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.” I could tell by the look on his face that he was having a hard time buying what I was saying.“At this point, I really don’t care.I needed to remind you about the company gala tonight.”“Remind me? You never even told me about it in the first place.” I scowled.“Look, either way I need you to be there.” He turned and started walking away.“Oh, and I need you to bring your wife with you as well.We will be announcing you as a new partner and it looks better when your significant other is there.Be downstairs at eight o’clock.”Without another word, he slammed my door and I was left alone.I sat there silently cursing Ron and his dickheadedness.He new damn good and well that he never told me about the stupid company party.I threw my pen across the room and quickly got to work planning out how I was going to break the news to Lyndley.The rest of the day passed by surprisingly fast.I had made the decision to not try and call Lyndley back in an effort to show her that I was trying to give her some space.As much as I tried not to think about it, it was slowly driving me insane that she hadn’t even made an attempt to call and check in.I glanced at the small clock on my desk and noticed it was almost five.I knew she wouldn’t be done for at least another few hours, but unfortunately I needed her home sooner than that.I picked up the phone and dialed the boutique, in hopes that Kristy would answer and not Lyndley.“Fashionably Yours, this is Kristy.”I quickly cut her off before she could even finish her greeting.“Kristy, I need a huge favor from you tonight.”“Who is this?”“It’s Ky.” I swear sometimes this job wasn’t worth the effort.“I need you to close up the store for Sarah tonight, can you do that?”“I suppose.Any particular reason?”“No.Thanks.”I hung up the phone and made a mad dash for the elevators.When I passed by Sheena’s desk, I gave a small wave and kept moving.I didn’t have the time or the patience to deal with her at the moment.As I made my way down to the parking garage, I knew exactly where I needed to go.This was definitely going to be a surprise that she would never forget.NineteenLyndleyKristy had been acting strange ever since I got back from grabbing us lunch.I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on with her, but she was definitely off and it was putting me on edge.I was grabbing some clothes from the dressing rooms, when I heard her calling my name.I quickly made my way up front and was shocked when I saw Ky standing at the front desk.“Hey you.What are you doing here so early?” I would never get over how good he looked in a suit, and today was no exception.“Hey.Well, it’s a surprise.” He smirked.His smile literally had me stuck in place.“I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” I laughed.“I promise it’s not bad.”I glanced in Kristy’s direction to see if she had any clue as to what he was planning.She just shrugged her shoulders and let out a small giggle.“Are you going to be okay here by yourself?” I knew she could take care of herself, but I wanted to make sure she didn’t have other plans.“I’m fine.You two have a great night.I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”“Okay.Have a good night then.” I sat the armful of clothes that I had, on the counter and reached for my purse from behind the desk.When we got out to the car, I noticed a small blue Tiffany box on the seat as Ky opened the door for me.I turned quickly, almost slamming my face right into his broad chest.“You can’t be serious?”“Oh, but I am.” He smiled down at me, and I knew my face must’ve turned at least five shades of red.I gently picked up the box and sat down in the soft leather seat as he ran around the front.I was in complete shock at what sat in my hands.I mean the only presents I had ever received from a guy were flowers, and a teddy bear once when I was seventeen.Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly sure how to react.“You gonna open it?” His voice was low and smooth and it sent goose bumps down my arms and legs.I looked over at him and smiled.“Sure.” I replied as I untied the silver satin ribbon wrapped around it.When I got the ribbon off, I practically ripped the lid off to see what the box held inside of it.I could see my reflection in the white gold diamond pendant.My mouth fell open in shock.“Do you not like it?” Ky inquired.I could tell by the look on his face that he was worried that I may not like what he probably spent hours picking out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]