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.I slid my hand to the nape of his neck, feeling bold, and kissed him, capturing his startled gasp with my lips.When he caught on to what I was doing, his hands cupped my face, returning my kiss.“What was that for?” he asked when we broke the kiss.I swept his tousled hair back from his forehead with my fingers, and said, “Even Superman should be kissed senseless every once in a while.”The frown on his face vanished, replaced by a smile and I swear the clouds parted and the sun shone.On the other hand, maybe it was just me basking in that sexy smile.“Fancy a walk in the rain?” he asked me, his eyes darting to my hair, then back to my face.“That is, if you don’t mind getting wet.Even though I have to say, I love you wet.” He whispered those last words in my ear and I almost combusted on the spot.I nodded, excitement rushing through my veins like a drug in my system.I couldn’t remember the last time I walked in the rain.He took my handbag and slung the strap over his body.I grabbed his hand and tugged him forward and into the drizzle, laughing.I wanted to run with his hand in mine and feel my heart thumping in my chest while the cool rain fell around us.His legs were long, but he slowed down enough to accommodate my strides.We stopped next to the Octagon Basin, out of breath, laughing.When the drizzle turned into a downpour, I grabbed him by the neck and crushed my mouth to his.This time he was ready.We finally made it to the motorcycle, just as the rain eased off a bit.He carefully weaved in and out of traffic as we drove to his townhouse.My front was plastered to his back and his warmth seeped into me.“I’m so wet for you right now,” I whispered in his ear.His back vibrated from his growl.“Remember that illegal move you did in your art room? The one that ought to be forbidden in every country? I want that, Remington.”“You’re killing me, Selene.You know what this means, don’t you?” he asked, pulling to a stop as the lights turned red.I kissed his back, before whispering, “Tell me.”He darted a look at the lights, and then over his shoulder at me.“When we get home, I will rip your clothes off, and then kiss, suck, bite, and lick every part of your body.I can’t wait to taste you.Mon Dieu.I can’t get enough of you.” He grabbed one of my hands from his waist and dragged it down to his crotch.“Do you feel this? This is for you, ma belle.Are you ready for it, Selene?”“Yes!” I almost screamed as my heart raced and my breathing became harsh, matching his.“Très bien, ma chérie.” His accent deepened with lust.He released my hand and squeezed my knee.I just about jumped off the bike at the contact.He laughed low and dirty as we sped off when the lights changed.He rolled the bike up the drive, haphazardly parking it before jumping off, and lifting me from my seat.After quickly divesting our jackets and helmets, he scooped me in his arms and headed for the door.“God, I love your arms.So strong,” I said, snuggling deeper into his chest.No one had ever tried to carry me like this, so I was going to enjoy being spoiled while it lasted.He laughed, pressing a kiss on my forehead and stopping at the door.“Keys in my trousers.Right side pocket.”I repositioned myself, and did as instructed.Jesus, the man had strong thighs.And oh, my God! Was that his—“Found something you like in there?” He grinned at me.“Yes, I did.” I flung the door open and as soon as we stumbled through, he kicked it shut, slid me down his body and pushed me up against the door.“Well, then.” He jerked his pelvis forward, hitting me right where I wanted him.“So I have the license to do very dirty things to you.”Before I could speak, his mouth was on mine, kissing me passionately and desperately as if he couldn’t get enough of me, as if the thought of not having his lips on mine was driving him to the point of insanity.And I loved it.I fisted his hair, tugging it hard.A groan rumbled in his chest as his tongue swept and plunged into my mouth in the same rhythm as his hips.He pulled back, breathing hard as his shaking fingers fumbled with my zipper, and for a moment, I thought he’d rip my jeans off as he had promised.He growled in satisfaction when he finally got through and I lifted my shaky legs.He tossed the jeans behind him, and his eyes shone with lust as he realized I had told him the truth.I was commando.He hooked his hands inside my lilac lace bra, and ripped it off my body.“Holy shit! That’s so hot, even though that was my favorite bra.God, Remington,” I screamed his name as he tore the blouse from my body, his lips kissing, sucking, biting, and then kissing me better, just like he’d promised.Then I remembered he had a son and he might be stumbling around in the house.“Oh, God, Remington.Where’s Adrien?”“He won’t be home for another hour.” He dropped to his knees, grabbed one of my legs, and hooked it over his shoulders.He shoved his head between my thighs, and brought his mouth to my pussy, the sexy sounds he made in his throat vibrating through my body and making me wetter.He pulled back and slid his hands to my breasts.“I love how your breasts fit in my hands.Hmm, just right.” He rolled my nipples between his fingers, and then, slid his hands down my body to my hips.“Touch your breasts, ma belle.”I stared at him, feeling very turned on and awkward.I had never done this before.Would I look silly? Who touches themselves?“Do it,” he commanded softly, his heavy-lidded gaze sweeping down to my chest.He licked his lips and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.He glided his strong hands down the sides of my body in encouraging worshipful strokes and I felt like a goddess.“I want to see you touch yourself.”I did as he asked, basking in his fervent gaze, boosting my confidence.I squirmed at the contact.Oh, holy wow! That was.interesting.I peeked at him through my lashes and smiled seductively.Or I hoped it was a minx-like smile.He looked like he was about to pounce on me any second and complete the task himself.“Yes, that’s it.Don’t stop.” He brought his mouth to my pussy and used his fingers to bare me to his tongue.His scruff rubbed against the inside of my thigh, arousing me more.I screamed as he flattened his tongue on me, stroking my clit, then sucking gently.He rumbled deep in his throat, the sound humming its way up my body, and I shattered.My orgasm shook me to my very foundation.Without warning, he shot to his feet and crushed his mouth with mine passionately, possessively and claimed me.Jesus, I could taste myself on his tongue.He wrapped his arms around me, holding me as I rode my orgasm.“Are you all right?” he asked, hoarsely.I nodded into his chest, unable to raise my head.He scooped me in his arms and closed the distance to the sofa, tossed me on it, any signs of gentleness gone and straightened.“Don’t move.I’ll be right back.”As if I would.“Where are you going?” I asked, following his delicious butt disappear up the stairs with my eyes and then grabbed a pillow, plunked it on my face, and giggled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]