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.”“Be glad to let you check it out.It’s in my car.I was taking it to The Computer Lab for a tune-up.”“Kind of presumptuous of me, but any chance I can borrow it for a few hours? I’ll bring it right back.”“No problem,” said Howland.“And, Mrs.Trumbull, I’ll stop by later this week and work on that outlet.Don’t use the electricity in that room until I take care of it.”“Thank you,” said Victoria.Howland and LeRoy went out to the parking area, past the ducks, which moved aside to make way for them, and LeRoy transferred Howland’s newly acquired computer to the back of his van.“Appreciate this, Mr.Atherton,” said LeRoy.Casey stood in the doorway.“Again, thanks, LeRoy.”“Part of the service.” LeRoy wiped his hands on his handkerchief.“I’m sorry you had to let Sparks go,” Casey added.“He’d been a good worker before he got into drugs.”“It’s a serious problem.” Casey shook her head.LeRoy said, “Thanks for letting me borrow your computer, Mr.Atherton.Want me to return it here to the police station when I’m done?”“Sure.That would be fine.”“Be seeing you, then,” and Leroy took off.CHAPTER 11Around 9:30 that same morning, Monday, the phone rang at the Watts’s house.Sarah figured it was that woman caller again, so she let it ring.Or maybe it was Roy.Well, he can wait.Wonder where he spent last night? On the fifth ring, before the answering machine kicked in, she set down her knitting and picked up the phone, ready to tell either her or him a thing or two.“Well?” she answered.“Mrs.Watts? This is Joanne, the secretary at the West Tisbury school.”Sarah immediately readjusted her thinking.“The twins? Has something happened to the twins?”“The boys are fine, but you need to come in right away.We tried to reach Mr.Watts, but he was out of the office and his office manager didn’t seem to know how to reach him.Shall we say twenty minutes or so?”“Yes,” said Sarah.“Of course.What’s the matter?”“I’m sorry, Mrs.Watts.I can’t discuss it over the phone,” and Joanne disconnected.Sarah dialed LeRoy’s office.The answering machine kicked in.“You’ve reached Watts Electrical.” She slammed down the phone.Maureen must be away from the shop.She went into the bedroom and changed quickly from her sweats to jeans and a long-sleeved blouse with an old-lady floral print.She dabbed on lip gloss, which she seldom used, ran a comb through her thick hair, curled tightly in the humidity.She tied it back with a black ribbon so she would look more serious, then decided to change out of her jeans and into black slacks.She tried calling LeRoy’s cell phone, got the robotic voice that told her to leave a message, asked LeRoy to call the school, and darted out the side door.She started up the Volkswagen and flew over the speed bumps toward Old County Road and the school.What on earth had the boys done that would cause the school to demand to see her and LeRoy? And right away.She parked, walked quickly to the office, and followed the secretary to the principal’s office.Mrs.Parkinson, the principal, stood up as Sarah entered.“My boys?” Sarah blurted out.“Where are my boys?”Casey and Howland went back into the station house after LeRoy left with Howland’s new computer.“You wouldn’t find an off-Island electrician making sure stuff was done right like that,” said Casey.Victoria looked thoughtful.“Is something bothering you, Victoria?” Casey asked.“LeRoy’s usually so tidy.This morning, he was disheveled and hadn’t even shaved.”“I bet he’s been busy since he let Sparks go.” Casey moved papers off her desk.“Let’s check out the videos.”Howland took the lanyard with the dangling metal piece from around his neck.“I downloaded the videos onto this and, without thinking, deleted them from Sparks’s computer.” He rubbed his nose.“Stupid of me.I know better.”“Oh?” said Victoria.“You have the copy, don’t you?”“If we ever apprehend the guy who made the videos, I’ve destroyed evidence that might be important.My copies will never hold up in court.” He turned away from the desk and paced the few steps to the window, and looked out at the pond.“I was too eager to delete the damned things.”Casey moved away from her desk to give Howland room.Howland sat in her chair and inserted the thumb drive into her computer, tapped keys, and the videos, complete with sound, popped up onto the screen.The first was of a young woman taking a shower.She faced the camera, which was somewhere above her.Clearly unaware of being watched, she soaped herself and held her head up to the spray, eyes closed, hands cupping her breasts.She was singing.The screen went blank for a second.Then there was a second scene of a different young woman.And then another scene and yet another.“Enough!” said Casey.“I’ve seen enough.He’s got to be stopped.” She picked up the phone.“Sparks lives in Oak Bluffs.Since it’s out of my jurisdiction, I’ll have to call the OB police.”“Why does LeRoy need to check Jerry Sparks’s personal computer?” asked Victoria [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]