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.‘As you know the SAS was set up for special missions behind enemy lines, assassination, et cetera.But it wasn’t the innovation it seemed.There was a precursor, set up by mad old Orde Wingate who also created the Chindits.’‘Gideon?’‘The Gideon Force.It operated in Abyssinia.It was an elite force and was made up from the oddest mix … British, Abyssinian, Sudanese and Hymies.’‘Jews?’‘Mmm.Strange, isn’t it? Don’t have time for them myself but apparently Wingate had always been a great supporter of our Jewish friends setting up a state in Palestine.He’d been up to all kinds of shenanigans in what we now call Israel.’‘So what’s this got to do with McGahern?’ I asked.‘I take it he was a member of the Gideon Force?’‘Forty-three and forty-four, according to what I’ve been able to find out between poking around in official records and what I’ve garnered from the grapevine.You do rather owe me for this one, old boy.’‘I don’t think we’re quite even yet, old boy.’ I offered him a cigarette to take the sting out of it.‘Anyway,’ said Jeffrey, leaning over for the light I offered, ‘your Sergeant McGahern was a member of Gideon.But he got quite tight with the Jewboys.’It was good to know that the small matter of six million dead had done nothing to dampen Jeffrey’s anti-Semitism.I thought of Jonny Cohen, who had fought a harder, realer war than this piece of shit, standing in the heart of Belsen.I felt the urge to smack Jeffrey about.Instead I said nothing and waited for him to continue.‘And this is where this precursor of the SAS comes in.When things got out of hand with the Arabs in Palestine in thirty-six to thirty-nine, Wingate set up this unit called the SNS.Stood for Special Night Squads, apparently.They were unbelievably ruthless, encouraged by Wingate, and carried out raids against Arab villages and terrorist groups.Rumour has it that for every ten prisoners they took, they’d shoot one pour encourager les autres as it were.You know the Israeli general? You know, the ghaffir with the eyepatch?’‘Moshe Dayan.I think you’ll find that ghaffir is more of a soldier than you’ll ever be, Jeffrey.’ Dayan had led the Israeli Army with devastating effectiveness in the Arab War four years before.The only war wound Jeffrey had ever risked was a paper cut.‘Well he learned his soldiering from us.Dayan was a member of the SNS.Wingate selected Jews who had been in the Hagganah and the Jewish Settlement Police to serve in the Special Night Squads and in turn there were a number of SNS recruited into Gideon.’For a moment Jeffrey’s attention seemed to wander.I followed his eyes to a slender, effeminate youth at the bar, no older than twenty with a cheap blue serge suit with the open collar of his shirt turned out over the lapels.The youth looked at Jeffrey blankly and turned away.I had Jeffrey’s attention again.The old problem.Jeffrey’s predilections were the basis for my personal nickname for him.Jeffrey had never worked out why I had nicknamed him ‘Mafeking’: it was because he regularly needed relieving by boy soldiers.It had been Jeffrey’s inclinations, no doubt cultivated in the late-night shenanigans in the dormitories of his boarding school, that had gotten him into the scrape I’d gotten him out of: a scrape with an eighteen-year-old pretty-boy conscript.It had been a set up from the start and Jeffrey found himself the victim of blackmail.I didn’t much care for Jeffrey’s type but he was what he was and I didn’t like people being screwed over for something they couldn’t help.Added to which, let’s be honest, Jeffrey had had all kinds of contacts in army bureaucracy that would prove useful to me towards the end of my military career and, like now, after.So I had visited the pretty boy and demonstrated how easy it was for me to make him un-pretty.The fairy had handed over the photographs and the negatives and relinquished his hold on Jeffrey.Somehow or other I had never gotten round to handing them over to Jeffrey.Or destroying them.‘Did you find out anything about the other men in this picture?’ I asked him.‘Can’t say for sure, I’m afraid.But I did get a few names for you.There was one wallah who got pretty badly messed up.I’ve underlined his name …’ Jeffrey tore a page out of his notebook and pushed it across the table to me.His eyes darted to the boy at the bar and back.I looked at the names.The first one to leap out at me was McGahern’s officer.Captain James Wallace.‘William Pattison.’ I read the name Jeffrey had underlined [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]