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.I know you're upset.I know you want revenge.""What do you know about upset?" Chris said from the backseat."Your family wasn't murdered tonight!""Look Chris, Cort said we should lay low and.""I don't care what Cort said!" Chris interrupted."They don’t get to do this, not anymore, not ever again.I’m not giving them one more inch.Someone's got to put a stop to it and if we're all that's left then it's up to us.""Chris is right Henry.With or without you we’re doing this.""Look, you're right, I don't know what you're going through and to be honest I don't doubt that you two can handle yourselves.I've known both of your fathers for over eight years now.But training or no training if you go off halfcocked you're only going to get yourself killed, and I don't want that on my conscious.I promised Cat and Cort that I'd keep you safe.So for now we're going to get the hell out of Dodge, lie low.See if anyone else made it out alive.Then we'll go from there."“Do what you want Ranger,” Jake replied, looking ahead.“As far as I’m concerned those bloodsucking bastards are about to learn what fear is all about.”Chapter 11JakeSeptember 11, 2001 5:02am"You okay to drive Henry?" Jake asked."Yeah I'm all right.Just a little tired, I haven't slept in about twenty eight hours.""Well pull over, one of us can dri.""LOOK OUT!" Chris yelled from the backseat.Henry slammed on his brakes.The tires squealed loudly as the suburban started to fishtail out of control.Henry fought desperately to control the truck as it hit something in the middle of the road.The two front tires blew as the object wedged underneath the truck causing sparks to fly across the highway.Miraculously, Henry got the truck to stop without them rolling.The engine died with a sputter, and all three men sat breathing heavily."You boys okay?" Henry asked."Yeah," Jake said, rubbing his still hurt head."I think so anyway.""Chris, how about you?""I'll live.I busted my lip on the back of your seat and broke my glasses but I think I'm okay.""What the hell was that?" Henry asked unbuckling his seatbelt."Something big and metal was all I saw," Chris said unbuckling his own seat belt."Damn Henry, how on Earth did you keep us from rolling?""You got me.Someone up above must have been looking out for us."The truck sat long ways across both lanes of the highway.All three men climbed out of the vehicle.Chris spat a mouthful of blood on the pavement and wiped his mouth with his sleeve."What did we hit anyway?" Chris said looking under the truck."I can't see anything.Henry do you have a flashlight?""Yeah," Henry said moving his head from side to side with his hand."I sure hope I don't have a concussion.My neck hurts something fierce.""Henry, flashlight?" Jake said coming around and looking under the truck with Chris."Yeah, it's in the back with the rest of my gear."Jake walked around the back and opened the rear doors.The bags and gun case were tossed all over the place but Jake found a flashlight in the biggest duffel bag.He clicked it on and shined it under the truck.Chris knelt down next to him.“Is that a.ah man! Ah man!" Chris yelled, taking a step back."What? What is it?" Henry said, leaning down to see what they were looking at.The dim light of Jake's flashlight shone on the wrecked remains of a blue Harley Davidson motorcycle."Son of a bitch," Henry said looking around."Please tell me there wasn't someone on that!"Jake glanced out into the darkness then shone the light across the highway.It was littered with at least a half dozen more broken, wrecked bikes.Among them were empty shell casings and lots and lots of blood."I don't think you have to worry about that." Jake grabbed Henry by the shoulder and turned him to look down the highway."Jesus, Mary and Joseph," Henry said shaking his head."What happened here?""Oh man, I recognize a couple of those bikes," Chris said."That's Turner and his guys’ bikes.""What the hell happened to all of them?" Jake said gingerly touching at his cut scalp.The answer struck all three of them at the same time.They looked back and forth at each other then ran back to the Suburban at the same time.Henry jumped into the driver’s seat and began cranking the engine.Jake ran around to the back and pulled The Cleaner from its case and checked to make sure it was fully loaded.He shoved all the shells he could fit into his pockets and cocked it one handed, then grabbed up Judgment in the other hand.He then ran around to the passenger side door and jerked it open.He grabbed the sheathed Bowie knife from the floor board and tucked it into his belt."Henry, you've got to get this sucker started or we're all dead," Jake yelled scanning the highway with his light."I'm trying damn it! I'm trying! It won't start."Chris grabbed his rifle and scanned the horizon around him.“Damn, I wish I had a night vision scope! I can’t see shit!”"Here!" Henry said, pulling the Sig Sauer from the holster at his hip and holding it out for Chris to take.“Just in case.”Chris grabbed it, popped the clip, making sure it was fully loaded and slammed it back into place, then stuck it into his belt."This is not good!" Chris said pointing his rifle out into the darkness."No shit!" Jake said covering the other side of the road with the flashlight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]