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.“I should probably leave it in my jewelry box.One of these days my knuckles will be so swollen I won’t be able to get it back off.” She shrugged.“Comes with living so long.Anyway, while I wait for the water to boil, maybe you can find something patriotic in that corner cabinet to dress up the tables.I put out white tablecloths earlier, but they’re looking rather plain.I don’t know where all my holiday decorations disappeared to after the move.”Kate opened the cabinet.There were some mismatched linens, assorted napkin rings, the stubs of a few candles, cookbooks, a collection of seashells in mason jars and a pile of junk mail.Yes.A reorganization was definitely in order.“There’s not much in the way of red, white and blue.How do you feel about a beach theme?”“Why not?”Kate grabbed the seashells, mason jars, and some assorted placemats in hues of blues and greens and turned, knocking a manila envelope to the floor.She set down her decorating supplies and bent to pick it up.Ruth waved her hand.“Just set that on the counter.They’re photos of Carter, my grandson.” She leaned forward.“I’m working up my nerve to look at them.I’m afraid they might be a little spicy.”“Spicy?”“He can be that way, you know, but it may work to our advantage.”“I don’t understand.”“It’s for one of our fundraisers.The Gifts for the Greater Good committee is raising money to fix up the food pantry and emergency shelter here in town.Oh, the roof had ice dams and there was all sorts of water damage.Anyway, James gave us an estimate on the work and when I brought it to the committee… Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed how handsome my grandsons are, but, I said to myself, ‘Ruth, who wouldn’t want to look on their handsome faces all year long?’”Nonplussed, Kate felt heat rise up her throat.Was that a rhetorical question?“So we decided to put together a calendar, and we’re calling it ‘Sweets of Sugar Falls!’ At least, that’s what Lydia wants to call it.I’m still not sure it sends the right message, though I admit it has a nice ring to it.“Every month will be a new photo, see? One of our very own boys.Carter sent his photos over a couple days ago.” Ruth motioned at Kate.“Open it.It’ll be good to get a young lady’s opinion.”Kate undid the envelope’s clasp and pulled out a glossy eight-by-ten.A bare-chested man in faded jeans leaned on a shovel, one muscular forearm swiping the sweat from his brow as he smiled cockily at the camera.Self-confident, good-looking and dripping with sexuality—a boy he was not.“Wow.”“Well? Do you think it’ll sell calendars?”Kate slid the photo back into the envelope and suppressed a smile.“Most definitely.”Ruth beamed and nearly clapped her hands.“I’m so glad.I was a little nervous, to tell the truth.Carter can be a bit of a wild card sometimes.” Kate gathered her supplies.“Of course I’m not sure what we’ll do if we have more than twelve good entries.I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.We’re still working out the kinks, I’m afraid.”“You could always have people vote for their favorites.” At Ruth’s puzzled look, Kate continued.“If you had a website or social networking fan page, you could post the photos on-line for people to vote on.I did that for Spirit Week last year at the school I work for.The kids made school pride banners and then voted on their favorites.It really brought the kids together.Who knows, if you involve the community, it could build interest in the calendar.”“And boost sales! Oh, that’s brilliant! We could announce the winners at the auction we’re holding over Labor Day weekend, too.That may be just what we need to bring us over the top of our fundraising goals.” Ruth grinned, the twinkle in her eyes taking decades off her face.“But who would do it? I wouldn’t know the first thing about setting something like that up.”“I suppose I—”“Oh, bless you! If you were willing to organize the entries and keep things respectable, it’d be such a help.”Kate licked her lips.“You want me to make your beefcake calendar web page respectable?”Ruth nodded vigorously.“We wouldn’t want it to appear unseemly.”“Of course not.”“It is for a worthy cause,” she added.“Absolutely.”Ruth rested a wrinkled hand on Kate’s arm, her voice soft and comforting.“Normally, I wouldn’t dream of imposing on you, what with your recent loss and all, but June was talking the other day about how worried she is about you.Maybe a little project like this will help take your mind off your troubles.”Kate’s eyebrows shot up.Coordinating with dozens of local bachelors would take her mind off her troubles? Okay, well perhaps momentarily, but that’s probably what Pandora thought as she approached the box.How lovely! I wonder what I’ll find in here to amuse me?“Um.I appreciate your thinking of my, um, troubles, but I don’t know.What if someone got the wrong idea? I’m not ready…”“Oh, honey, they don’t have to know it’s you! In fact, now that I think about it, it’s probably best they don’t.They might try to sway you otherwise.Nothing worse than a contest that seems rigged.We want it all on the up and up, don’t we?”“Of course.But—”“We’ll worry about the details later.” Ruth patted her hand.“Will you at least think about it? Oh, it feels like fate that we had this talk today, doesn’t it?”It was feeling a wee bit like manipulation, actually, but it’d be selfish to say no.She was staying in this woman’s cottage for free the entire summer! And, honestly, how much trouble would it be? Who knows, if she did a good job, it could be a resume builder.“Sure.I’ll think about it.It might be fun.”Ruth beamed.“Good! Well, it looks like we’re done in here for a bit.Do you need help with the tables?”“I’m all set.” Kate picked up her decorations and escaped through the patio door before she rashly committed to anything else.She had to do something about this impulsive streak she was developing.Coordinating a beefcake calendar? Good grief.Twenty minutes later, satisfied with her table decorations, Kate stepped off the deck.She bent to retie her shoe at the same moment someone rounded the corner of the house.Kate peered through the daylilies.Jim.She watched as he stopped, kicked off his sneakers and closed his eyes for a moment, his bare feet sinking into the grass.Kate’s pulse kicked up a notch.There was something about watching Jim enjoy one of life’s small pleasures that tugged at her.She could feel it knotting in her stomach—a stab of jealousy or regret, she wasn’t sure which.When had she last given in to the temptation to curl her bare toes in cool summer grass? When had she lost touch with the tactile, sensual side of herself? She glanced down at her practical Keds, neatly if not stylishly encasing her feet.Oh God, maybe Randy was right.Maybe motherhood had made her less of a woman.Kate turned to slink away at the same time Jim stepped forward and spotted her.His eyes registered surprise.“I didn’t know you were out here.”She stood up and turned awkwardly.So much for slinking.“I came to check on Liam.” She looked away, but her eyes were drawn to Jim’s toes again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]