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.He turned it over to close it – to place it on the nightstand – when he saw his name.All of a sudden, even with him in the house, I feel very alone, she’d written.I wish he were here in bed, sleeping next to me.His eyes moved to the top of the opposite page, but the fragmented sentence didn’t make any sense to him.He flipped back and found the beginning of that day’s entry.There was his name again.Nick’s asleep on the couch…Curiosity got the better of Nick.He wanted to know what she’d said about him.But as he started to read, he realized he was curious about Maddy, about her life, about her thoughts.He didn’t begin to think of it as prying until he got to the part about her brother.He tried to close the journal.He honestly did.But the story held him in a way no work of fiction ever could, because it was the real Maddy.A Maddy he couldn’t even begin to fathom.And so he read the entry to the end.Nick set the book back on the floor, the way it had fallen, and gently sat on the bed.She didn’t move.He watched her sleep, and wondered what had happened to Danny.Wondered why she kept him a secret.Wondered why she’d lie rather than acknowledge the fact she had a brother, because there was no doubt in Nick’s mind Danny was the boy in the photograph he’d seen.He reached out to touch her shoulder, and saw he’d been right.The sun had burned her just a little, and without thinking, he bent down to kiss the inflamed skin.It felt hot on his lips.He tasted it with his tongue – salty, a combination of the heat of the day and time spent on the water.She moved slightly, made a small noise.He whispered her name.Maddy slowly blinked against sleep and the light, and turned to look at him with those eyes that lit a match somewhere deep inside him.This was the first time he’d seen them just waking.It was something he wanted to get used to.“What time is it?” she asked.“Too early to worry about it.”“Why are you up?”“Something woke me.”They spoke in low tones.The voices people use for the night, even when they’re alone, as if anything louder would bring on the problems of the day too soon.“We should call the hospital,” she said.“I already did.She’s going to be fine.” He paused, ran his hand down her arm.Her fingers meshed with his.“I thought about going home.”“Don’t.”He reached to turn off the lamp.As he began to pull off his t-shirt, Maddy stopped him and got to her knees.“Let me,” she said.He felt her fingers searching for the hem and his stomach tightened.She moved slowly, exploring him.The shirt dropped to the floor.“Stand,” she whispered.She undid the button on his shorts.The sound of the zipper going down became the most erotic thing he’d ever heard.The shorts fell easily from his hips.He stepped out of them, brought himself closer to her.Her hands slipped into the waistband of his briefs.Her smooth palms followed the muscled planes of his haunches, taking the cotton fabric with them.His cock felt heavy, huge.He grasped her upper arms to pull her closer but she resisted.He didn’t know why until he felt her lips surround him, her warm, wet mouth begin to suck.Nick wanted to tell her she didn’t have to do this, but the words wouldn’t form.He groaned, taking her head in his hands, while Maddy’s fingers circled his thighs.She left him for just a moment, to murmur, “Oh, you taste good,” and he gasped her name, knowing he had to stop her or it would be too late.“Maddy, bring your mouth up here.”“You didn’t like that?” she asked against his lips.A short laugh escaped him.“Oh, baby…I liked that plenty.”“Then what?”She pressed against him so insistently he could feel the quickening again.“Stop, Maddy,” he whispered.“But I don’t want to stop.”His hands went to her hips.“Maddy, be still, or I won’t be able to stop.”The room grew quiet, the rhythmic lapping of the water under the house the only sound [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]