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.She scoffs.“You expect me to believe that?”“Believe what you want, but the deal is done.You need to get used to seeing me, because I don’t plan on going anywhere.” I turn and head for the door, but stop just before leaving.“You’d better be ready for this, Libby.”And on that note, I open the door and leave her alone.I’ve won the first game, but I know the others won’t be so easy.It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m prepared to go to war over this.and I don’t plan on taking any prisoners.Not one.I’ve got the upper hand for now; I’ll just have to wait to make my next move.~Picking up my menu, I try and disguise my blatant staring.Coincidentally, Libby was seated next to Daniel and right in my line of sight around the large, round table in the small Greek restaurant one of the directors recommended.Libby doesn’t like Greek.I had been waiting for her to complain as soon as I accepted the suggestion, but she didn’t.Instead, she’s stayed quiet; her silence bothering me more than it probably should be.Following our little blow-out in her office, I’ve wanted more than anything to get inside that head of hers to see what she is thinking.“Can I get you something to drink, sir?”I divert my eyes back to the menu and sense Libby turning her gaze on me.“I’ll just have a bottle of beer,” I say to the waitress, knowing full well I’m not going to drink it.Alcohol and succeeding don’t mix; I can’t let my guard down.As per my fifth rule, I expect professionalism at all times, and that includes me.“Beer?” Benedict murmurs when the waitress moves around the table taking orders.“Not like you to have a bottle of beer?”I’m ready to ram my fist down his throat.“Why don’t you shut the hell up?” I snap under my breath, trying not to make a scene.This bastard doesn’t miss a trick and it pisses me the hell off.“So what did you think of the presentation?” Daniel pipes up.“Some good ideas, right? Maybe we can sit down and go through it together?”I weigh up the options, deciding that we may as well involve Libby as another way of getting to her.“Okay.” I nod and sign myself up for another round of torture with him.“My assistant, Kelly, will be in touch to arrange a meeting with you both,” I reply, switching my eyes back to the menu.“I’m going to quickly nip to the loo,” I hear Libby mumbling to Daniel a few seconds later.My menu finds its way back on the table as I watch their exchange.Libby places her hand on Daniel’s shoulder and squeezes gently.In return, he offers her a sweet smile and a brief caress of his fingers against the curve of her waist.“Lib—Sorry, Elizabeth,” he calls out after she’s walked away.“Do you want me to order for you?”Well, this was completely unexpected.It looks as if our Libby and Daniel might have something going on.Honestly, I’m surprised.He’s not the type of guy I thought she’d go for, not that I have any right to judge.Leaning back in my chair, I cross my arms over my chest and look at Daniel.While he’s too busy watching Libby’s legs disappear toward the toilet, I take my opportunity and look at him a little closer.He’s blonde and I’m brown.He’s got green eyes and mine are hazel.We are complete opposites.Even his build is different to mine.One of my quads alone is probably double the size of his put together.The bloke is a fucking pansy.Why would Libby be interested in someone like this?“Don’t jump to conclusions,” Benedict mutters, clearly reading the expression on my face.I grit my teeth.“How can I not?” This fucking plan just got way harder than it already was.Not only am I a bastard, but now I’m a bastard that stoops as low as stealing another man’s girlfriend.“They could just be close work colleagues for all you know.” Benedict tries to reassure me, but I’m too busy sinking in my own vile pit of jealousy.The bitch actually moved on and found somebody else.It’s obvious in her world nobody else matters.She’s only looking out for herself.just like she always did.Fuck the fact I’ve been living in a virtual hell for seven long fucking years after she stabbed me in the back and left.The pulse in my neck throbs and I fear it’s about to explode.I’m getting worked up the more I think about it.This bitch didn’t give a shit about me, ever.It’s time for the lessons in this game to begin.She needs to learn what happens when you fuck around with people.My plan is solidified.Libby’s going to regret the day she fucked me over.I’m going to break every little piece of her until there’s nothing left but an empty shell.FIVEI’ve tried to read this new proposal at least five times in the last hour, but I just can’t concentrate.My mind keeps shifting back to yesterday and seeing Libby.The damn girl looked much better than expected.I wanted her to look haggard, but instead disappointment festers in my gut at how fresh and happy she seemed, of course until her eyes locked with mine.But it still pisses me the hell off.She doesn’t deserve to be doing well.Well, I take that back, because she’s got a good business brain on her, at least [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]