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.Everyone who’s likely to escape already has—the rest have been locked inside.“The doors have all been sealed,” I breathe, looking helplessly up at Devlin.“But what if they’re still in there?”Before Devlin can reply, Emma lets out a cry of relief, pointing out across the black Atlantic water.“They’re back!” she says, grabbing onto my arm.“They made it back!”Devlin, Titan and I look up to see two headlights cutting through the thick darkness of the sea.The twin orbs grow larger as a huge speedboat roars toward the dock.Panicked millionaires rubberneck to catch sight of the vessel, hoping for a way off the burning island.But the men on this life boat only have eyes for us.“Dev!” shouts Lobo, standing at the bow of the boat.“Hurry up, man!”“We don’t know how long we’ve—Jesus Christ, what’s going on up there?” Leon calls, squinting up at the burning fort from his place beside Lobo.“Someone’s started a fire,” Titan shouts, as the boat glides to a stop along the dock.“Where’s Packer?” Dean calls from the boat.“He went to find you when we took command of the yacht.”“Said he had a plan to.smoke everyone out of The Club,” Chip adds, his eyes going wide as he realizes the implications of his words.“We’ve got to go back for them,” I say to Devlin, grabbing his hand and pulling him against the tide of bodies surging away from The Club.“Packer and Jules could still be in there!” Devlin looks between The Club and his club.I can tell that he’s torn, but I’m not.“Dev, my sister could be inside that building,” I say firmly.“All because she came looking for me.I’m not leaving this island without her.”“You’re right,” Devlin nods, grabbing onto my hands.“We’ll get them back, Logan.”“Get the fuck away from there!” we hear Brutus roar.He’s swinging at desperate men and women scrambling to get onto the Circle of Death’s boat.The masses could overwhelm and sink the ship in their panic.“Devlin, we’ve got to get out of here,” Xan insists from the deck of the boat.“We’re running out of time.”“I can’t leave without Packer and Jules,” Devlin tells his brothers, “Just stall out here while we go back to look—”“There’s no time for that!” Otis yells from beside Xan.“Get on the goddamn boat, Vile!” Lobo roars.“Just hold things down here, boys.Make sure none of these rich sons of bitches swarm you.Logan and I will go back for Jules and Packer.We can all make it out of this together, I know it.”Though they disagree with their president, the brothers clench their teeth and draw their weapons, leveling their sights at the people trying to board the boat.Dean extends a hand to Emma, who looks back at me in terror.“Go on,” I urge her, “You’ll be safe with them.”My best friend nods and accepts Dean’s hand, scrambling onto the boat with Titan on her heels.The rest of the men and women on the dock back away from the slew of guns the MC men hold pointed at them.“All right,” Devlin says to me, “Let’s do this, Logan.”We clasp hands and square our shoulders to the smoldering club.But just as we move to take our first step, a sickeningly sweet laugh rings out across the dock.From the shadows of the forest, the figure of a slight man emerges, his thick glasses glimmering in our escape boat’s headlights.Backlit by the growing blaze of The Club, he advances toward us.And he’s not alone, either.In his wake come a dozen burly men, silent and menacing, each armed with military-grade assault rifles.The other frightened patrons give up their attempts to board our boat in a heartbeat and dash off into the darkened woods.Better stranded than riddled with bullets.“Klein,” Devlin snarls at the small man as he approaches.“Mr.Vile,” the little man returns.“You certainly know how to make an exit.”I recognize his high-pitched voice at once.He was the one urging on my would-be rapists from the speaker in my cell.My stomach turns with disgust as he comes nearer, but I hold my head up high [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]