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.“Quit thinking.Just feel.”She traced her tongue down his chest, flicking the hard buds of his nipples before dropping to her knees.Hot hands wrapped around his throbbing cock.Her tongue slid over his tip, sending electric heat into his tightening sac.He groaned, moving to pull her to her feet.Instead, he grasped handfuls of her long red hair and gave in to the burn flooding his senses and demanding control.Her tongue encircled his cock.Bree drew back, looking up at him through her lashes, and smiled.She blew cool air over his wet skin.His hips jerked toward her as she took him deep into her mouth.Heat surrounded him, his cock pulsing.She rolled his tight sac between her fingers, gripping his balls.Her mouth moved over his length, bringing Ty to the brink of spilling into her.But that’s not what he wanted.He wanted to come inside her, to fill her with his seed.The thought was exhilarating and frightening, but he needed her too much to think about it now.Gaining some semblance of control, he pulled her to her feet.Yanking her naked body to his, Ty violently took her mouth, while he grabbed her ass cheeks and slid his cock between the juncture of her thighs.She was damp and ready for him.He wanted much, much more.Picking her up, her pussy sliding against him as she locked her legs around his hips, Ty headed for his bedroom.Each step was agony, her pussy sliding against his cock.She moaned, grinding her pelvis against him.He stumbled through the doorway and kicked the door closed, then fell onto the bed, Bree still wrapped around him.She giggled, running her hands over his chest.Ty rolled her onto her back, hovering over her luscious body.She blinked up at him, her eyes a shade of orange.“That was fun.”He grinned.“Lovey, you haven’t begun to see fun yet.”“So what are you waiting for? Show me.”Ty kissed her, hard and fast, sliding his tongue over her lips.He licked down her neck, sucking lightly at the spot where her pulse pounded, before kissing along the slope of her breast.He sucked her nipple, thrumming his tongue against the hard bud, while reaching to cover her wet pussy with his palm.She moaned, grasping his hair and yanking his head closer to her chest.Growling, Ty licked and sucked her nipple harder.He slipped his fingers along her, finding her clit, and ground his thumb against the nub of flesh.She cried out as her hips bucked.“Having fun yet?” he asked.“Mmm, I need more,” she panted.“You got it, lovey.” He kissed along her belly and knelt between her creamy thighs, pushing them apart.With a wink at Bree, he licked up the folds of her flesh, nipping her clit.“Oh, yes,” she cried.His cock pulsed and all Ty wanted to do was slam into her, burying himself to the hilt.He held the doggone burn in check as much as he could.First, he would make her come.He plunged his tongue into her pussy while pinching her clit and reaching up to knead one breast, his thumb flicking her tight nipple.Bree shuddered, her body shaking.“Gods yes,” she shouted.He thrust his tongue deeper into her sheath, tugging on her clit as she jerked beneath him.Her moan turned into a scream and her pussy clenched around his tongue as her juices flowed.Chapter SevenBree raked her nails over Ty’s shoulders as she came, the orgasm flooding her body with exquisite pleasure.He lapped at her mound, then rose above her, smiling, satisfied.Grabbing his shoulders, Bree pushed him to the bed.“Gods, that was great.Now, I want more.”Ty smiled as she grabbed his cock and squeezed.Straddling his legs, she leaned over and drew her tongue along the bottom of his length.He shuddered, reaching for her.“Uh, uh.No touching yet.”He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment.Taking his balls in her palm, Bree sucked each one.She pressed her fingertips to the sensitive area just beneath them, her excitement increasing as he groaned, trying not to move.She trailed her fingers down his inner thighs, loving the feel of his coarse hair.Then she slid her mouth over his cock, licking the tip, gently scraping her teeth along his sensitive skin.This time he jerked.She sucked his length into her mouth, tasting his saltiness, and clamped her lips tight around his base.Ty groaned, reaching for her again.This time, she didn’t stop him as he grasped her hair.She moved up and down his length, licking and sucking, while rubbing his balls.Rising, she moved higher, positioning his length at her entrance.Then she eased down his length, every inch stretching her deliciously.Palming her breasts, Ty groaned.She rose up his cock, then slammed down, grinding her clit against him.Pleasure ran over his face.The blazing heat in her veins pushed her faster, harder.She wanted to make this last forever, though this might be her last night with this man who made her feel so much.Bending over, Bree kissed him, jerking her hips along his length.Ty arching up to meet her.He thrust up as she slammed down his length once more.Reaching between them, Ty tugged her clit, rubbing in tight, jerky circles.The orgasm hovering close plunged into her.Bree screamed as the tightness in her belly released with a shocking ferocity, swamping through her body and making her shake.She spasmed around his hard cock, the sensations ratcheting almost to beyond bearable.With a quick twist, Ty flipped her to the bed.He captured her mouth with his, tongue plunging between her lips as he rammed his cock deep into her pussy.Bree shouted into his mouth as the climax flooded her with a molten heat.His groans grew loud and hoarse as his cock pulsed, filling her with his come.Ty slowed as Bree lay there dreamily, every nerve so sensitive the slightest touch of his body made her shiver with pleasure.She traced the muscles of his back and his tight ass.As Ty moved to her side, holding her tight, Bree’s eyes began to burn.She wasn’t sure how she was going to leave this man who’d somehow found his way into her very soul.* * *They reached the stadium a few hours before the show.Bree left Ty, heading to work, not wanting the distraction of his sexuality, or his concerned hovering.Both disconcerted her in ways she wasn’t used to.In ways she wasn’t sure she could deal with.Because tonight was the last show.Tomorrow, the band, including herself, would be packing up.The next day, they’d be gone.Washington.She wouldn’t see Ty again.As she performed the routine tasks of setting up the pyrotechnics, wires and fuses and control boxes, her mind drifted.Tonight, she’d stay with Ty at his house.She’d make it special, one last memory to comfort her during the dark, lonely nights ahead that were her norm.Beside her, someone cleared their throat.Bree jumped, looking up to see Calla standing nearby, a concerned expression on her face.“Hello,” Bree said, a bit huskily.“You know, it’s wiser to give in to destiny rather than fight it.”Bree shook her head.“Destiny doesn’t control me.”Calla smiled wryly.“I’ve said those same words before.” She shrugged.“Anyway, I wanted to let you know about the men we have stationed around tonight.”Calla went over the plans for ensuring Bree’s safety, her voice soft with worry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]