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.Zachariah Xerxes.If the coded message was for me, I'd apologize for dialing the wrong number and hang up.If it wasn't for me, I'd ignore it, say an identifying word or two, and ask to be put through to Godalmighty, the Big Cheese, the Mother Superior, or whatever other facetious name I chose to employ.The whole transaction would generally take considerably less than ten seconds.Obviously, things had changed.There was a clacking in the phone, and Miss Dodds' prim voice came again."Sorry to keep you waiting, sir.I'm trying to reach him for you.We've been having some trouble with that connection.It's temporary, you know.""So you said," I said."Keep plugging.That's a joke.""Yes, sir.Ha-ha.here we are now.Go ahead, sir."The line she'd got me was fairly noisy, but the voice speaking from the other end, while slightly weak, was familiar and reassuring after all the abnormal yak-yak.It spoke three words, mandatory secret-agent-type stuff.I spoke two words in return."Eric?""Yes, sir," I said."What the hell's going on in that madhouse city in the Potomac swamps, anyway? The Bureau of Public Safety, for Christ's sake! Wasn't that who chopped off all those heads in the French Revolution?""I believe you're thinking of the Committee of Public Safety, Eric.""Bureau, committee, what's the difference?"Mac's distant voice said deliberately, "What's going on is, quote, a streamlined reorganization of all governmental intelligence functions, unquote."I said, "Again? If I remember rightly, a guy tried to pull the same thing a few years back, only he knew so little about intelligence operations that he couldn't even run his own outfit without getting a bunch of communist agents planted on him, so the big deal fell through.Leonard.That was his name.Herbert Leonard.""You have the right man, Eric.Mr.Leonard is apparently a persistent individual and a skillful politician; and this time he seems to have powerful backing.""So it's serious, sir?""Quite serious.We are going to have to be very circumspect for a while.Mr.Leonard has already given clear indications that he doesn't like us very much.Just a minute.I have another call." I waited until his voice spoke again in my ear."Eric? What were we talking about?""About the way Mr.Leonard doesn't like us, presumably because of the way we helped to lower the boom on him last time.Maybe he's afraid we'll do it again.""Maybe.What kind of a vacation did you have, Eric?""Lousy, sir," I said."My girl Friday turned out to be a missionary at heart, and somebody tried to shoot me.""Shoot you? What happened?""He missed.Then, unfortunately, he kind of drowned," I said."They fished him out of San Carlos Bay this morning.His death was strictly accidental, of course.""Of course.Do you have any clue as to his motive?""No, sir.We never really got on speaking terms.""I see.Well, there are a number of people employed by other nations who have reason not to be particularly fond of you.""Yes, sir.""I don't want to seem to dismiss an attempt on your life lightly, but there are reasons why I'm rather disinterested in would-be murderers at the moment-as long as they are safely dead, of course.We have trouble inside our own ranks.As you'll gather, it couldn't have come at a worse time.""No, sir.What's the problem?""To put it bluntly, one of our people has gone a bit berserk.""It's an occupational hazard, sir.""Particularly among agents with families, it seems.Whenever anything happens to their spouses or offspring, their immediate reaction is to employ their training amid experience for purposes of vengeance.It's always very awkward, but particularly right now.""Yes, sir.Who's the current berserker? Do I know him?""You did a job with him in Cuba.Agent Carl.""A big blond guy.Sure, I remember him.What's up with Carl?""Let's just say that he received some rather bad news concerning a member of his family.He called immediately afterwards to say that he was resigning to take care of some private business [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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