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.He thought I was stopping him before anything unchangeable happened and before he completely closed off the ideas that were burning in his eyes, I whispered, “I’m ready.”“Uh …” He looked down at me, utterly confused for a moment.His nostrils flared then, searching my scent.His gaze darkened with desire, but there was something else, too, uncertainty, hesitation.I was a bit — a lot — terrified of that small spark in his eye.The one that pushed past everything else, showing me what I’d seen before.I was slowly losing his inner-wolf.I could see it, God, I could even smell it.I pulled in a shuddering breath, my nerves skittered and jumped.I pushed away from him, sitting back on my heels.“I mean if you haven’t changed your mind, that is.” My voice (thankfully) was cool, not giving way to my jittery nerves, although I was pretty sure he could smell them anyway.He shook his head in a violent shake against the pillow.“No, no, I haven’t.You just kind of caught me off guard there.I figured.well, I thought.”“You don’t sound too sure,” I said, knotting my hands in the hem of my tank.Aidan scrubbed at his face, and groaned.“I just don’t want you rushing into this if you’re still not sure, and I don’t want this to happen if it’s just to fix things with the pack or with me.”My inner-wolf was a traitor.I was trying, man, was I trying, to play it cool, but thanks to her, my body was burning wickedly hot.She wanted to fix that fading look in his eyes.I did, too, but that wasn’t the only reason I wanted this.My mind, my body, my inner-wolf just knew it was time to stop being afraid of losing myself to him, because the truth was, I’d been lost since the first time I met him.“This is for me,” I said.“If it helps to fix the pack, that’s an added bonus, but this is for me.”Aidan was … nervous, like really nervous.It was kind of sweet and seriously unexpected.That deadly, predatory guard of his was gone.“This is forever, Jade.It can’t be undone.”“Good,” I said and smiled.“I want forever with you.I love you.”Aidan didn’t seem sure, not even a little.He eyed me with doubt that pierced like a hot needle through my heart.And suddenly I couldn’t breathe.His eyes narrowed, but not unkindly.It was as if he were trying to decide if he should take me seriously or brush me off.After a painfully long moment, he said, “Come here.”And my body (or it could have been my inner-wolf) obeyed the command.Before I even realized I was moving, I was leaning into him again.He sat up and caressed my cheek, a steaming brush of fingertips trailing along my jaw and dipping down my neck.“You sure?” he asked.I nodded.I lifted my hands, pressing them against the hard lines of his chest.He continued caressing my skin, a slow trail back up my neck and my lips parted when his fingertips touched them and he paused, slowly tracing their edges.He kissed me, but it wasn’t demanding.It was soft, testing, and he tasted sweet and minty.Warmth spread through my entire body right down to my toes and suddenly I didn’t want the sweet, soft kiss.I wanted more.I needed more.Everything poured out of me.All the desire I’d been hold back since I first met him made me feel as if I were on fire.I leaned back from him, breaking the kiss, and stripped off my tank.I wanted to feel his skin against mine so badly it physically hurt.Aidan watched me for an excruciatingly long minute.His eyes flared golden, his inner-wolf coming out.His let out a low growl of approval and licked his lips.And then his hands were on me, and mine on him.Our lips met.Gone was the sweet testing kisses.He didn’t hold back, and neither did I.The world around us began to tilt and fade until all that was left was him and me, lost in scorching touches and feverish kisses.CHAPTER 31~ AIDAN ~“Can this wait?” I asked.Okay, it was more like a demand into the phone.I tried not to look at Jade as she crawled back into bed, but not looking wasn’t really an option.My gaze drifted back to hers and I met her hooded eyes.With her long brown hair, still damp from her shower, hanging over her shoulders, and her perfect creamy skin, my blood was already running hot just looking at her.But then she gave me a seductive, hot as hell smile and wagged her finger at me, calling me back to bed and my entire body went up in flames.“No, kid, it can’t.” Tommy’s voice, perpetually rough, held a lot more gravel than usual.“I’m bringing the boys to you now.We’re ten minutes out.”I rubbed at my face and let out a frustrated growl.The sun was just barely up and Jade was lying in my bed with nothing more than a towel on.Damn, all I wanted to do was get back in there with her, but of course I couldn’t.There was something else that needed my attention.“I need thirty,” I said, watching her wind a strand of hair around her finger.I breathed in a deep lungful of air, catching her new scent, and a growl started to build in my throat.“No, make that sixty.”“Ah, hell, it happened, didn’t it?” Tommy muttered.He paused for a second, letting out a long breath that crackled over the phone line.“Shit, kid, this really can’t wait.It’s about Jared.I’m so.”“Don’t say you’re sorry,” I snapped before he could get the word out, and I forced myself to turn away from Jade.“I’m liable to kick your ass when you get here if you do.”“But I am.” He paused for another long breath and then said, “Ten minutes.”With a curse, I hung up the phone and walked over to the bed.I leaned over Jade, gave her a long and more than a little possessive kiss, and then as much as I hated to do it, I pulled away from her and said, “Time to get dressed, sweetheart.The guys will be here in ten.”Her reply was a purr that came close to undoing me.“We still have ten minutes.”~ JADE ~Aidan laughed.I didn’t think I had ever heard him laugh like that before.It was real and full of cheery energy.He was happy and I loved it.He caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead, and then he pulled away again.“Ten minutes isn’t long enough,” he said, his voice low and husky.He backed up a step and smirked.“I’m going to jump in the shower and you better have your cute butt dressed when I’m done.” Aidan didn’t wait for my protests before he turned around and headed out of the room.A second later I heard the rush of the shower as he turned it on.With a long sigh, I pulled myself out of bed grudgingly.I went to the dresser, tugging open a drawer, and began to riffle through the minimal clothing I had here at the house.I had only just gotten out of the shower when Aidan’s phone had gone off.I knew it was freakin’ horrible to be annoyed at the interruption, but I couldn’t help it.Really, was it too much to ask for just a few more uninterrupted hours with my new mate?Then again, it wasn’t as if they knew we had taken that step yet, so I figured I really couldn’t blame them.Letting my towel drop to the floor, I pulled on a pair of panties and then fastened my bra.Even annoyed, I was still grinning.Last night had been more than I had expected.So much more.It had been a slow, blissful hour, full of sensual exploration, discovering each other in an entirely different way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]