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.“My knowledge of certain aspects of your relationship with Lady Lucias? Which came about due to her pregnancy?”He didn’t return his gaze to me.And his expression hardened.He didn’t respond to my direct question.This served to confirm I had been right in posing it.“I gave you a direct order, Azrael.And in public.You have seen enough of how I react to the world to understand that the one time you cannot defy me without forcing my hand toward retribution is when I give you a direct order before others.”“Even when you bait me a purpose simply to bring about my punishment to make this very point.”The blow came then.It wasn’t as hard as the initial one had been, but I did stagger backward and had to catch myself with my wings.When it was over I lifted my hand to my mouth and realized that my lip had been cut.I pulled my hand away to look at the blood upon my fingers and raised my gaze to meet Noliminan’s.Dark fury burned within his eyes.I understood the fury was not directed, entirely, at me.But enough of it was that I would do well to bite my tongue.I waited, and I watched, as he began to calm himself down again.“Very well.” He finally said.“Since you won’t discuss this with me without a bite to your tongue, I have no choice but to dole out your punishment on my own.” I lowered my gaze, waiting.“You’re to hang the corporeal form you currently keep in your cottage in the gallows until I decide it is time that you may come down.Be that tomorrow or be that in five thousand sun cycles.”Sighing, I rolled my eyes upward.Of course it would be something humiliating.And of course it would be something to test my sanity.I’d have rather received another blow.A million other blows!Until my body had been broken beyond repair!Gods!I felt a string of hate for him in that moment.I forced myself to push it down, deep into my gut.“Yes, your Grace.” I hissed, trying to keep the bite out of my tone.“As you wish.”“Get out of here, then.” Noliminan barked at me.“And tell Michael and Metatron that I am ready to deal with the pair of them.”I turned and made my way out of his room.I shot a glance to Raphael, who had been hovering just outside of Noliminan’s door, eavesdropping on our conversation.Raphael gave me a weak, apologetic smile for having been caught.I let it go.I had other matters on my mind aside from Raphael’s constant snooping and prying.It is part of who Raphael is.And it is what makes him so valuable to Noliminan.Also, I understood—all too well—it was Noliminan’s knowledge that Raphael was snooping and prying which added to his anger.This discussion regarding privacy of conversations had as much to do in teaching Raphael to hold his tongue as it had to do with me refusing to release mine.“It’s the gallows for me.” I groused.“I heard.” Raphael gave another apologetic smile.“It won’t be so bad.”“Yes it will.” I snapped at him.“I’m not vain like you.” Now it was my turn to smile apologetically.“Not that you don’t have good reason to be.”“I am sorry.” I believe that he was.“Thank you.”I took my leave.I knew I’d best get at it.Noliminan would be visiting the Courtyard soon to make sure that I had.-26-When Evanbourough came to, Theasis explained to him everything that happened after he jumped into the middle of the fray between me and the King of Lords.None of it surprised Evan.Tristan had been very candid with him regarding his involvement in Lord Regent Lucias’ war.And, honestly, Evan supported him and loved him for it.Despite the fact that their relationship, by Tristan’s exile, was to be inexorably strained.Now he sat in the shadows of the Courtyard, waiting for the last grouping to leave so he could speak with me.He wanted to be certain I was unharmed.But he didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to me, given I was about as humiliated as Evanbourough had ever seen anyone be.When we were alone, Evanbourough stood up and approached me.He stopped a foot or two away and gave me a small, tired smile.“Good Moon, Azrael.”“My Lord.” I smiled slightly in return.My eyes were downcast now, however, and my cheeks suddenly grew warm.I wasn’t used to people studying me.Let alone when I wore not the first stitch of clothing.“Are you alright?” Evanbourough asked me.He chuckled slightly.“Apart from the obvious I should mean?”“Yes, my Lord.” I nodded.“Thank you.For your interference.”“It didn’t get you into more trouble did it?” Evan asked.“You aren’t here because of me are you?”“No, my Lord.” I finally raised my gaze to meet Evanbourough’s.“I’m here because Noliminan requires everyone to forget about me again.” Evan felt his brow furrow at this.I smiled at his confusion.“My magic is rarely called into the public eye.He believes that, if I am seen hanging here, everyone will forget that I am also watching them.”“Ah.” Evanbourough nodded.“I see.”“And you, my Lord? Did you fare well?”“Yes.” He nodded.“I bruised my shoulder.Nothing more.I had time to brace for the impact so it really wasn’t such of a much other than the force of it knocked me cold for a while.” He smiled to himself then.“Theasis saw to me.”I chuckled at this.Evanbourough felt himself blushing.It maddened him to no end to know I had watched their first coupling.What he said was, “He split your lip.”“Yes, my Lord.” I shrugged.“It will heal.”Evan nodded.“Do you mind if I help it along?”I assessed him with cold appraisal.“No.”Evan nodded again and stepped slowly forward.He hesitated for a moment and then raised his finger to press it against my lip.When the cut healed he stepped away.“Better?” He asked, smiling.“Much.” I agreed.“Thank you, my Lord.”“Do you need anything?” Evan asked.“A drink of water or something for dinner?’“No, my Lord.” I shook my head.“But thank you for the offer.Part of this is that I’m meant to go without.”Evanbourough let out a long, tired sigh.I wouldn’t expire by not eating, but I would certainly grow miserable.“Carvetek mouk.”I smiled in response but didn’t comment.“And you don’t mean to cheat, either.” It wasn’t a question.“Though, you very easily could do so and he would never know.”“I would have to live with myself if I did.” I explained.“I do not do well with deception.”Evan smiled at this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]