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.Though it didn’t have that much taste to it, he could feel the warmth pooling on his tongue and could also feel thethickness of its consistency.As that deluxe dick began to soften, Mal regretfully pulled out of Josh’s mouth.Although his dick was waning, it was not for long.Mal fingered Josh’s ass, and before Josh’s eyes, the starch returned to his dickrod.Josh’s cock had never lost its stiffness, but now that Mal’s fingerwas lightly teasing across the rim of Josh’s pucker, his dick throbbed mercilessly with want.Mal’s lightly teasing finger skated acrossJosh’s quivering rim, and then he slid inside him on a cushion ofsweat.When Josh felt that finger probe up his chute, he very nearly lostanother load prematurely.Groaning out his need, he followed thatwordless but heartfelt vocalization with a more specific, spokenrequest.“Fuck me!”“You bet I will, babe,” Mal answered.“Get on your hands andknees.”Josh complied, and then he felt that giant-size dick snuggingbetween his ass cheeks.Mal urgently punched his way through Josh’sresisting ring and took up residence inside his rectum.Josh groaned with the pure pleasure of it.He groaned so loudly that Mal cautioned him to be quiet.“We aren’t at home,” he reminded Josh.“We don’twant the neighbors calling the front desk and the managementbanging on the door to find out who’s being murdered.” But JoshCaught in a Web of Intrigue67couldn’t be quiet.It felt too wonderful! The physical sensations alone were fantastic, and the fact that the dick invading his assholebelonged to the man he loved made it all that much better.He found himself hunching backward, swallowing up more ofMal’s thick, long shaft in his eager asshole.There was no stoppinghim now, and no silencing him either.He hunched back, and witheach sawing motion, as he took in most of Mal’s dick, he groanedaloud at the feel of it slithering up into his interior.Mal punched deep into his ass-vault, that huge slab of meat bringing home all sorts of wonderful sensations.And with many of his in-strokes, he clippedJosh’s prostate, stroking that little walnut gland into one hell of a happy mood.It felt so wonderful that Josh shot off another load of searingspunk without either of them touching his dick.He got so caught upin the explosion of his orgasm that he nearly missed realizing that Mal, too, was unloading, filling his ass-vault with another heapinghelping of jism.Mal’s dick quivered and pulsed with his spendingseed, and then slowly it shrank until it slipped out of Josh’s ass even though Mal hadn’t pulled back.They’d been so eager to make love that they hadn’t evenshowered first, but both of them, sticky from their lusty romp, felt they were more than in need of a shower now.So they got under thesluicing water together, soaping each other up and rinsing each other off.Josh delighted in soaping up Mal’s dick and balls, washing hisass-crevice, and feeling Mal do all these same things to him.Neither of them sprang even a halfhearted hard-on though.They were bothfucked out.Nonetheless, the shower play was pure pleasure for Josh.Once they’d toweled off, they headed for bed.Josh turned on theTV, but when he found that the motel’s set received only the localchannels and not CNN, he switched it off again, grumbling.“Tell me more about the job,” Mal urged Josh.“Do you want it?”Josh had already told Mal, over dinner, about the job itself, butnow they discussed Josh’s feelings about it.“I have mixed emotions,”68Diana Sheridanhe admitted.“The job would be a good challenge, and it pays well.On the other hand, I’m happy enough at C&C.Leaving you would be the hardest part, but on the other hand again, what kind of life can we have under the present circumstances? And if you got a job inForestburg, we could live together in peace.I don’t think Iinterviewed very well, though.I just wasn’t ‘on.’”“Your brother knows you’re gay? There wouldn’t be anyproblems there?”“Oh, I’ve been out since half-past forever.I think my family knewI was gay even before I came to terms with it.My brother alwaysteased me that he thought it was great that I was gay because he knew I’d never try to steal his girlfriends.And Ashley, his wife, is very close to a gay cousin of hers.No—no problems there.” Josh snuggledup to Mal, pumped up by the prospect of the two of them livingtogether openly, without fear of Burt sabotaging their jobs.“But what if no jobs open up for me in Forestburg?”With a deflated sigh, Josh rolled away from Mal and raised hisarm up in the air, bringing his fist down hard against the mattress in frustration.“And what if I don’t get the job in the first place? I really don’t think I did that well in the interview, even though the guy was impressed with my portfolio.”Mal rubbed his shoulder comfortingly.“Let’s just let it play outand see which way it goes…but, if you do get the job, are you set on taking it?”“No! I don’t want you as just my weekend lover.I want you as myeveryday lover, my full-time lover, my forever lover.”“I want that, too, babe,” Mal said softly in his ear before kissingthe ear and nibbling at his earlobe.“I don’t know what to do! That is, if I even have a choice in thematter.I still don’t think I’m gonna get the job offer.”“We’ll just have to take it one step at a time,” Mal said sagely.Josh, however, was troubled.Caught in a Web of Intrigue69Chapter 6When Josh got to work Monday, Melanie greeted him with, “Didyou hear?”Josh scrunched up his forehead in a puzzled expression.What washappening now? Had he missed some important gossip or officialannouncement on Friday while he was out? No—Mal would have toldhim when he met him at the motel.Had Burt started the week off byaccusing him and Mal of a romance? Had some other couple beenfired for intra-office dating?Given the circumstances, he and Mal had stayed away from eachother’s house over the weekend.They’d had dinner together in acasual restaurant Saturday night and again in the local wing shack on Sunday.They’d been careful not to kiss, hold hands, or even playfootsies surreptitiously under the table.Should Burt—or, for thatmatter, anyone else from the office—spot them together, they wouldlook like two buddies having dinner together, nothing more.Therewas certainly no rule against office friendships.At no point while they were together, though, had Mal said anything about any officegossip.“What is it?” he asked Melanie.“The scuttlebutt is that Lucy’s putting the company up for sale,and that, to make the bottom line look more appealing, she’s letting a few people go.”“Who?” Josh asked.Was he about to be fired before he even gothired by Source 1 Creative?“No one knows,” Melanie told him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]