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.She relaxed her sore cheeks.His hand still over hers, he led her forward again.She barely noticed when Chase nodded at a man who Natalie could only assume was one of the handlers she’d been told about.The one who would rescue her from the reporters and take her to her seat.When the man returned the nod and turned away, Natalie’s butterflies revolted again.She tried to get Chase’s attention, but he was pulling her forward to the microphones and cameras.Her instinct to grind her heels was overridden by the paralyzing fear that coursed through her.Besides, if she tried to run, she probably would end up in her underwear as part of the carpet.She could see Chase’s mouth move as he talked to the reporter, but the warning bells ringing in her head blocked out his voice.He’d said she could go with the handlers.He’d said she didn’t have to talk to the reporters.He’d said a lot of things.Did his promises mean nothing to him?Her heart ached as he looked down at her expectantly.What did he really expect from her? She’d never desired this kind of attention.She wanted to be with Chase.He made her feel things she’d never felt before, but this mass panic in her body was not one of the things she loved.A flicker of concern went through his eyes, and he turned and told the reporter who designed her dress and mentioned Charity.An eternity went by as she stared helplessly at the red light on the camera.Chase gently tugged her arm to lead her to another line.She knew the pictures tomorrow would show her with a panicked look on her face.Chase would be humiliated.She already was humiliated.Why had she agreed to this? This wasn’t her.If he really wanted her for who she was, couldn’t he see that?Instead of getting in the line for the next reporter, Chase led her to a relatively quiet area out of the spotlight.Her shoes sparkled in the lights.Something she didn’t think she’d ever be able to do.He blocked out the red carpet with his broad shoulders and drew her into his arms.The fuzzy, warm feelings of love chased the specters of fear back into their corner.She leaned into him, drawing from his strength.Why couldn’t it just be the two of them? Why did the whole country have to be involved in their love affair? He pushed her back slightly.He wanted her to look up, but she was afraid.She couldn’t keep up this act.She wasn’t built for this kind of situation.She had no delusions of what she looked like.She was ordinary, which was fine for everyday life, but someone like Chase needed one of those women, the ones who were extraordinary.“Natalie?”Unable to resist his soft, deep voice, she shifted her gaze up.“I have to do the interviews.I want you to stay with me.Do you want to stay with me, or do you want to go to your chair?”She nibbled on her lip.Was this a test? Would she fail if she went to her chair? Would he be disappointed if she went to her seat? Could she stand to go back to the cameras?“This is a part of who I am.” Chase’s eyes were intense as they gazed down into hers.“It’s not going to go away.I don’t want to do it alone.I want to share this with you.I want to share all of me with you.”She drew in a deep breath.“I want to be with you, Chase.I just…” She dropped her gaze back to the floor.He lifted her chin with a finger and dropped a brief kiss against her lips.“Then share this with me, Natalie.Come and be a part of it.Don’t hide in the corner.Trust me.I won’t let you down.I promise.”Her eyes glittered with unshed tears.No one had ever loved her like Chase did.She wasn’t willing to let that go without giving it a chance.She forced herself to nod.Her reward was a glowing smile from Chase.His lips brushed over hers.His gaze traced her lips, checking to see if he’d smudged her makeup before he led her back to the line.She’d finally realized what the worst thing that could happen was.She could lose Chase.Chase felt like it was the first time he’d taken the stage.His heart hammered in his chest.Adrenaline rushed through his veins.Natalie stood stiffly beside him, but the look of panic was gone.He’d seen it in her eyes, known she was weighing her options.Knew he was pushing her, but if he didn’t now, what would happen when he was on set and someone showed her a picture of him with his costar? He didn’t want to go to his movies and the award shows alone.He wanted to experience it with Natalie.He automatically answered the reporter’s questions, gave his dazzling smile and continued on, all the time aware of his little accountant at his side.Her smile wasn’t quite as bad as it had been, but it was definitely forced.Maybe if he’d reminded her of how much he loved her.Maybe if he’d told her that whatever happened he’d still love her.Maybe if he’d told her how beautiful she was.Maybe she would have relaxed enough.This was something she could get used to.When they got home tonight, they could share some ice cream and watch the award show and laugh at how nervous she’d been over nothing.“And what about you, Natalie? How are you enjoying the evening?” The woman reporter put the microphone close to Natalie’s lips.Chase held his breath and squeezed her hand with his.It was like he was the one on the spot, not her.“It’s all very lovely.” Natalie’s voice was slightly higher pitched than normal, but at least she’d managed to talk.Her cheeks had a slight flush to them.Chase smiled down at her as she answered the “who are you wearing” question.Her hand released a little from gouging into his arm, and he led her to the next interview [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]