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.“You have steak?” My question would’ve been unusual before the end of the world.Now it was so foreign to talk about meat.Fresh meat, at that.He nodded.“Yep.Fat cows and sheep in the underground pastures.Just like the City of Vida.”I grinned.A steak might be good for me.Iron, protein.I was game.“Got any hamburgers?”“With the works.”“About time something goes my way.” My mouth was already salivating, but I swallowed it back.“Indeed.”Now that the room wasn’t spinning like I’d just gotten off an amusement ride, I managed to keep up with Christian as he headed toward the dining room.He ordered a burger with the works for me.I glanced around the crowded eating area and cringed.It was full of hybrid vamps.Lots of them, with hungry eyes and deafening whispers as I passed them by.Déjà vu sucked eggs.I wasn’t ready to fight, not here, not against these vampires.I had no weapons, no juju, nothing.I wouldn’t stand a chance.“Don’t worry.They have strict orders to not touch you.”“I’ve heard that one before.” I groaned and turned away before I let their haloed stares wear me down and make me want to bolt for the door.I wanted my hamburger.Christian’s eyes flashed at me, deep and determined.“I’m serious.It’s an immediate kill order for anyone who comes near you, no warning.”“What about you? You’ve touched me.”“I’m exempt.But I, unlike them, have no intentions of killing you.”“What about Mercer?”Christian flicked his eyes away and accepted the two burgers handed over by the cook.It was piled up tall with all the fixings, making my mouth water even more.In my mind, I was already savoring each and every delicious bite.“He’s not to be trusted.” He kept his voice low as we left the grill and reentered the rows of venomous stares.I pondered this while he led me back toward the room I’d been in earlier.It had a small table and two chairs in it.I figured it was probably best he took me there anyway.We were away from the prying eyes of dangerous folks who looked like they wanted me gutted and spitted.I had to figure out how to escape, but I really didn’t want to yet.I wanted that antidote, and I was all ready to stay as long as it took to get it.It wasn’t for me, though.I was never going to take the damned serum.I liked the way I was, but there was a whole new world out there that could use it.Once I had it in my possession, then I would figure out what to do with myself and get the heck out of there.Not until then.I was just hoping it wasn’t going to take long to get it.I was already missing Jeremy, Rye and all of my friends.The thought of them sent a sharp pain through my chest, and I sucked down a sip from my soda to cover it up.How I longed to be enjoying this burger with them.Jeremy would love it.He’d eaten one every day we’d spent in Vida.That and heaps of pizza loaded with all kinds of stuff on it.It’d been a good time, seeing him scarf down his favorite pre-epidemic favorites.The virus had stolen so many such pleasures away.Jeremy would understand my plight.If I told him that I wanted to save more people from Mom’s fate, he’d be completely aligned with me.I knew it.The thought rewarmed my frigid insides as I shoved an enormous, mouthwatering bite into my mouth.Chapter ElevenSalvation Is LoveRye“How the hell did she get away?” Rye paced the floor, unable to calm the raging fire consuming him ever since he’d discovered April was missing.“How did they get her? We were supposed to be secure.”“Calm down.” Blaze’s set jaw let Rye know he wasn’t immune to the disappointment either.Their enemy had effectively locked them out of their isolation area and snatched one of their own from right under their noses.“We’ll find her and get her back.”“Why are we sitting here, then?” Rye paused, staring out the glass wall of the lab.“She could be dead by now.Or worse.”“We’re trying to find the way they came in.Patience.”“They’re not trapped, we are.Leaving without her isn’t happening.”Blaze sighed, rubbing his temple and staring out the glass wall alongside Rye.“Christian betrayed us.He was our only link to this hive.If we stay, we risk being decimated by their ranks.”“We can’t leave!” Rye’s eyes widened at the suggestion.“She’s their prisoner.I can’t leave without April.” Rye shook his head, aware of the danger they were in.“I won’t leave.”“We have to go.Knowing April, she’ll figure a way out anyway.”“You did not just say you’re fine with abandoning her here.”“Rye.” Blaze grabbed his shoulders and tilted his head forward to meet him eye to eye.“This is April we’re talking about.If anyone can get themselves out of a mess, it’s her.”Rye continued to shake his head, unable to fathom what his cousin was about to do.“No, I can’t.”“You will come with us.It’s an order.” Blaze let go and headed toward the sleeping quarters where the others were waiting.No one would be happy with the news, but he knew Elijah and Sarah wouldn’t object.They knew April as well as he did.They would return to patrol the area for April, but it was now up to her to escape.The fortress was impenetrable, and they had no knowledge of the place, no guide.There was simply no option but to leave and let April figure it out from the inside.Rye smacked his wrist on the glass, and a dull pain instantly enveloped his hand.As much as it pained him to leave her behind, he knew Blaze was right.They were sitting ducks there, waiting for a slaughter.Still, the thought of leaving made him sick and desperate to save April.But how? How could he save her?Rubbing his throbbing wrist, he sighed and felt his heart ache.He’d make sure to patrol this area every day until April was found.He’d be there when she figured it out.She would, too, knowing her stubborn, conniving resourcefulness.She was the only person he’d always bet on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]