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.”“What about the gun with its history, and some of the other items you found?”“I was tempted to report it, but that kind of sci-fi type of story doesn’t sit well with some of my superiors.As I mentioned, ever since the Air Force got burned on the flying saucer investigations, the military has been reluctant to appear as if they put any credulity in such stories.”“But you felt there was some truth to the story,” I insisted.“I could tell you were intrigued the first day you came and confronted me.”“Yeah,” he admitted.“I have always been a serious fan of science fiction.When we discovered the hidden basement, and what looked like a break in the case started to fall apart, I was still fascinated by the documentation Morris had on some of the items.As I told you, I looked closely at that gun.I knew there was a story there, and not the one you were feeding us.”“But you didn’t pass it on?” I insisted.“Not a chance.They would have pulled me back immediately without something that really supported that kind of far out theory.I wanted to see how it would work out.It looked like something was going to happen when Williams discovered the daughter had slipped away, but then it all turned sour.” I knew he was remembering the accident.I sensed he was being truthful.That meant nothing about us had been revealed.“Why aren’t they searching for you?” I asked.“Oh, you can bet there is an investigation.But there is nothing for them to work on that the FBI doesn’t have.You’ve been lucky twice, and there is nothing to connect us.I guess I helped a bit in my case.I wanted to see what was really going on, so I made sure that nothing would interfere to prevent you from bringing me here.Maybe it was a bit risky, but I read you correctly.”I had to admit I had wondered a bit about his cooperation in the past.“And now, based on everything you’ve seen, you think we need to do something differently.”“I’ve seen what you have done with the technology you have available to you.Mike has set up a pretty impressive defense perimeter, and so long as the same group of aliens comes back, you should be able to defeat them.You have nothing in place to destroy the complex if it appears you are going to lose.”“You think it will come to that?” I asked.“Not at first, but we really don’t know their capabilities.I think we should be prepared to do so just in case.”“And that’s what the military could bring that we don’t have?” I asked doubtfully.His answer surprised me.“They could, but they won’t,” he said.“Assuming you could even get them here in time, the political issues that are going to surround this discovery would disallow anything that would destroy such a find.You are right about that.”“So I’m not sure what we have accomplished.You and I agree our best near term approach is to do just exactly what we are already doing.What do you want then?”“I want to participate.Just sitting here being the guy everyone has to keep an eye on is ridiculous.I’ll work for you, and won’t try to get word back.Just let me help.”I laughed.“Trust me,” I said.“Sorry, but I can’t do that.Not yet.”He started to object, but I held up my hand.“I understand, and you might well mean what you say.But we can’t count on it.What you can do, though, is make a plan.Actually make a couple of plans.I want a contact plan for the team to use in the event we do lose the first encounter and the system is cut off or occupied by the aliens.Even more important, I want a means to streamline the approach in the event we win, but find we have even bigger problems.I expect that to be the most likely scenario.”“Okay,” he agreed.“But any real plan would mean I would have to be a part of the group that made the initial approach.My involvement would be a significant factor in speeding up any approach.”I agreed.“If we get to that point, the need for secrecy will be past.I’ll have no problem with your taking the lead on the interface.Start thinking about what things will help them quickly realize there is a real threat that’s requires drastic action [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]