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.Pleasure built within her and she rolled her hips to his rhythm, arching her back in ecstasy.“Peder.” His name came more as groan than a word.He bent over her, his mouth over her nipple, sucking it so hard it tore a cry from her.Then he delved deeper, adding another finger and increasing the pace.She clung to his shoulders, gasping.Her nipple throbbed, aching from the ceaseless attention.With a finger slicked from her wetness, he circled her clit using firm, undulating strokes.Flares of sensation erupted inside of her, making her restless beneath him.Her pulse thundered in her ears and her flesh burned for Peder’s touch.“Please,” she begged over and over until suddenly his hand was gone.She gasped at the sudden loss then something far thicker pressed at her core.She shuddered.It was so unbelievably hot and rigid.He pressed a gentle kiss to her ear before whispering, “I’m going to make you mine now.” His hands settled around her hips.Then he thrust forward, stabbing deep and hard.Sharp pain speared inside of her, tearing a cry from her throat.Instinctually, she struck him and tried to crawl away but he held her tight.Very slowly, he withdrew but not all the way out.“That was the worst of it.Better to do it swiftly.” The heat of her passion had cooled.With his finger, he found her bud once again and gently pinched it between his fingers.A sudden shot of pleasure hit her system.She gripped the bedding and tried to catch her breath as Peder relentlessly played her body with an expert’s skill.He plucked at her nipples until they pebbled with aching need, waiting to be eased by the touch of his mouth.Sucking upon them one at a time, he began to move his hips, delving a little deeper with each stroke.Her hips rose, seeking more.His mouth tightened on her nipples, pulling harder until all her passion rolled into one.Pleasure gripped her so intensely.Having him fully inside her was too much, yet she needed more at the same time.She panted.“Faster.” He rose above her, holding his weight on his arms and gave her what she begged for.Intoxicating bliss began to build, engulfing her until the slivers of pain faded and only desire existed.Sweat coated both their bodies.She ran her hands over Peder’s ass and gripped him closer to her.He panted with the exertion and moaned.She moved under his body, meeting every hard thrust.“Yes, please, yes.” She couldn’t stop.She wanted his increasingly harder strokes.The rapture built like nothing she’d ever experienced before until she shattered in a climax that sent shards of ecstasy throughout her body.It left every part of her tingling.Peder arched his back as he ground against her and cried out her name.His orgasm pulsed inside her with new heat, those final thrusts sending her mind spinning into glittering dust.When the dust settled and she’d regained access to her thoughts, she sensed him still on top of her, catching his breath.He trembled and beads of sweat raced down his arms and chest.She couldn’t help but feel a little smug that she’d been able to undo him so.She pressed a kiss to his chest and he grunted before rolling onto his side, pulling her into his arms.In silence, they lay on their backs and stared at the few stars peering between the leaves above.The fire popped and she jumped, gripping at Peder’s waist.He chuckled.“I like that.”“What?”“You got closer when you startled.”“I’m sure many have sought you out for comfort before me.” She rested her head on his shoulder, her eyelids growing heavy.“Comfort, yes, but not protection.” He sighed.“I want this night to last forever.”She snuggled against him, breathing in their mingled scents, trying to ignore the implications of how many lovers he had before her.They would want him back, but that wasn’t going to happen.Peder belonged to her from now on.“Will you mark me?” Why had the Goddess given only the males the ability to mark their mates? Because she’d claim Peder now if she could.He slid his finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to meet his.The firelight flickered in his green eyes.“You would wear it?”“Of course I would.Haven’t you ever marked any of your lovers?” Her chest tightened.Please say no, please say no.“I was omega, Kele.I couldn’t fight to keep them.None of us are markers.” His voice cracked.“I mean, I am omega.” He growled in frustration.“I don’t know what I mean anymore.”She ran her fingers into his thick hair and pulled him in for a brief kiss.“I don’t see you as omega.You’re my equal, Peder, and you’ve already fought for me.Don’t you want to keep me?”His smile was full of promises [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]