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.Beast entered his study and opened the curious door I’d noticed right before I stupidly raced outside.Dusk settled over his bedroom, filling it with dark shadows.A faint outline of a large bed occupied the wall farthest from me.He didn’t stop to flip on a light, but strode confidently to yet another door on the side wall of his room.As we entered, he quickly illuminated the room with a flick of his hand.Two large, marble-textured light fixtures extinguished all night from the room.I pinched my eyes shut and burrowed into Beast’s chest to hide from the sudden change in lighting.When my eyes adjusted a few seconds later, I surveyed the master bathroom that was twice the size of mine upstairs.It sported two handcrafted, ivory sinks embedded in a marbled granite countertop that shone with a polished luster.A massive, gilded mirror stretched the length of the countertop and touched the ceiling, reflecting the image of a pale, dirty girl in the arms of a robust and hairy man.After walking over to the large garden tub, Beast gently placed me on the plush, midnight black rug.A glass shower stood next to the tub.Beyond that was an open, six paneled pocket door, revealing a porcelain toilet.I turned my head at the sound of rushing water.Beast held his hand under the running tub spout, testing the temperature.Silently, I watched him gather the supplies from around the room: several towels, a first aid kit, scissors, and a jumble of other things.Unloading his arms, he picked up the scissors.“I have to cut off your jeans.”My eyes widened with horror, but I couldn’t speak.“I’m sorry, but your wound needs to be cleaned.”My stomach clenched at the thought of being so naked before Beast.I swallowed the panic bubbling up my throat and inhaled deeply.I’m sure he’s seen girls in bikinis before, I thought, trying to make myself feel better.But it only took the edge off my unease.It wasn’t a bikini he was going to see me in, but my underwear.It was much too intimate a situation than I could deal with right now.I knew I was being superficial.I’d just had a near death experience, but I couldn’t help it.I guess almost dying didn’t rid me of old habits.Beast leaned forward and brought the scissors closer to my leg.I had to distract him if I wanted to keep my pants on.I grunted, lifting my trembling finger so close to his face that his eyes crossed for a moment.He softly brushed my finger away, his eyes finding mine.His full lips parted and for a split-second, I wondered if his lips would taste as good as he smelled.Then, I suddenly realized his lips had already been on mine in a life-saving gesture.For a moment, I wished I’d been able to feel it.Man, I sounded shallow, but my heart thumped lively in my ears.Wasn’t that what living was about? Experiencing life.Taking risks?“I can’t do anything about your finger.” He dropped his sad eyes to the orange handled scissors.My brows furrowed, and thoughts of kissing him floated from my mind.My finger pulsed, as if taunting me with the terrifying unknown.He couldn’t fix it? My mind relived the hot, searing pain that exploded the moment his tooth cut my skin.Suddenly, I had to know.“What did you do to me?” I coughed out the words, staring at the small paper-cut-like wound on my finger.“Tay…” He pleaded not to answer.“You’re exhausted.I need to clean you up so you can rest.”I shook my head, and instantly regretted it, as nerves spiked in pain.His hands cradled my head like he was willing the pain away.“Try not to move.”The impulse to roll my eyes was strong, but I was afraid of causing more pain, so I focused on getting my answer.“Please, I need to know.” My voice was like gravel on my vocal chords.His hands left my head and he shook his own with such finality that my temper flared out of control, giving me a burst of strength.“You’re telling me no,” I shouted incredulously, but it came out more like a croak.His cool eyes flicked up to mine, flashing silver for only a moment.My throat hurt, but anger swelled in me like a tidal wave I couldn’t stop.“I almost died!”Beast flinched as if I’d hit him.The exertion of yelling sent me into a coughing fit.Beast brought a cup to my lips, and I inhaled a few sips of water.My stomach gurgled when the cool water hit it.Touched by his gentleness, I continued with a softened tone.“You did this to me.And it was your secrets that got me here in the first place.But I’m not going to be blinded anymore.” I laced my words with steel, inflaming my scratched throat in the process.He looked deeply into my eyes, his sorrow and pain naked before me.In a small, strangled voice he uttered, “Wasn’t nearly dying enough for one day? You’re lucky to have survived.Just leave it alone.I promise I’ll explain after you’ve rested.”“No.” I plead with my eyes for him to understand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]