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.Having Dr.Tylanio's proof that the log tape had been altered, or even a carefully edited one substituted, was a real relief.If only they could somehow prove that Commander Rogitel had switched the doctored tape for the genuine log record.He'd had more opportunity than anyone else.And reason.But if the tapes of alleged visits to collect valuable artifacts, including the Byzanian Glow Stone, were adjudged a simulation, then they hadn't been where they were accused of stealing things.They hadn't stolen anything.As Todd and Hrriss maintained, all that junk had been planted on the Albatross and that had to have been done while the Albie was on the pad at Hrretha.Rogitel had been there.But where were Todd and his father? Than goodness, Captain All had soothed Patricia Reev on that score.Maybe the word that they weri detained would get out and Robin wouldn't hi sporting black eyes for defending the family honor She knew Hrriss was lying low.Which was smart 0 him.Rogitel might not have considered the youn Hrruban dangerous when he shooed him out of th Launch Center, but Newry knew different.Wh; hadn't Todd come out with an accusation righ then? In front of the marines.Surely they could hi made to testify - - or could they?A tiny noise penetrated her cogitations.Lookin up from her desk, she nearly fell off her chair at th face grinning outside her window.You scared me to death, Captain All,' sh' whispered hoarsely at him."Your manner did suggest a need for caution lassie." It wasn't the first time Kelly had crawled througi that window, and taking the captain's hand, she ra with him to the deep shadows of the barn where ni one was likely to look for them."You hit the nail on the head with Klonski, yo know,' she said, "though I daren't even get in touc] with Inspector DeVeer right now.""And which nailhead would that be, lassie Kiachif asked."Though Tylanio agrees privatel with me that the work on the tape is exactly the SOT of thing Klonski would do so well.""You also said he was a genius at fixing securit systems." Kiachif nodded, his eyes glinting in th dark."And Dalkey's records show he got paid several huge hunks of credit.I think some of it went to pay for him hobbling Doona's security satellites." "Oh-ho-ho! I've been away too long.""You have.Todd and Hrriss found payments to a Doonan account.and it belongs to Lincoln Newry.""Martinson's assistant?" The whites of Kiachifs eyes, for once, Kelly noted, without bloodshot cobwebs, were visible in the shadow."No wonder you wouldn't speak out in his presence.Does Patricia know?" Kelly shook her head."She's got enough to fret over right now."Sides, I didn't think it would cheer her up.""Not a mite nor a moment, if her men are missing.Go on."Hrriss said Todd broke Newry down into admitting that he'd been letting the rustlers in and out of Doona, only when he was on duty.The ship Todd saw the other night was probably registering on Unc's screens while he was denying an atmospheric insertion."But the beacons "Klonski's fixed them.Hrriss said there's an unprogrammed function key on the launch board that interferes with satellite recording.Furthermore, Linc Newry can authorize export documentation.like for Reeve freeze-marked livestock going off-planet to unknown destinations.And the rustler is Mark Aden.""That young lad? Hmmm, isn't often someone fools All Kiachif." The captain frowned."The nerve of him, making me transport rustled animals! And all that scud about making a new life.""Apparently he's made a very profitable one, Kelly said drolly."At the Reeves' expense.""But they always treated him well.He even said so "Inessa didn't,' Kelly said."She had a flirt with him but she gave up on him because he aiway' wanted her to get her father to help him get a ranch of his own.He was a funny guy, never forgave hasty word or a silly joke on him.Hrriss thinks he" the one seeded the ssersa.Todd found a half-empt sack of it by the corral he found.It'd be just the sort of rotten trick Mark Aden would do, to make Inessa sorry she ditched him.""Fascinating, lassie, fascinating.I think Dr.Tyla mo has one more job before I return him to the quiet rectangles of his hall of learning." And between one breath and another, Captain All Kiachif disappeared.That night Kelly slept well for the first time since Todd and Ken had beer hauled off to Earth.The very next morning, Kelly had a call from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]