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.”“We were a little preoccupied then.”“Yes, we were.Can I come over after work or is that too clingy?”“Cling away, babe.I want you to move in as soon as you’re ready.”“I’m ready now.I just have to get my stuff packed up.”“I could do that today if you want.”“You don’t want to relax on your day off?”“No.I’ve had a month of Sundays to relax.”“Then yes, please pack up my things and bring them here.You can leave the dishes and stuff.I just need my clothes and personal stuff.”“Is it okay to go into your workroom?”“Oh.Yeah.I mean, maybe don’t touch the computers, but you can carefully pack up my collectibles.”“I’ll be super careful.I appreciate you trusting me with them.”“I trust you with everything I have.”“Except your computers.”“I-I could tell you how to take them apart.”“I was kidding, Ains.I wouldn’t touch them.I know my limitations.”“Call me if you have any problems or are unsure of anything.”“I will.Have fun at work.”“You know me so well.”“I do.”I spend the morning packing everything up.It doesn’t take too long because a couple of the security guys offer to help out.They tell me they’ll miss Ainsley, but they’re happy that we’re together.They also threaten me.I’m not sure there’s anyone left in this city who hasn’t threatened me.I like it, though.It just shows how much my girl is loved.With the extra help, I’m done by one o’clock.After a quick text to Stella, I head to the Corrigan & Co.building.Alex smiles at me as I walk in and then sends me through to the elevator.Conversations stop again when I walk into the basement.I know they’re just looking out for their boss, but it’s unnerving for all these people who could wipe out my bank accounts to be glaring at me.“What’s going on out here?” she asks as she walks out of her office.“Oh.Zack.Hi.” She gifts me with a big smile when she sees me.“Hi.I got done early, and Stella said you didn’t have lunch yet.So I stopped by to have lunch with you, if that’s okay.”“Yeah.Of course it’s okay.We can eat in the cafeteria.They have every kind of food imaginable.”“Wow.You’re actually eating in the cafeteria and not just snacking at your desk? Is the world ending?”“Shut it Jake.”Jake winks at me and then walks over.He holds his hand out, and I shake it.“Scott says you’re good for her.I think he’s right.”“I’m trying really hard to be.”“Enough with the bromance, are we eating?”“Yes, my love, we’re eating.”We hold hands as we walk up the elevator and out into the hall.People come out of their offices as they see us walking down the hall to the cafeteria.If they weren’t scared of Matt, they’d probably have their phones out, too.He’s super protective of the girls, and everyone knows itWhen we walk into the cafeteria, it gets quiet again.Unlike in Ainsley’s office, this silence is more curious than hostile.“They’re wondering what you’re doing with me.”“Why would they wonder that?”“They…umm…well most of the people who work here think I’m just a weird nerd.”“Seriously?”“I’ve heard those exact words used to describe me.They think I don’t fit in since I dress like I do and don’t try to be glamorous.”She pushes her glasses higher up on her nose.It’s so cute when she does that.And sexy.The idiots who work here need a reality check.I grab her into a passionate kiss, dipping her down in my arms.When I let her up, I address the workers with their mouths hanging open.“I fuck her while she wears her glasses, too.It’s crazy hot.Sexy, nerdy girls are the best.”Ainsley’s bright red, but she’s smiling at me.I give her another quick kiss and then pull her towards the food stations.We load up one plate before sitting down right in the middle of the cafeteria where the staring hasn’t stopped.We eat off our plate, tuning out everyone but each other as we flirt and laugh.A shadow falls over the table when we’re almost done.I look up and see Matt standing next to me.He smiles at Ainsley, and then at me.“I’ve been watching the two of you.He’s a keeper, Little Mouse.”“I know, Matt.”“Take good care of her, Taylor.”“I will.”He nods and walks away.I pick up our plate and cups, and carry them to the drop off area.When I walk back to the table, there’s a young guy there talking to Ainsley.He’s got a cocky swagger, and I can tell she’s trying not to laugh.“What’s up, man?”“I was just inviting Ainsley to a party my friends and I are throwing.You can come, too.”“Aww that’s sweet of you to ask, but we’re busy.”“You don’t even know what day it is.”“No [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]