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.She was pretty sure she saw the remains of two white pills when he spit.She looked up to find him watching her closely.“Excuse me.The pills leave a bad taste in my mouth.”The chirp of birds and rustle of leaves intensified as he awaited her response.“Okay.” She nodded.Not only had he spit out Alistair’s pills, but he knew that she knew and he was fine with that.She absorbed the possibility that he trusted her.They resumed their hike.It seemed Zach breathed more easily the farther they traveled from the mansion.Certainly her trepidation eased with each step.It was a glorious day.The first time she’d been outside since she arrived.She still had no idea where they were, but she was certain they’d left the continental United States.The plants were different, more tropical, and some of the staff spoke a language she didn’t recognize.Although she’d paid careful attention to her surroundings since she arrived, Alistair had been thorough in ensuring there were no obvious clues to their location—no television, no internet access available to her, no newspapers or magazines.She glanced at Zach as he carried their son in an infant carrier on his chest.His obvious love for Daniel warmed her heart, giving her courage.…As they set a brisk pace, Thomas noted that Maggie became increasingly relaxed the farther they walked from the big house.He wanted to know more about her.Where she grew up, what foods she liked, what she did to relax.Why she went to his father’s room each night.The sun shone through the trees, warming them as a cool breeze rustled through the leaves.Looking sideways at her, he broke the silence.“So, you know nearly as much about me as I know about myself.What about you? Obviously you love children.”“I do now.” She shrugged.“But when I was young? I never really planned on having any.”“What changed your mind?”“I got pregnant.” She tossed a half grin his way.“So I guess you could say the baby changed my mind.”“And the baby’s father?”She looked up at the trees, smiling at something only she could see.“Well, he ran for the hills.” A moment of silence passed before she glanced his way, with eyes that burned black as the island night.“But Sam’s real father isn’t her biological father.”“Sam, huh? I…”A small animal darted out from under a bush and cut across their path, startling her.She shrieked and lost her balance as she jumped, grabbing his arm for support.“Oh my gosh, I almost…” She gasped for breath and burst into laughter.“I almost peed my pants over a—what was that thing! Some crazy tropical rabbit?”His deep laughter joined hers as he placed his hand on her shoulder to steady her.The heat from her skin seeped into his fingers.Laughter faded.He removed his hand from her shoulder and let it drift slowly upward, brushing his fingertips against her neck, then along her jaw until finally his hand rested against her cheek.“You have a beautiful laugh.” He leaned in slowly, eyes searching, allowing her time to back away.Her lips curved infinitesimally as she wrapped her hand behind his neck.He kissed her, tentatively at first and then with increasing passion until they broke apart, breathless.Running his hand through his hair, he exhaled slowly.“Ah, you know, you’re the first girl I’ve ever kissed—at least that I can remember.” He smiled and ran his fingers tenderly along her collarbone.“And it was…great.But I admit, I never envisioned kissing my first girl with a baby between us.”She placed a light kiss on the baby’s head before raising her hand to touch his face.“I…I have something to tell you.” She searched his eyes and took a deep breath.From a distance, they heard a shout.“Mr.Forrester? Ms.Smith? Where are you? Mr.Forrester, come quickly!”…The pounding of Lizzie’s heart changed tempo, reflecting fear and frustration when before it had danced to the beat of passion and promise.She backed away from Zach and ran her hands over her hair to make sure the bun was secure.A breathless servant burst into sight.“Mr.Forrester, you’re needed at the house immediately.”Lizzie could see Zach’s frustration and apparently Daniel felt it as well, because he began to fuss.“Why—” He lowered his voice and stroked Daniel’s back, calming him.“Why am I needed?”“I don’t know.Mr.Forrester Sr.said to bring you back immediately.”“Fine.We’ll be along in a minute.”“Uh, it’s urgent, sir.I’m to escort you back to the house.”“Escort me back, huh.” Eyes hard, he nodded.“Let’s go back and settle this, once and for all.”She wanted to protest but felt the servant’s watchful eyes upon her.They walked back toward the house.As they neared the edge of the wooded area, Zach paused and lifted Daniel and the carrier from his chest.Turning to Lizzie, he helped her slip into it, running his hand lightly down her arm.“Ace doesn’t need to hear what I have to say to my father.”With his hand at her elbow, they entered the main courtyard.A stunning blond woman stood on the front steps talking with Alistair.Her face lit up when she saw them.“Thomas, darling!”He dropped his hand from Lizzie’s arm and stepped away from her as the elegant stranger ran down the steps in stiletto heels.She threw herself into his arms and kissed him soundly.Lizzie’s eyes narrowed.It was certainly a big day for Thomas, who didn’t seem to be working too hard to get out of his second kiss—at least that he could remember.Zach disengaged himself from the kiss and pushed the woman back a few inches.He scrubbed his hand along his jaw, a sure sign of distress.Lizzie fought the desire to step up and comfort him, confront Alistair, and tell the blond bimbo to take a hike—or rather to stay while she and her men took a hike!“Thomas?” the stranger asked, tilting her head in confusion.“Oh, sweetheart, you don’t remember me, do you?” Holding up her left hand, she flashed a large diamond.“I’m Desiree, your fiancée!”Looking in Lizzie’s direction, she smiled even more broadly if possible.“Ooooohhhh! And this sweet, sweet baby will be my new son!” Glancing back at Zach, she continued.“Darling, you don’t remember, but I’ve been finishing up business school in France and hadn’t even met this sweet baby yet.I’m so sorry it took me over a week to get here.Your father has sent me updates every day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]