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.I think we can start the walk from there.”“Do you think he’s a local?”“No, but somebody had to have seen something.He was here a long time.What about the people looking after the house?”“They didn’t see anything.They did a half ass job.They just came in the front and out the front.Assuming they came in at all.They didn’t even notice the jimmied door on the garage.Everything is automatic with the pool.The people have a pool of their own so they didn’t use this one.”“All right,” he said to Shane.“Get on the canvass.Oversee it yourself.Talk to everyone and get a list of names of anyone visiting over the past six days.Check all the usual, deliveries, power, phone, cable, the works.Track them all back to a work order.I want this neighborhood covered.He didn’t find all this by accident in the dark.He has spent time here before she was taken.”“Yes, sir.”“Love that girl’s voice,” Buchanan said, after Shane had hurried away.“How can you pull something like that from the water and then think about Kydd’s voice?”“What makes you think I could pull something like that from the water without thinking about Kydd’s voice?”Mann nodded.He had a point.“At least this clears Drabick,” Buchanan said.What was left of Drabick would provide a DNA sample but he was in little crispy pieces when Linda Forrest was killed.*Mann looked at the detectives scattered around the room that the workmen had created only three days before.A thick wall separated the main room, with all its distracting telephones and comings and goings, from this meeting room.Comparing notes was important and so was just general bullshitting of ideas back and forth.“Kydd, tell us about Linda Forrest.”“Nice girl.Well liked.Good grades.She had gone back to school to get her MBA after spending time in Rwanda, for God’s sake.Not the usual save the world type but she did want to do something before she went into the business world and spent two years in that hell hole.”“Was she into the market at all?”“No, not yet.She had few contacts but nothing substantial.She started in January and was barely in the program.We don’t see any connection with Hart.He didn’t go to the same schools.We know that much for sure.I’m looking for any connection, though.”“What about that night?”“She had written an exam in the afternoon.She had another regular class that night.She attended that until the end.As far as anyone knows, she got on her usual bus, then subway, then bus.Her backpack was found in the bushes beside her garage.”“When?”“Two days before the body was found.The parents tried to get the police involved.A uniform did an initial interview, filed the sheet, but that was as far as it got.”“Did the parent’s search the neighborhood?”“After they found the backpack but they didn’t see the body in the pool.We play it like this.She was taken across her back yard and to the neighbor’s garage.At the house she was found.”“What about a car?”“No.We found rope fibers in the fence behind her place.Doc, you might be able to fill in more here.”“Not much.She was tied and gagged.He used tape again.He obviously does not trust his knots for anything but the noose or, more likely, the tape is easier.She was raped.”As Buchanan paused, each of the detectives pictured the scene in his own mind.Naked and alone in a dark garage with oil and gasoline stinking in her nostrils, overpowered by the stench of the sweating body of her attacker“After the rape, he started to cut.He wasn’t as neat as before.She was,” Alf wiped his lips.“She was still alive when he started cutting.He just started to cut her.CSU found clear evidence in the blood smears that she was thrashing around in her own blood.”Alf sat heavily in one of the chairs.“He cut her real good but didn’t take any organs.Then, he put the bathing suit on her.He cut his signature in her back and tossed her in the pool.She drowned or bled out.Then he took her larynx while she was in the pool.He just left her there for that little boy to find.”“All right.We’ve lost time on this one but we can make it up.Continue the canvas.Someone saw him – find that someone.Get a sketch of the suit to the media and hit the streets.Find out where it was sold.Right now, those are our best bets.”Chapter 72Propped up on one elbow, Leonard Beverly ran his hand over Degget’s chest and muscled abs.“When I saw you at the bar, I thought you were a piece of heaven.I was so right.”Degget smiled.After watching Beverly at the bar for a couple hours, Degget knew exactly what the man was looking for.A shopping trip for some different clothes, three nights of waiting for Beverly to show at the bar again and a few drinks was all it had taken to get invited back to the man’s condo.Unfortunately, Degget wasn’t able to get the code to the alarm.Beverly was very careful about that.But there were other ways to get information.Relaxing under the other man’s caress, Degget looked around the large bedroom.“From the looks of this place, I’m afraid I might not be in your class.What do you do for a living?”“Don’t let this place fool you,” Beverly laughed.“I didn’t buy this.”“Is it just a lease?”“No,” Beverly answered, a sadness creeping into his eyes.“I own it.I just didn’t buy it as such.I was in a relationship for a couple years.I thought he was the one, you know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]