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.I jumped at the sudden contact, but then relaxed and leaned back against his body.“Why haven’t you asked? You haven’t said a word about what I told you earlier…about wanting to hold you, to be next to you.” I let his arms pull me even closer to his body as he spoke low into my ear.His warm breath sent chills running up and down my body.“I didn’t know what to say.” My voice was a whisper.“Tell me now.”I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and was honest with Derek.“I would have liked that very much.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Derek turned me around to face him and paused only a second before his hands cupped my face and his mouth slowly, softly covered mine.My entire body came alive in that moment.The feel of his short beard against my face, the gentleness of his lips and tongue as they brushed across the seam of mine had me praying for more.I opened for him and let his tongue find mine.It was a long, sensually slow kiss that tested and tasted every corner of my mouth.I was a giant pile of nothing.I hadn’t been kissed like that in years, maybe not ever.Derek made me feel like his entire mind, body and soul were focused on me—only me.Pulling away from our kiss, he placed his forehead against mine, eyes still closed and said, “Movie?”I leaned away and studied his face.“Sure.” Hell no, I didn’t want the movie.But I wasn’t some horny teenager that couldn’t control my emotions.It was probably for the best, though.My head was a foggy mess.Derek took my hand in his and led me to the sofa.This time, he pulled me next to him, making sure I was sitting even closer than we had on Saturday night and he spooned my body next to his.It felt wonderful.The movie played and I’m certain that not even a single word or song registered in my mind.That was partly due to Derek slowly rubbing his hand up and down my right arm for most of the movie.Neither of us said anything.As the credits rolled, I sat up and looked at him, suddenly finding the courage to say, “Do you want to stay? I mean…”He put a finger on my lips to stop my mumbling and blinked long and slow.“More than you know.” I smiled and stood to go upstairs, not really knowing what to do or even expect.I only knew I didn’t want him to leave.When I stepped into my bedroom, Derek was right behind me.I stopped for just a second and his arms came around my waist again.“Please don’t take a bubble bath.I’m not sure I could restrain myself.”“What?” I tried to move away so I could see his face, but his grip on me was tighter as we moved across the room to my bed.“Earlier—you said you were going to take a bubble bath.Please don’t.I’m having a hard enough time as it is.”I smiled and looked back at him over my shoulder.“Really?”“God, yes! Are you blind woman?” I let out a little laugh, then sobered.“Tell me.” My words were quiet.“Tell you what?” Derek breathed in the scent of my hair, then gently moved it off my shoulder to one side.I could feel his lips moving on the side of my neck as he spoke.“That you’re sexy as hell?” Kiss.“That I can’t just be your friend?” Kiss.“That your prick of an ex-husband better stay away?” Kiss.“That it’s taking a lot of restraint not to completely devour you?” Kiss.“Yeah, that.” I turned in his arms, placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed his handsome bearded face.“Stay.Stay with me tonight.I want to feel someone next to me again.I want to feel you next to me.” I was reduced to begging.“I don’t think I could leave now even if you tried to kick me out.But I won’t push you, Claire.You tell me what you need—what you want.”“Okay.” I stared at his full lips, red from our kiss.Derek leaned in close to my lips and said, “You and I—we understand each other.I can feel it.I need what you need.” He was so right.I leaned the rest of the way, closing the gap between us and boldly licked across his slightly open mouth.He let out a groan, picked me up at the waist and stumbled to my bed before first tossing me on it, then joining me.As soon as he was at my side, I began showering his mouth and face with gentle kisses.We tangled arms and legs around each other and continued to make-out for a long time.It felt so surreal, so natural.I’d always been afraid I would feel guilty about being with another man after Jake, but I didn’t.I felt just the opposite.It was comfortable, safe and loving.Derek was a complete gentleman, only letting his hands rest on my barely exposed lower back as he kissed me.When we came up for a breath, Derek laid back, pulled me close and gently guided my head onto his chest.“Sleep, beautiful.We have a big day tomorrow.”“Did I say ‘yes’ to going with you? I can’t remember.” I peaked up at his face to see his reaction.We both knew I would go, but I liked messing with his head a little.“Um, you’re going.” His eyebrows were raised and he was ready to stand his ground [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]