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.He was only wearing a dark T-shirt, and somehow, in these dire circumstances, she managed to notice that for a skinny punk he certainly filled out the T-shirt well.She also saw the dragon tattoo snaking down his arm.How fitting.“I’ll survive,” he said, starting the steep descent once more, dragging her after him.The hike down seemed endless, but at least she’d stopped shivering.Her sneakers kept slipping in the thin layer of snow, but Reno, in his smooth-soled cowboy boots, seemed to be having no trouble at all.His bright red hair was a beacon in the moonlit night—probably keeping him warm, she thought grumpily.When they finally came out onto the deserted mountain road, the small, narrow delivery van was waiting.“Thank God,” she breathed, heading for the passenger door.Only to have him catch her, hauling her back.“Right-hand drive,” he reminded her, opening the door.Now that they’d finally reached their destination, her muscles decided not to work.She tried to climb up into the van, but her legs refused to obey her, and her hands were too numb to haul herself in.He picked her up effortlessly, which was a shock, and put her in the seat, closing the door before coming around the other side.He reached beneath the dashboard and the engine roared to life, the headlights spearing through the darkness down the long, narrow road ahead.“Aren’t you afraid the Russians are going to find us?” She fumbled with the seat belt, finally managing to fasten it.“No.”“Why?”He shot her a look.“You don’t want to know.”“You killed them? How many people have you killed?” she demanded, shocked.“Their car went off the road.I don’t know whether they’re dead, and I don’t care.At least they’re not a problem right now.And as for how many people I’ve killed, you don’t want to know that, either.”She should feel sick.Horrified, stunned.But the horrible truth was, she felt fine.He killed.He killed to protect her.And some ancient, atavistic streak inside her wanted to preen and purr.She was one sick puppy.To cover the silence she leaned forward, fiddling with the knobs.“Is there any way to turn up the heat?”“Probably not.Stop bitching.I gave you my jacket.”“I didn’t ask you to.And I’m not bitching.I’m just not used to winters.”“I forgot—you’re a California girl.” He made it sound one step removed from the village idiot.She started to unzip the jacket.“Take your goddamn coat…”His arm slammed out, stopping her.“Leave it on,” he said.“I don’t need it, and you do.”As a matter of fact, she wished he would put it back on.She could see him too well in the reflection of the dashboard lights, and his muscled arms were…disturbing.Get over him, Jilly, she told herself sternly.He thinks you’re a pain in the ass.“Okay, I give up,” she said.“Take me to the airport and I’ll get the first plane out.I won’t fight you.”“It wouldn’t do you any good if you did fight me.You’re getting out as soon as it’s safe.Until I find out what’s going on we’re on our own, and I’m not going to let you walk into a trap.”“I’d be grateful you’re looking out for me if I didn’t think you were simply afraid of your cousin.”A faint smile curved his mouth.“I can hold my own against Taka.Remember, I grew up with him.But you’re right, I don’t want to piss him off unnecessarily.Besides, I like your sister.”“You do?” She was astonished.“My sister told me you hated all American women.”“There are exceptions.” He didn’t look at her this time, and his voice was cool.While she sincerely doubted she was one of the exceptions, she wasn’t going to push it.“So you’re not taking me to the airport?”“No.”Staying in Japan was hazardous to her health.Staying with Reno was asking for trouble.So why was she relieved? Because she’d gone out of her freaking mind, that’s why.“Why are you shaking your head?”She jerked, startled.He must have been watching her.How often had he watched her when she hadn’t realized it? And what had she given away?“Just disbelief about this stupid situation,” she said in all honesty.He wouldn’t know that the stupidity was her reaction to him.“You walked into it.You have no one to blame but yourself.”“Are you always this sympathetic?”To her surprise he laughed.She wasn’t sure if she’d ever heard him laugh before.She certainly hadn’t seen him smile.“Are you always such a pussy?” he said.She almost choked.“Believe it or not, I’m not used to running for my life.”“You managed once before.”“Isobel was a lot nicer.”“True enough.I’m not very nice.”“I noticed,” she grumbled.He laughed again.If she didn’t know better she’d think he was enjoying this.But he couldn’t be.He was saddled with a major irritation, and they were on the run for their lives.He could hardly be having a good time.She settled back into her seat, folding her arms across her chest.Hugging the jacket around her, as if it were his arms around her, protecting her.At least he wouldn’t realize what she was doing.Maybe, when she finally got on a plane back to California, he’d let her keep the jacket.It probably had American female cooties on it.Maybe it would remind her of what an idiot she’d been.Or maybe it would remind her of how his warm, hard body had felt beneath hers when she’d knocked him over in hysterical relief.Even without the jacket she was going to have a hard time forgetting.She needed to get laid.It was that simple, and it was only her ridiculously semivirginal state that was making her crazy.Obsessed with Reno.She needed to get back to California, choose the first nice, good-looking man she could find and get it over with.Someone with more discretion, patience and sympathy than the wretched Duke.And then she’d be completely immune.Because there was no room in her life for a Yakuza punk samurai.Or to be honest, there was no room in his life for her.And the sooner she accepted that fact the better off she’d be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]