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.Molly let the memories of the evening's events swirl around in her mind as she tried to make sense of all her emotions.The CMAs, then breaking up with Zeke and sleeping with Nick all in the same night—Molly was glad the drive out to Jason's took a while so she could space out and begin to process everything.She thought perhaps she should be more affected, but felt the oddest sense of numbness.Molly thought about Zeke, and Nick, and how it all went down the whole way to Brentwood, and never once did she regret what she'd done.It had been worth it to have Nick for one night.She was smiling at that thought as she pulled into Jason's driveway.She blinked at the car she saw parked there.It was a Toyota truck with a camper top and a smattering of bumper stickers.Zeke.Molly felt so disoriented that she didn't even take a second to think about what she was doing.She just parked her car, got out of it, and marched right up to Zeke's truck.Chapter 14"What are you doing?" she asked as Zeke opened the door of his truck and started to step out.He reached out to grab her wrist and pull her into his arms, and Molly hugged him a bit stiffly as she took a step back.It was extremely awkward for her.She still had the smell of Nick on her, which made her feel a lot like she was dreaming."I figured you'd be staying here," he said.He leaned on the side of his truck and crossed his arms.He really was a cute guy, but Molly had just been daydreaming about Nick a few seconds before, and she couldn't, with a clear conscious, entertain thoughts of liking Zeke again just because he was there standing in front of her."How long have you been waiting out here?" she asked.It was almost 1AM, and not the warmest of evenings."Just like twenty minutes or so.It doesn't matter.Is there somewhere we could go to talk and not freeze our asses off?"Molly looked at the gigantic house—the one she had a key to in her purse—then she looked back at Zeke."I guess we could go inside for a minute.But I'm not sure what there is to say really.""I don't want to fuckin' break up.That's what there is to say." He smiled, grabbed her, and started walking as he pulled her toward the door.It was cold, and they were both ready to get inside.Molly dug in her bag to get Hannah's keys, and went to work unlocking the door.Jason had a complicated lock that made her key in a code after using the key.Zeke waited patiently then followed her inside where she turned on a few lights.She wasn't really in the mood to beat around the bush, so she put down her things and crossed to the couch.She patted the seat next to her, indicating that he should go over there.Zeke sat on the edge of the couch and ran a hand through his hair before he turned to face her."I think we should stay together," he said."You're moving here soon.Come on, it'll be great once you live here."Molly took a deep breath.She didn't know where to begin."Zeke, I don't know how to say this, but tonight, I, uh… There was this guy—"He stopped her with a hand in the air."I don't even want to know, Molly.""Well that's sort of the whole point of why I had to—""I don’t want to know about anything," he said, his hands were raised, begging her to say no more."I'm willing to start over—like we just met."Molly was silent for a second as she thought about the possibility of moving forward with Zeke now that she'd had her night with Nick.Hey, if he was willing to forgive her and start fresh, it might be worth considering.She closed her eyes and let out a little laugh at the freaking outrageousness of the situation."What?" he said."Why not?" He looked at her."I'm gonna leave you alone.I know you need to get back in the morning." He smiled sweetly at her.She couldn’t imagine this was the same guy who growled and screamed into the microphone when he was onstage."I just want you to think about what I said." He leaned over and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips for a quick kiss."I think we can still be good together."She wanted to hate him for coming there and confusing her like that, but he was just too gosh-darn sweet."I do have to get back early," she said.She was scared in the house alone, but she knew it'd be better for everyone if Zeke left.He stood, pulling her up with him.He turned and looked at her with a sincere expression."I think you should maybe think about staying my girlfriend because we have a big show coming up and it's pretty cool to be the lead singer's girlfriend."She laughed."I think you're more right about that than you might think.""Oh, I know I'm right about it," he said, teasing her."I would totally want to be my girlfriend if I were a girl.""You're a pretty great guy," she said sweetly.That made him lean in for a kiss, which she returned because she thought it was going to be a guarded peck and nothing more.He kissed her on the lips, letting his mouth linger there for several seconds before Molly realized he wasn't going to pull back and did it herself.He stepped in front of her and reached out for her face, pulling her toward him to put a kiss on her lips.He deepened it quickly, slipping his tongue into her mouth before she knew what was happening.Molly was in such a confused, delirious state of mind that for a second, she went along with it.She pulled back the second she realized she was acting like a crazy person."Zeke, I can't do this right now," she said.He looked slightly injured, but recovered quickly."I know.I shouldn't have done that.I'm sorry." He squeezed her hand and smiled a little before taking off toward the door."Call me," he said from over his shoulder.Molly collapsed onto the couch as soon as she saw his truck leave the driveway."What the hell?" she asked out loud.She sat there in complete silence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]