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.As your shepherds, we insist that you sit here, pray, open your heart, and then hear what this man has to say.”Nolan was shocked.Seth Williams looked like a mealy-mouthed wimp, but he’d been mistaken.Craig’s face mirrored his.He looked toward Frank, but Frank’s eyes were stern.He nodded silently and Craig sighed.Praying when angry was never his strong point.“Ok.I’m listening.I don’t want to, but unfortunately, these men are men that I respect, and I feel obligated to listen to their instructions.I can’t promise that my heart is open.”Nolan began with an apology.Then he simply told his story.Point by point, line by line, he explained how the horrible mistake had occurred.“Craig, I cannot tell you how embarrassed and ashamed I am of myself.I was in a hurry and was careless.I’ll never make that mistake again.But if you can forgive me…”Frank held up his hand.“Wait.I am not certain that you have anything to ask forgiveness for.You didn’t sin against him.Don’t take upon yourself sin that you haven’t committed.”Nolan shook his head.“I know that Craig takes his role as his sister’s protector very seriously.I hurt my friend by hurting his sister, and I want forgiveness for that.”Craig was in deep turmoil.He knew that Nolan was genuine.He knew that the man was telling the truth, but he didn’t want to forgive.There was safety in Grace having a rift in the friendship.She couldn’t be hurt when Nolan finally found the kind of woman that he was likely looking for.Craig wanted to nurse a grudge and just not take the chance.“Craig, Grace has forgiven me.She knows that I didn’t mean to hurt her.I have managed to salvage one friendship; I’d like to salvage another.”Melanie’s quiet disapproval of his display of anger, Grace’s obvious forgiveness, and Nolan’s humility were enough to shame him.In complete repentance for his anger, Craig dropped his face into his hands and wept.The group of men prayed, talked, and despite the discomfort that men find in situations like this, sang a hymn.Grace heard them from the dining hall and smiled, singing to herself with them, “…Bind us together, Lord…”Chapter Thirteen“Martha, can you call the Stern girls in and send out the Perkinses? Oh, and I think we could use some more help filling the plates.Is there someone washing dishes or something who can come in here?”Grace rushed around the kitchen cutting, tasting, and supervising, all as she made batch after batch of gravy and mashed potatoes.The church was packed.It appeared that everyone had brought friends and family.As she mashed another large bowl of potatoes, Paige stepped into the kitchen looking like a model from a Paris runway.“Grace! I—can you come out here for a moment, I have to talk to you!” Paige was almost bubbling.Mrs.Welk smiled at Grace and shooed her out.“Five minute break, Grace.If you don’t rest, you’ll drop, and we need you too much to risk it.”Paige dragged Grace into the women’s restroom and began talking animatedly.“Chuck Majors brought his brother Nathan tonight.”Grace waited.“And…”“Oh, Grace! When I first met him, you know what I thought he’d be like, but he is nothing like Chuck and…”Paige’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper.“I think he’s interested in me.He keeps looking at me, and he—”Grace smiled.“Of course he does! You look like a million dollars.I bet every man at that table is drooling.”“Well… Nolan looks kind of forlorn, but everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves.What did you do to him?”“Long story.Trust me.I’ll tell you later.So you’re not interested in Nolan?”“Nah, he’s not for me.I think he’d be perfect for another friend of mine though…”Grace washed her hands as a diversion and then headed back to the kitchen.She wandered through the dining hall to get a glimpse of Chuck’s brother before getting back to work.She instantly regretted it.At every table, someone stopped her to speak to her.By the time she reached Nolan and Paige’s table, she was feeling desperate.If this continued, it’d take her twenty minutes to reach her post in the kitchen.Nolan’s eyes questioned her as Paige leaned over and whispered something to him.Without hesitation, Nolan stood and escorted Grace to the kitchen.His presence seemed to deter everyone’s attempts to stop her.People waved and praised the dinner but let her move freely through the room.Once in the kitchen, the obvious lack of helpers prompted him to tuck a kitchen towel into his waistband and ask where to start working first.Grace considered arguing and then “called his bluff.” The result was hilarious.Grace shooed him toward the sink and handed him a bottle of dishwashing soap and a dishcloth.“Here you go.I’ll have someone tell Paige you’ve been detained.From what I hear, Chuck’s brother won’t be too upset.”“Nope.He’s been eyeing her since Chuck introduced her as his ‘on again, off again’ girlfriend.”Grace stared.“He didn’t!”“Yup.Can you imagine? Nathan is obviously smitten.”“Smitten? That’s a quaint word.”Nolan stopped a young girl working as a server and whispered something into her ear.The girl giggled and scurried out to the dining hall.“That’ll make them both happy.”Three hours later, Grace discovered Nolan’s plan.Nathan was asked to escort Paige home for him and was more than willing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]