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.I’m causing too much stress for you, and you can’t do the things you’d like to.”Sally sighed, but didn’t voice any arguments.“Where will you go?”This was the tricky part.Even though Sally seemed to agree with him about them needing space apart, she wouldn’t like this.“Rose’s place.She asked me to live with her.”Sally’s eyelids twitched and she took a step back.“I guess that’s your choice then.” She shut the door.Damn.That didn’t go well.Max wondered if Sally would ever come around and make peace with his decisions to be with Rose.He would love to have a close relationship with her some day, although that might be further in the future than he had planned.Still, Julie’s death proved that he didn’t know how much time he had with his mother.“No matter what happens, I just want you to know I love you with all my heart,” he called through the door.After waiting for a few seconds, Max realized she wouldn’t respond.There was nothing he could do about it right now.It was time to go home and be with someone who wanted him around.His phone beeped in his pocket again, and Max pulled it out.Another call from Rose.They’d been playing phone tag all afternoon.He quickly swiped to answer.“Hey, love.What’s up?”“Where are you?” she asked.“At my mom’s house, getting my things.” He walked into the bedroom and slung the bag across his shoulder.“I figured I’d make a nice meal for you tonight when you get home from the gas station, but I need to go grocery shopping.You don’t have a lot of food.What sounds good?”“Have you seen Calvin or that Officer Jet person?” She sounded scared.Sudden acid chewed its way up his stomach and into his throat.“No.What happened?”Rose’s breath came quick and loud over the phone line.She was definitely freaking out.“They’re going to arrest you, Max.I can’t talk now, but you need to get home and stay there.Don’t answer the door.I’ll be there right after work.”Max glanced at the clock.“It’s only six.You have to stay at the store for six more hours.I’m not going to hide out like a criminal.”“I’m trying to find someone to cover my shift.Look, there are customers here.I can’t talk right now.Just don’t talk to Calvin.Maybe call your lawyer.”“This sounds serious.I’m going to come over there and talk to you.”“Jimmy’s dead,” she hissed quietly.Max felt numb for a few moments, trying to process her words.“And I’m the only suspect.”“Pretty much,” she said at a more normal volume.“I think it’s a set up.Promise me you won’t let Cal near you.I’m afraid he might try to do something to you next.”“Calvin? You think he’ll hurt me?”“Yes.” She paused a minute and the sound of another voice came muffled through the phone.“I have to go.Someone’s having a problem with the gas pump.You’ll do what I asked, right?”“Sure, yeah.Love you.”“Love you, too.”He disconnected the phone and headed for the door.If Calvin was coming after him, Max didn’t want his mom involved.Especially if Rose was right.If Calvin set up the murders to make it look like Max did them, then things could go wrong when he came to arrest Max.It wouldn’t matter if he quietly waited for the handcuffs.If Calvin really wanted Max to go down for the crimes and the officer was the killer, he might decide to shoot Max and then claim he resisted arrest or something.It’s what Max would do if the situation was reversed and he became desperate.It was a fact that dead men couldn’t defend themselves or their good name.Dead men couldn’t expose anyone’s murderous lies.Chapter EighteenRose glanced at the clock on the wall in the back of the store.It was after ten, and she hadn’t found anyone to come in and cover for her.She never heard from Max again and hoped everything was fine.If Calvin did arrest him, someone would be sure to come in and tell her about it.She sold a twelve pack of beer to one of her regulars, knowing Mr.Anderson would be back tomorrow for more.Then, the store was finally empty.It’d be good to check in with Max.Just to ease her mind.Quickly dialing his cell number, she breathed out a relieved sigh when he picked up on the second ring.“How’s my beautiful girlfriend holding up?” he asked.“I can’t find anyone to cover my shift.You haven’t seen Cal, have you?”“Nope,” he confirmed, easing her anxiety.“Also, no one around town seems to know about Jimmy yet.”Around town? “What do you mean? Have you been out?” She tried to keep her voice level, but it sounded a bit panicked to her own ears.“Relax, Rosemary.I decided I was better off with a group of people if Calvin came after me.I went to the library to do some research.Then I went grocery shopping.I have orange chicken simmering in your crock pot.Also, I have some good news to discuss when you get home.”“I could use good news,” she said.“Want to tell me now?”His rich chuckle came over the line.“So eager.I wanted to tell you in person, but I don’t want to wait either.I got a phone call from one of my uncle’s friends a few hours ago, and he has a really good job for me working as a mechanic up in Beaverton.”“Near Portland?” she asked.That’d be quite the long distance relationship.“Yep,” Max confirmed.“He even has a lead on an affordable apartment we could rent and start fresh.It would only be a three-hour drive to visit my mom, but we would be in a big town where people wouldn’t gossip about us all the time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]