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.“I’m serious.” I told him all about Uncle Joey’s deal with the judge and when and where the class was tomorrow.Chris was thinking he’d really like to meet the judge that got Uncle Joey to go to church.“Sure, I’ll go,” he said.“But you’re going to owe me big time.” He could think of one or two things I could do for him right then.“You mean like this?” I leaned over and kissed him.He wrapped his arms around me.“Oh baby, oh baby.”Chapter 9The next morning, I decided to call Dimples and see if he would meet me for lunch.I figured if he had learned anything new, he probably wouldn’t tell me, so I needed a face to face chat.He answered on the fourth ring.After exchanging pleasantries I got down to business.“So, how are things going on my case?”“Okay,” he answered.He didn’t say anything else, so I filled in the silence.“I have some new information for you.Remember how you wanted me to share anything with you that I found out?”“Yes, of course.What is it?”His voice sounded strained and my stomach tightened.Was he about ready to arrest me? “I’d rather not talk about it over the phone.When do you go to lunch?”“Um…I could probably meet you at noon, but I don’t have a lot of time.”“That’s okay, it shouldn’t take long.Hey, is something wrong? You sound different.”“I’ll tell you at lunch.”“Okay,” I said.Now my stomach hurt.“Where do you want to go?”“Somewhere away from downtown where we won’t be seen together,” he answered.“How about Ruth’s Diner?”“Oh sure, I love that place.That should work.”“Good.See you then.” He disconnected, leaving me a bit disconcerted.Did he find out something new that made me look even guiltier? This could be bad.Desperate, I punched in Billie’s number, hoping she’d know more about what was going on.Maybe she’d even gotten her hands on Killpack’s files.My call went straight to voicemail, so I left a message to call my cell phone and quickly got ready for the day.Since I had some time to kill before lunch, the only thing I could think to do was pay a visit to Rebecca Morris’ office.Billie hadn’t thought it would do me any good, but I didn’t have any other leads, and it was worth a shot.Who knew, maybe the killer was someone in her office and I’d find out before I talked with Dimples.Then he could arrest the right person before he arrested me.It probably wasn’t going to happen, but it didn’t hurt to hope.Plus, thinking that way helped to settle my stomach which was a queasy mess right now.After I put on my standard black pencil skirt and turquoise blouse with a nice pair of patent leather pumps to fit in with the corporate office scene, I was ready to go.Rebecca was a graphic designer and worked for a high-profile marketing company.From the files on Jim’s case, I knew the office and floor she worked on and who her boss was.I decided to take my chances that I could talk to someone without an appointment, and headed for the eighth floor.As I got off the elevator, I pictured George with the vacuum cleaner and glanced around to see where he might have been standing when Jim left and Rebecca was killed.There was an office I could see from there, but could easily see that if he were facing the other direction, he’d miss something.I hurried toward that office and peeked inside.A man working on his computer glanced up.“Can I help you?” he asked.“Sure,” I said.“Was this Rebecca Morris’ office?”He frowned, irked and unhappy that he had the unfortunate position of working in the office where a young woman had been killed.He’d been able to put it from his mind until last week when a nosy reporter had come to take a look.And now me? What was going on? Didn’t I know any evidence regarding the case was long gone, and the guy who killed her was convicted and sentenced to death? So what did I want? “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to talk to my supervisor.”“Okay,” I said.“Sorry to bother you.I guess you didn’t know her very well.”“Of course I knew her.We all did [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]