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.There has never been a reason to venture into the caves and nobody in recent history has ever made a map of the interior.I assume there was a map made before the Great Cataclysm, but it’s been lost.That’s if it ever existed in the first place.So nobody knows the size of the caves or even what lives inside.”“We will have to tread carefully, but time will be important.I do not like how this task is turning out, especially since Stephen can attack Sari and Luke when they are alone.”“I agree that too much can go wrong, but it would appear that you and your friends are being left with very few options,” John points out, hoping his honesty will put the champion at ease.“I will pray to Neberith the Healing Goddess and Kerr the Barbarian God for your victory and survival.It may not be much, but every little effort helps.”“Thank you, sir.May your voice be heard and accepted by the gods.”“How we stop curse?” Fizzle asks, excitedly waving his tail.He hops up and down on the barrel as his worry increases.“Killing source good.Dark Wind may not die fast.That bad for Luke and animals.”The priest draws a clear gem from his robes, the pristine facets resembling fragile glass.He breathes on the top of the beautiful stone, which releases a faint smell.It is an aroma that is vaguely familiar to Timoran and he struggles to remember it as the mild stink of the stables disappears.When the smell is strong enough for everyone to notice, the barbarian recognizes it as fresh mint and frowns as the powerful odor grips his sensitive nose.His brow furrows when John places the gem in his palm and closes the warrior’s hand around it.“I do not like magic and I do not enjoy mint,” Timoran says, causing the halfling to chuckle.John takes the gem back and holds it up to the barbarian’s face, slowly turning it for him to see every edge.“Delvin told me about your aversion to magic, but I assure you that this is a natural creation.These crystals are found near the entrance to the Cave of Winds.We believe they exist to purify or strengthen the wind as it emerges.If air with a pleasant scent touches them, they enhance the smell.For example, I recently had some of my favorite tea, which is why you smelled mint after I breathed on the crystal.Unfortunately, they don’t fight against living curses like the Dark Wind, which is why they’re not curing the epidemic.”“I am confused.If these do nothing to help then why are you giving me one?”The halfling tosses the gem back to Timoran, who catches it and tucks it into his pocket.Taking off his glasses, the priest rubs his eyes and yawns.John can feel the stress of the last few days catching up with him, the fatigue making it difficult to collect his thoughts.Fizzle sends a puff of rainbow mist at the blue-robed priest, the cloud clearing his mind.“Thank you, Fizzle,” he says with a genuine smile and renewed fire in his eyes.He can see the doubt on Timoran’s face and creates the best explanation he can think of without confusing the barbarian.“This is a complicated longshot to help weaken the Dark Wind once the source is gone.The air is always moving within Gale Hollow, so a crystal used within the caves could have a continuous or at least a long-term reaction.My hope is that whatever scent is in the wind will be rapidly enhanced by additional crystals found inside.By the time it leaves the caves, the scent will be very potent and have the strength to carry across the region.Don’t underestimate the effect a soothing scent has on the sick.I’ve used incense to relax patients and give them extra strength.I trust you to choose a strong smell that will keep the infected energized while the Dark Wind is eradicated.If you can think of something that will destroy the curse then that would be even better.”A wide grin appears on Timoran’s face as he takes a dented flask off his belt.“I have some Ifrit mead with me.That should be strong enough to give the Dark Wind a fight and the smell is very invigorating.Thank you, my friend.”“I should thank you and your friends,” the priest says while he shakes the warrior’s hand.They walk back to the others, who are already on their horses.“Without all of you, we’d be fighting a losing battle.I hope you return victorious by the evening.May Neberith heal your wounds and erase your pain.”“I really hope we have it easy until we reach the Cave of Winds,” Sari admits as she hands Timoran the reins of his horse.The gypsy points an ice-covered finger at Delvin when he opens his mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]