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.“That’s my baby!” he shouted so loud that he heard himself through the earplugs when she placed the tip of her tongue on the tip of his penis.She licked around the head and ran a finger gently down the shaft.Then the warmth of her mouth covered the entire head and slid down as far as she could until it touched the back of her throat.“Dammit, Bree.You know I like to watch and run my fingers through your hair.I’m going to …” he stopped when a tremor from his body shook him like an earthquake.“Get you back.”She continued to slide her mouth up and down over his hard erection, taking it far as she could before lifting it out of her mouth only to slide down again.Her hands palmed his sides as he began to thrust up to meet her mouth.He felt himself about to explode and wondered what the heck Bria would do.She wasn’t one to swallow.“Baby, I’m about to come.Hard.”He jerked, squirmed, and spilled into her mouth as she continued to suck him.He shouted out some curse words he couldn’t even hear.He felt Bria lift off of him and a hand reach under the pillow.She undid the handcuffs, removed the blindfold, and the earplugs.“Hey, baby,” she said as she straddled his chest.“Hey yourself.” He wrapped his hands around her waist.“You’re something else, you know that?”She scooted down his body and rested her head on his chest.“I wanted to welcome you back home.”Home.He’d honestly never thought about settling down and making a home with anyone since Terri up and left him.It was no longer in his plans, but lying with Bria and hearing the word “home” made perfect sense.He imagined walking through the front door with Bria in the kitchen—telling the chef what to cook, of course—and a couple of kids and a dog running toward him like Dino from The Flintstones.He smiled.He could definitely see himself spending the rest of his life with Bria.“Really? You wanted to welcome me home?” He kissed and nuzzled her forehead.“I missed you.”“I think you just missed my penis.” He kissed her forehead again and ran a hand down her long hair that had spread in a wild, sexy way.“Ha! That too.But seriously, did you enjoy yourself?”“Yes, and as soon as I reenergize, you will too.”Chapter Twelve“Dr.Francis, thank you for seeing me on such short notice.I’d never had chest pains like that before and got worried.”“No problem, Joe.I’m glad you came, but I’m extremely relieved that it’s just a little indigestion.Your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are where they need to be.”“That’s good to know.With Kelly just finding out she’s pregnant, the last thing I need to hear is that I have heart problems.I want to be around to show my son how to play football or watch my daughter at her ballet recital.”Dr.Francis smiled.He was pleased to know Joe’s wife was finally pregnant because they had tried for a few years.“Congrats! Did Dr.Raven confirm everything or is it too early?”“Yes, she did.Kelly was just here yesterday.She’s only about a month along.We’re so ecstatic.With the rounds of fertility treatments with Dr.Raven along with the acupuncture and other suggestions from Dr.Bria, Kelly was pregnant in no time.”Dr.Francis was shocked to hear Bria’s name, but in a way he wasn’t for his daughter always found some way to offer her opinion on alternative methods.Dr.Francis cleared his throat.“Which acupuncturist did Dr.Bria refer you to?”Joe shook his head.“She did it herself every other Saturday here or sometimes at our home.Is she back from vacation? I would love to thank her.She really went out of her way for us.That’s one reason why we love Arrington Family Specialists.It’s rare to find doctors that go the extra mile the way you and your family have.”Dr.Francis almost cursed but held it in.He’d deal with his daughters later.Instead, he put on a sincere smile for he was truly happy for Joe and his wife.“Congrats, man,” he said, extending his hand to shake Joe’s.He walked Joe out to the waiting area.Dr.Francis checked Raven’s schedule, saw that she didn’t have any patients, and marched straight back to her office.*****Bria sat on a barstool in the oversized gourmet kitchen while Rasheed stirred his signature tomato sauce.She sipped red wine and swayed back and forth to the sounds of Corrine Bailey Rae.Bria’s month vacation was coming to an end in the next week.Taylor had offered her a position of her practice, but Bria didn’t know if she wanted it or not.She missed working with her parents and her siblings.If there was some way she could convince her father to meet her halfway that would be perfect.She thought about opening her own practice, but she enjoyed the camaraderie of working with her family.She smiled as she watched Rasheed sauté the onions and bell peppers for the ground beef.He’d given the night off to the chef.They were supposed to go to dinner, but a rainstorm kept them in for the evening.She was glad she had one aspect of her life figured out.She had a man that cared for her and adored her.They hadn’t used the L word yet, and that was fine with her.She didn’t want to move too fast with Rasheed like she had with her ex-fiancé.They’d met and gotten engaged within the year.She blamed the stress of her residency and needed an outlet.She was almost relieved when he cheated and got someone else pregnant.He’d blamed it on the fact that she was always at the hospital and never had time for him.But deep down she knew she never loved him and loving the man who was in front of her made that fact even more of a reality.“Baby, come taste my tomato sauce.I think it may need some more garlic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]