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.”“You know how to do makeup?”He looked at me impatiently.“Do you doubt me?”“Well, yeah.Most guys—”“Have I ever struck you as anything like most guys?”“No…”“Bend over.Ten for that.”I grinned as I felt a sudden thrill like the start of a roller-coaster ride.“Yes, James.” Why had I even bothered to pull a bathrobe on? I let it drop, leaned over, and braced my hands on the side of the tub.I expected him to start light and ramp up, but no, the smacks were fierce and quick and over in a flash, leaving me gasping and suddenly very wet.“Stay still,” he said, and in the bathroom mirror I could see his erection coming to full hardness.He stepped close, running his hand up and down my reddened ass, and then using one finger to test how wet I was.He made a pleased, satisfied noise when he felt the ample slickness.“You have my body trained,” I gasped as he slid one finger into me.“No,” he corrected.“I have you trained.”“Yes, James.” I blushed at how proud he sounded as he’d said it.“Let’s see if we can train you a bit more.Come suck on the head of my cock.Only the head.”I started to kneel, but he said, “No, no, stay bent over.Put your hands behind your back.And walk over here.” He hefted his balls, making the head and shaft of him bounce up and down.I put my hands behind my back and walked toward him like some kind of awkward, hungry flamingo, my mouth open and reaching for the prize that awaited me.But as I was about to close my lips over him, he stepped backward, out of reach.I took another step forward, and again he teased me by backing up, stepping out of the bathroom this time.He led me that way, like a horse and a carrot, until he was up against one of the beds and sat on the edge.My mouth closed over the tip of him.“Now.Suck gently, gently, good.Now swirl your tongue in a circle.Fantastic.” He stood and I stayed with him, never letting his cock free.“Try to stay still now,” he said, as he pushed himself more deeply into my mouth, and then deeper, and deeper until I gagged.He withdrew slowly, seemingly not bothered by my coughing with him still in my mouth.“Good girl.Try to take another inch this time.”He thrust in and again I gagged, this time gasping to try to catch my breath, which had only been cut off for a second, but that was enough to kick in my instinct.“Do you know why I love putting my cock in your mouth?” he asked.I shook my head, not wanting to let go of it unless told to.“First and foremost, because I can.That it feels good is also a plus.That you do it so obediently is another.That it brings tears to your eyes and tests your control”—he grabbed me by the wig and thrust three, four, five times into my throat, making me gag and snort, then changed to holding me by the chin with one hand, slapping my tongue with the head of his cock with the other—“that is wonderful.Hands on top of your head.”I laced my fingers and put them on top of my head, atop the wig.“Keep your tongue out.”He kept slapping my tongue with his cock, then switched to slapping my face with it, wetting my cheeks while I kept my tongue extended.Then he put his cock back into my mouth and thrust deep, though not deep enough to choke me.“Suck,” he said, and as I did, he slapped me lightly on the cheek.It barely hurt the slap was so light, but it startled me.After that one I was prepared for him to do it again, and as he thrust in and out of my mouth, he slapped me on one cheek and then the other, several slaps to each side.Then he thrust again hard enough to cause tears to spring into my eyes, only this time as he switched to gentle thrusts, my sobs and spasms didn’t subside.I was crying for real.He pulled free as soon as he realized I was crying and cupped my cheek tenderly, searching my face for the source of my distress.I only cried harder and as I sank to my knees he kissed me lovingly.“Good girl,” he whispered.I felt a sudden pang of relief and my breath went out of me in the rush.Just like that, the storm cloud that had rained tears dissipated and the sun came out.He kissed me again, slipping to the floor next to me.Dear James.I turned the kiss more passionate, and by the time he paused to take a breath, I had almost put the sudden bout of tears out of my mind.But he hadn’t.“You all right?”“Fine.” I took a deep breath.He caressed my cheek, wiping away some of the dampness with his thumb.“What was going through your mind, sweetness?”I thought back to the moment.“Not a really coherent thought, just a feeling that… I don’t know.You never hit me in the face before.”He kissed me on one cheek, then the other, looking into my eyes with concern.“They say we react instinctually to being struck in the face differently from anywhere else on the body.”“Huh.Yeah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]