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.Grey came up behind Drake, the heat from his body felt good against Drake's chilly skin.Laying his hands on Drake's hips, Grey looked over his shoulder."What's that? It smells incredible in here."Drake scooped up a bite on his wooden spoon and turned in Grey's arms, careful to keep his ass off the stove."Chicken gravy.It's… just taste it." Blowing on the small bite to cool it, Drake held it up for Grey."It looks white." Grey muttered but took the bite.His expression of pure rapture made Drake laugh.The dark he'd battled all morning gone like it'd never threatened, Drake relaxed for the first time since Grey left that morning."That's good.""I know.We eat it on the rice.Now go wash up and I'll set the table.You remembered it's our anniversary, right?" The expression on Grey's face said it all."Well it is, so don't take too long.I want to eat while it's hot."Grey came back to the kitchen just as Drake set the last fork in place.Looking up with a smile, Drake burst out laughing when Grey handed him a long sleeved black T-shirt and a pair of white socks."I turned up the heat.""I know." Drake pulled the shirt on over his head and slipped into the socks, taking time to wash his hands before he sat down."Thank you."Grey shrugged."Say what you want, when your skin is that cool you have to be cold.It's not good for you." Grey piled chicken onto his plate while he scolded, scooping up rice and gravy.He set it in front of him and picked up his fork.Drake eyed Grey's plate."Forget something?""It's our anniversary, I shouldn't have to eat broccoli." Taking a bite of chicken, Grey rolled his eyes and looked in danger of passing out."Oh my God, that's good.""You forgot our anniversary, therefore, you should have to eat all the broccoli." Despite their ongoing fuss about Grey and his vegetables, Drake couldn't help feeling pleased about how much he liked the chicken."Well, technically it's our half anniversary.I don't want any broccoli.""What's that?" Drake dropped a spoonful of broccoli on Grey's plate."That's not enough?""Fine, I'll eat it, but you have to wear a shirt without me reminding you for the next two days." Grey forked a floret into his mouth with a grimace."Deal." Drake beamed and attacked a chicken leg.He stared at it stunned."That really is good.""Told you.You're a damn good cook, Drake.You could go to school for that."Drake looked up."They have school for that?""Sure.If you want, I'll find out what's available around here."Drake looked at the chicken in his hand and felt a spark of interest."I think I'd like that.I wonder how many ways there are to cook chicken.Cooking is useful Grey, I could get a job." Excitement flared through him at the thought.Grey chuckled."If you cook chicken like this, you could get rich.Oh, I told Janice we'd take patrol tonight.I really did forget the anniversary thing.You want me to find someone else to do it?"Drake shook his head."No, I didn't really plan anything, just dinner.It'll be fine."* * * *"Snow." Grey looked up into the night sky as if he'd find someone lurking around to blame.The white flakes settled onto his face and hair.He sighed and turned in the direction their rounds would take them that night."Might as well get this over with." He reached for Drake and their gloved fingers tangled.Snow already blanketed everything and made the night seem quiet and still."It's so beautiful." Drake looked around as they walked.Grey slowed their pace and let him gawk.Sometimes it was too easy to forget how little Drake remembered about the world.The first snowfall had turned him into a child and he still behaved like one over it."It does make things look a little cleaner." Grey kicked at a pile of snow, sending white powder across the top of their boots, which annoyed him and made Drake laugh, and so Grey did it again."So you like the idea of cooking school?" Grey lit the alley they were passing with a flashlight, empty except for trash and a couple of cats.Drake bumped against Grey's shoulder."I do.I'm good at it.""You got that right.You know there will still be reading and tests." Grey could just see Drake imagining that he would only have to cook at cooking school.Drake nodded."Figured, but I doubt they care what my happiest childhood moment was."Frowning, Grey glanced at Drake, but he didn't seem particularly bothered."Who asked you that?" They passed another empty alley and turned the corner."The writing course, it's what we are supposed to write about next.'Write what you know', that's a laugh." Drake kicked a huge drift, sending snow everywhere."What did you write about?""Nothing.I watched porn instead.""And cooked fried chicken."Drake tossed a smile in his direction.His cheeks were ruddy from the cold and blond hair stuck out every which way from under his ski cap.He looked so much like a kid, Grey worried about getting arrested if he stole a kiss.He wondered if every angel that chose to corporeal made such a young looking human and if Drake would age naturally since he'd given up eternity.Grey didn't ask.Questions upset Drake, and Ralph claimed no one knew the answers to anything he did ask.Grey glanced over his shoulder.Ralph followed along behind them, looking incongruous walking in the snow wearing only his white pants.Snow decorated his shoulders and hair but he didn't seem to notice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]