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.I didn't go to school—I played sick.It's the end of the school year anyway and testing is done.I couldn't put the journal down.I know it's wrong but I had to.Red said it was okay.""You only just met her and you're stealing shit? It better be interesting.""It was." He's drowsy and his crooked smile looks way too content."Don't tell her I took it.""Did you find Ryan Grey stuff?""Yeah and then some.I can't imagine what's in those other books." His eyes widen like a mad scientist."You read about Violet?" I pretend not to care."Yeah." Dash blushes.Bingo.I dive into his head to pick off the Violet info, but it's a complete mess.I stop walking."This sucks.I can't read your mind to see any of it.It's all cryptic.""It's the journal.But I think there could be a way for you to see what I read.Red has the ability to come into our dreams and Violet said you have the same ability.""Yeah, but I can't do that.""Yes, you can.Your mind is always open so that can work in your favor.""Dude, how much do you know? I'm trying to tap into that thought, D-man, but I don't see what you mean.""I think I might know a way where I could share what I've read.But you're not going to like it.""Whatever.If I can get to help Violet this way then I don't care.""You mean get to know Violet?"I have to give it to him.My flaring cheeks are a dead giveaway."Yeah." I clear my throat."So how do we do it?""Red is a telepath.That means he can go inside your head.When the other person is sleeping, he can enter their dream.""I told you.I can't do that.""Actually you can.You're telepathy is open and kinda out of your control so it'll be easy for you to slip into my head.The thing is I need to be close.""How close?""Like in your bed close."I rub my chin.Violet is so worth it."Okay.""Really?" Dash is surprised."Hey, man if sleeping with a guy will get me closer to Violet then so be it."Dash turns flaming red."Ugh—that came out wrong.You know what I mean.So, my head is open?""Yeah, I could help you with control if you want—""Nah, I'll pass D-man.We'll let Red do that."We see the abandoned building in the distance.It looks just as God-forsaken as it did last night.I follow Dash as he recalls exactly what floor and room the mirror is, like a mouse sniffing his way to the cheese.It’s amazing that we'll enter a mirror to see the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.Dash is grinning because he feels he's created her.What a weirdo.He's got some strange ideas.Whether it's a premonition that he'd meet her, Dash isn't sure, but he's just as happy as I am to see her again."Telling from the grin on your face, you're thinking about her.I don't have to read your mathy mind to know that.""Mathy?""Looks like Einstein took a shit in your brain.Do you know how old Violet is?" I ask before taking the step into the mirror."She's nineteen.""I'm seventeen.Nineteen isn't old at all." I block his way through the mirror with my arm."What else?""You can read her mind." Dash adjusts his backpack on his shoulder."She's hiding things.Her brain has dark spots.I want to know everything.""She's got a boyfriend." His stare challenges me."So what?"Dash is debating on retracting his offer on viewing the journal with him.He doesn't need me knowing everything about her.He sees me as a rival.I smirk.He isn't sure his thought filtered through.I nod, "I heard you just fine.Tonight, we're doing this."We walk through the mirror.In the day light, the Sanctuary looks more like a meadow in the middle of a forest.The field of wildflowers I had not seen last night blooms in rich reds and yellows.Their fragrance slips into my nose.The breeze welcomes me.Violet walks to us from the cabin, rivaling the scenery.Her bouncing chestnut colored hair and her smiling face greets us.It warms my heart just like when my parents used to come home from their business trip.It's been a while since I've felt full in my chest.Passing the lake I notice a black void that's oddly out of place in the lightness of the day.It’s like a huge hole in the middle of the long line of trees that surrounds them.The sun doesn't penetrate the line of trees there."That's the Black forest," Violets says."Don't ever go in there because you'll never come out.I can't even get you out.It's seriously creepy."Dash grins at me.Bastard, you already know about the forest, don't you? I’d wipe that grin off if I were you.You don’t want to hint you had read Red's journal without her consent.Dash bites his bottom lip.I almost didn't see Gabriel.With the hood up he looks like a black shadow casted from the forest.He's sitting on a log staring into it the dark abyss."I'll catch up with you guys in a bit." I break away from Dash and Violet.I know too much about his history, but I don't know what he's going through now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]