weavers could only influence what is already there.He didn’t like what was already there.Might as well try.Brent focused on the glow, imagining the yellow fading completely and it being replaced by the red.Slowly but surely, the yellow started to fade.With increasing speed the yellow faded.However, no red showed up.Suddenly the outline shattered and a blazing aurora surged, reaching the large size it had before [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]