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.A growling howl from the faya caught Kobe’s attention.For a small creature they made more noise than a cyron.When the faya pounced from its shelter Kobe grabbed it, snapped its head off and, using his fingernails, he skinned it and removed the entrails.It took a few short moments to cook the being whole with his blazing eyes.He planned on slicing the faya in the safety of the pod.The storm was pelting Kobe with hail that bounced harmlessly off his body which was in battle mode.Zuri was safe in the pod; this weather would kill her if she remained exposed.It was yet another good reason to head to the southern continent where it was warmer.The north was a mask of ice and snow.Kobe had no need to feel he had to justify his actions, even Citun would after a time come to realize this was the safer way to go; he couldn’t possibly carry Zuri bundled in his hair every second for weeks until they reached his home.Right now Kobe was feeling full of himself.He was keeping his female safe, warm, and now fed.Feeling pleased, Kobe turned his concentration to the pods.An unworldly snort caught Kobe’s attention.He spun fast, barely missing the claws of the cyron beast.For just a second, he was frozen where he stood.This was the females’ place; this creature should never be here.But it is.All the memories of his mother’s encounter with the beast surfaced—all the fears of being killed.For a second there was panic in his strong warrior heart, the feeling sickened him.This time his mother wasn’t here to protect him.The beast stood four times his size and more than quadrupled his weight.Long, shaggy black hair partially covered its beady black eyes and the three sharp horns on its long snout.This was an older beast and too formidable, Kobe hadn’t a hope of beating it in battle.The snarling creature towered over him, it was menacing—hungry.There was no way Kobe would be able to stop it let alone kill it.For a second indecisiveness struck.The pod was so close.He would be safe there; he could make it without injury.No.He had to lead the beast away from the pod.He was responsible for a life not his own.Zuri, her vulnerability flashed before his eyes.With any hope, the cyron was passing through and had no idea of Zuri’s existence.No, not my Zuri.Cyron were massive bulky beasts, they moved slowly, and angered fast.It had been years since Kobe had come across one during his first Holiday.The female battling it killed it then noticed Kobe.They had battled and Holidayed near the dead beast.Normally, the Zargonnii females kept the beasts from the males’ area, to protect their young.Kobe was in the females’ area.The pods should have been deserted; the beast would know this.A lone male Zargonnii in the female area was too hard to resist.The cyron must have caught Kobe’s scent and come looking for an easy meal.Kobe’s heart sank; it must have been hunting him.If he tried to make it to the pod, the creature would be waiting in the morning.He and Zuri would have to come out sooner or later.Kobe could move fast, faster still when being hunted.There was no need to fight the beast, just to get the hell out of its way as well as getting it away from Zuri.Kobe thundered through the foliage with the sound of the beast crashing its way toward him steadily.The area wasn’t known to Kobe and he was soon lost, terror gripped his heart hoping Zuri would stay put.Running from the cyron wasn’t getting him anywhere; he needed to stop the beast somehow.Kobe had enough to deal with in getting Zuri to safety; he needed to outsmart the beast.The large pond he almost stumbled onto was frozen over, but Kobe knew it was deceptive, the ice would be thin.Under the water were live algae, so alive it could rip the flesh from its prey’s bones.Taking a chance, and hearing the cyron crash through the underbrush, Kobe shook off his battle mode.He walked across the frozen pond, hearing the decisive cracks under his feet.Even with his smaller size, Kobe could feel the tremble under him.Beneath, he could see the movement following his tracks.The live algae scratched at the ice under his feet.Ice was the only thing on the planet able to contain the live algae.It couldn’t break through the slick surface; it merely skidded across the underside.The ice was slippery; it took everything Kobe had to remain upright.Behind him, he heard the cyron roar.Kobe had to make it to the other side fast.The cyron tossed its shaggy head, its three horns snorted smoke; it hesitated only slightly before giving chase.The beast was too cocky.Its massive clawed paws gripped the ice, pulling it faster toward Kobe.The shaggy body of the beast rubbed against the slick surface.Kobe was almost at the shore with the beast reaching the mid-way point.Most of the algae had abandoned Kobe for a juicer meal.The ice cracked again under Kobe’s feet.He heard it cracking from under the cyron.Kobe held his breath and for a split second his steps faltered.A massive crack in the ice passed between his feet to the other side of the pond [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]