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.My steps faltered, and I swallowed when I glanced in at the large room.A large bed loomed in the center, engulfing the bulk of the space.Never had I seen such a large sleeping surface.Stephan stood at the end of the bed, wearing a pair of snug, chestnut-colored pants.My pulse quickened after I noticed the prominent bulge he didn’t move to hide from me.He wanted me.Fallon pressed me forward, sending a wave of heat through my tingling spine.“If you don’t enter, he’ll likely drag you to the bed.Your thoughts have undone much of his restraint already.Take heed not to stir more of his passion.”How?My mind reeled, unable to discern how I was to act.Stephan smiled and stepped forward when Fallon shoved me hard into the room.My footing faltered, and I glared back at the alpha who made me feel like an awkward youth still unaccustomed to walking.He smiled and closed the door, sealing me into the bed chamber.Alone with Stephan.He made his way to me, his steps those of a prowling creature intent on possessing the one he wanted.Me.I stammered for something to say to break the raging tension between us, but fell silent when I realized what was between us was far more than tension.I stepped toward him, and he growled, closing the distance with a speed which matched my flailing pulse and breathing.His fingers wound in my hair, and his mouth moved toward mine, pausing close enough for his breath to dance across my lips and send shards of awareness down to the pool of desire between my legs.“Once I taste your lips I will not have the control to do less than possess you fully, Hannah.Decide now, for I have not the heart to do anything other than sate our raging needs.” My hands went to his chest.The fiery inferno within his eyes swallowed my fear whole and replaced it with a determination to pleasure the king before me.“It’ll be the man tasting the nectar of your passion.It’ll be the man fucking you senseless until you surrender from exhaustion.It’ll be the man savoring your beauty as you abandon your inhibition and come hard on my cock.” His words ignited my lust and left me weak at the reminder he knew my every thought.“The king will never be in this bed with you, for the man wanted to possess you long before he was king.”Defenseless to the imagery assailing me, I ran my fingers down his bare chest and dug my nails into his firm abdomen.“Birds of prey soar within me right here.Will you make them vanish?”“I will.” His lips feathered mine, fluttering across my mouth.I shivered and longed for a deeper taste of him.“Say you are mine, and you will taste me fully.I must hear the words to quell the beast within me.”I couldn’t believe there was any doubt.“I am yours.”His growl lodged within my mouth as his kiss consumed me.My hands went around him, drawing him to me.His hands glided down my body.The material covering me ripped easily under the weight of his tug.I gasped.He severed the kiss which left my mouth burning for him.He cupped my breasts and observed them within his grasp.“I wanted to be the first to see you.”“They warned me I stirred too much of your passion.”Concern filled his eyes.“I will not ravage you tonight, though I may long to.I may not be as gentle as your first lover should be.”“I never asked for that.”His thumbs flicked my nipples.They hardened with his touch, sending shards of awareness through my body.My moan mingled between us while I ran my nails down his arms, urging him to savor my body.“I should’ve allowed our customs to remain intact and allowed another to bed you the first time.I fear my passion is too great to be the gentle, detached lover a maiden needs.” His fingers grazed my cheek as his lips hovered above mine.“But I’d have to kill whoever bedded you.”I groaned, and his mouth crushed against mine.My tongue battled with his for control of the kiss that enflamed my senses and drove my passions until they raced across my skin and longed to escape.A growl filled the air, and he led me to the bed.My mind played tricks on me because I could swear I could hear his beating in time to mine.Stephan placed me in the center of the bed.The pelts were soft against my flushed skin.His hands moved swiftly to remove his pants.Finally, I’d see the rest of the golden skin that had taunted my most intimate thoughts.I’d heard tales from fallen doves within our village of a man’s privates.Wild stories of lust had branded them all as stories for the foolish.Stephan’s body left mine unable to move.Never had I expected to see such magnificent power honed into a body worthy of a god.No, a king.I memorized each glorious inch of skin while he stood before the bed.His cock was hard, long and thick with need.My fingers itched with the compulsion to surround his shaft and feel it pulse within my grasp.Somehow I knew it would.How did I know that? Perhaps it had been in one of those tales I’d heard and dismissed.Perhaps a part of me had always been meant to be here—in his bed.My pussy clenched as I thought of his large cock filling me.A moment of virginal fear brushed across my thoughts, but I knew Stephan was the one meant to be my first.No one else stirred the depths of desire he did.I took a shaky breath when he moved onto the bed and hovered over me.His mouth moved to my neck, his tongue lapped at my raging pulse.My hands rested on his arms as my skin heated under his touch, which slid from my arms down the sides of my breasts and to my waist.His cock grazed my pussy as he positioned himself.I gasped at the sensation of skin-on-skin and longed for Stephan to close the distance between us.But his mouth moved, tasting its way down my flushed skin.A trail of kisses across the swell of my breasts made me shiver in anticipation.His hand cupped my breast and flicked an aching nub.He lowered his mouth, and I gasped as he took my nipple and laved it with his tongue.I thrust my body upward, but his other hand settled me back against the bed and his lower body pinned me.His cock ground against my thigh while his mouth worked on both my breasts with equal measure.Fire erupted within me, centering at my pussy.I remembered how his fingers felt there and longed for the bursting pleasure he’d given me before.Would it be the same this time?His mouth returned to mine, and I kissed him.Sating the raging need to know each inch of his skin as he was learning mine drove my actions.I pulled at him and hissed my displeasure until he lowered his chest.He trembled, his skin surging beneath my lips.My pulse beat wildly when he growled, and I knew I incited the same depth of need in him as he did me.I moved my hand down his stomach.“Don’t, Hannah.” His growl made me smile.His golden eyes were now swallowed whole by the fiery embers I’d always found so fascinating.“Touch me there and I will lose what little control I have.”“Good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]